Bepart:sent of Virgi
—The Union o-yalry on Friday made a roconnole:
paneo Within Varco yiles of Winchester. Thoy eave
» large for) of Rebel cavalry and artillery in the
‘vielnity of Snicker’s Gap, where they had a sigvat
Won. Another econting expedition on Saturday
foorning ascertained that the Rebels wore in strong
free inond near the Gap. In the first reconnoie-
Liout. Clifford
, ono of Gen. Plons-
snton's aide, who went out on Friday afternoon to
tommumicute with Gen, Bayard, who commands
Gon. Sigel's cavulry, was etopped by a whole column
of Rebel cavalry coming down the road from
jnce we took overal prisoners.
© Thomeon, late of Tur Trinvs
Bnicker’s toward Aldio. ‘Lisut Thomeon
tunnou and exw holla exploding toward Ald
from which it was inferred that Gen B.
ant was boving brush with
Rebola, St
Pieces of artillery, All accounts agree that the
Robols aro in forvo near Snickeraville, and that they
mean to hold the Gap. Our cavalry seems to bo
hovering all around the Rebel front the north of
Bnicker's down nearly to the Mannsens Gap Rail-
toad. Wo cannot speak moro perticularly of the po:
tition of our troopa: Lat timo will coon dovelop im-
fortant events, Tt is euid that all the Rebel fogces in
Weetern Virginia avo joined Leo's army. Tho
Redola are stid to hold ‘Thoroughfare Gap. Gen,
Plegsanton, whore « Jead our-adyunce, bad o
Bght on Saturday with the euciny’s cavalry at Phil-
omont, Snicker’s Gap. It waa an artillory
ting about five honre’ Tho Rebels
illoge abont three miles
wwas one killed and foar-
renewed the attack, being re
morning Gen. Pleasant
nforced by a brigade
ofinfantry. Tho Rebcls retreated, and onr treops
pocupied Union. Upto3 p.m. our loss yas one
killed ond four wounded. Meavy firing was heard
in that direction until dark, ‘but the resalt was not
known. Tho dispatch stating this nows abrapt
dds that another portion ef our army took posse
sion of Suicker’s Gap to-day.” ‘The oceupntion of
this Gap is confirmed by a later dispatch from
General MoClcllen's Chief of Staff to the Presi-
dent from Heudquarters, No 8 p. m,, thos:
have just received a dispatch from Gon. MeClol-
Inn, duted at Svickor’s Gap, 8 p..m., stating that he
hos posession of the Gap. When Gen. Hancock
arrived there, it was held by tho eu 5
who were at once driven out by a column of frow
5,000 to 6,000 infantry. The Rebels advanced to re
lake it, but wore dispersed by the fire of our rifle
heir wounded left ind."
[SuicKer'e Gap is in the Blue Ridge, on the
coud from Alexundria to Winchester. It is 14)
miles from Alexandria to Fairfax Coart-Honse,
4 miles farther fo Aldig's Gap in the Bull
Ran ienntatds, and 14 farther to Snickorayille
tnd Gap. Passing through the Gap the She-
peadovh River iv within a mile or two; Win
ehester is 21 milea weet of the G: 1 burg
ls abont 15 miles north-east of Snicker's.} We have
aewe from the other eids of the mountains indicat-
ing that the Rebels are engaged in exteusive move-
aucuts, some down tho Slevandoab toward Sb
@alo Springs and others up the: river in the Front
Royal ond -Mevarens Gap direction. Gen, Juckeon
gas at Berryville (midway botween Winchester and
Bnicker's Gap).
~Disparches of Mondey evening from General
HicClellan’s Leadquartera cay that the sdvunca of
the Army of tkr-Poeeags up the Valley on the lofi
Ade of he Bluc Rid, te-verag-prsmes Cera wiv
ail dispatch. Pleasanton eceapied Upperville
Bionday afternoon, after # epirited envagomunt with
the enemy lusting about four hours. We bed ne
killed, but ceveral wounded. ‘The Rebels left three
pf their dead upon the field. Upperville is four
miles from Achby's Gap, which the Rebels aro en-
deavoring tohold. Our trees now bold all the
Gaps up to Ashby’, with every prospectof having that
wosn. ‘There waseome force of the enemy on Monday
‘ont of Suicker'a Gap, on the leit bank of the
Bhenandonb, to dispute our passage at that point, Tho
army iseaid to be in better condition than it ever hue
been, with the exception of the want of moro caval.
ry. From Fairfax we learn thet our cayalry onder
Gen, Stahl dreve the enemy out of Thoroughfare
Gap.on Monduy evening, and took poscession of that
point. They also hold Buckland Mills, The Rebel
Yorces remained undisturbed at Catlott's Station end
—A force of Cavalry belonging to the command of
Gen, Kelley, left Cumberland, Md., on the 2th ult,
making o forced march inlo Virginia in search of
Robe] marauding Cavelry, who had been commilting
Gepredations in tbat section, They marched all ni
end came up with them next morning, capturing 16
priconers and 20 horses; alzo, 150 head of cattle,
which theee guerrillas bad stolen frou the citizens of
en adjoining county.
—Tive Washington Star of the 30th ult. says that
Gen. Burneide hes already advanced down along
the eastern base of the Blue Ridgo, and formed a
practical jauction with Gen. Bigol, their linoa of
pickets joining.
—Stosrt, with from 1,500 to 2,000 cavalry, eame
fm on the Slat ult. from Union to Mortville, and at-
tacked a email force of our cavalry, d
toward Aldie.
—Sixteen Rebel prisonore anda large number of
raido were captured in Hardy County, Va., by our
tryope on the 29h ult,
—We ere permitted to make the following extracts
from aletter written by a soldier of the Army for
the Union, dated at Hagerstown, Oct. 2
“Tneithor see nor bear of any pt or thought
ef aforward movement, and I begin to bo afraid
thut & repetition of Jast Wintor‘a insctivity 13 the
Pilicy of tbo coming Winter. I pray wo God it is
got, for I would ratber, and #0 would the whole
prmy, endure the eufferiuga and privations of an
active Winter's campaign, then lio idlo and fritter
way our time with “ull qaiot wlovg the Potomac.
The feeling and eentimout of tho army is, among
those who read and think (and, let me tell you, t
« iso vact amount cf education, thought, and braivs
Jn the rank nud file of the Army of the Potomac),
* Why don't we move? We must huve un over
svheliing foreo in the feld—why not crush ait the
Rebel army of Virgivin before tho mud of Winter
Prevents our moving atall!’ After the let of Jau-
Geary, it will be imposible for aa army to wove."
Department of the bio.
—Between 300 and 409 destitate Fast Tenncesse-
ens arrived ut Lexington, Ky., on the Slut ult., hay-
ing made theit way thore to join the U
{€boy went to Cincinvali to be clothed.
n army,
Depertment of Miesonr
—Gen. Behofiold’s dispatches from Fayetteville,
Ark., suy that oo the 27h, Brig.-Gen, Mormon, with
tho 1st Towa Cavalry and the 7th Missouri Cavalry,
ant had como down through tho Gap, tho
Hay previons, with ecyeral thousand cavalry und four
reconnoiesauco up tho Apalachicola River, which
you XXIE...N® 1,104,
NOVEMBER 8, 1862
Our force was nbont 1,000 strong, while the Rebo!
a fow wagons.
—Lient.-Col, Stuart, of the 10th Tlinois Cavalry,
recently met and completely ronted a Rebel force
double his own near Marshficld, Mo., who wore
on roato to join the Rebol forces in tho line of the
South-Weat, Col. 8. killed and wounded a con-
eideroble number of the Rebels and captured %
priconers, among Whom Was ono captain,
Stuart's loss only one killed and one wounded.
forces combined, pusbo
Mille, five miles from Pocahontas, where thoy fought
Burbridge, completely routing his forces, aud cap-
turig w large number of prisonors, incladiog many
Rebel offcera, A luter dispateh from Col. Lazar
says that tho killed, wounded, and captared of tho
cnomy nmount to 236, Our loss was one killed and
four wounded,
—Jadge Semple Orr was arrested at Joffercon
City, Mo., on Thuraday lust, by order of Gon, Loan.
Tho conse of the arrest is that he dolivered a
speech in which he dovlared the proclamation of
President Lincoln to liberate the elayes was unwive,
impolitic and uncalled for, nnd Uecauee be expressed
doubte of (he ability of (he Admicistration to carry
out, lawfally, the purposce of the proclamation.
tant arrest was made on tho 3let alt. in
St. Lonis—that of James R. Lackland, @ prominent
lawryor—cburged with publicly niding the rebellion
by charging that it was brought about by the loyal
le of tho North. If that were a causo of arrest
ork there would be a great many editorial
us vacant on ebort notice,
—A Krnsas City dispatch of Nov. 4 saya:
A fight tool place yesterday botween @ portion of
Catherwyood's 6th Cavalry M.S. AL, and Quantrell,
Quantrell burned a train of twelve wagons, Killing
‘a and taking tweuty-five prisoners. Cather-
m near Reso Hill, defeating hira
in a pitched battle, and ia now io pursuit.
nora jast relumed to Memphis,.from Little
ort bot 500 rebel troops there, tbe main
body having gone to retoforco Holmes. Robbers on
the State lino, conth cast of Memphis, are becoming
ry tronblewwme. They stop victims, aud demand
their movey and pergonal effects, and, if any romon-
tranco is mado, they shoot. Three citizons, at Point
Pleysant, Were mardered a fow days since.
Departmont of tho Miasiaslppl.
—Advices from Holly Springs to the 29th ult, eny |
thot largo re-enforcemonts ure pouring in. Thero is
no movement of Rebol troops from tbut pl
cept Villopiguo's brigude to Moridion. The p
of Hernando aro said to be moving their ulayes and
other property into the interior,
—Corinth dispatches of the Slet ult, eay that the
wil messenger had come in there from Chevalle,
and reported that our scouts had scoured the coontry
ys far avuth ng Ripley, but diacoversd no,trace of the
—In Memphis, ordera haye been izaued by Gen.
Shermun that steawors with cotton and other
merelyndi eT ao
Yrope* yjotification o or Memphis.
—The Union fore’ at Island No. 10 have again
tho Tennessee ebore, aud wero recently coul-
acting a fort uador the protection of a Union gun-
Department of the Gulf.
+-Commander Howell, of the gunboat Pohoma,
ander dato of the 14th of October, coast of Florida,
reports to the Navy Department that on tho 6th ivat.
dition left for the purpose of demolishiog
come Robel enlt works npon the mainland. Tho ex-
pedition consicted of foar boats from the Tohoma
d four from the steamer Somerset, numbering in
nll 111 men. Two of tho boate had howitzers,
Twenty or thirty armod guerrillas wero put to fight
by the sholls, sbrapuel, and canister with which tho
houses, woods, and underbrush were esarcked. Then
the small-arms men landing deployed as ekirmishers
on each side of the flank of the gos, and the work-
ing parties destroyed the boilers, which were of
yerions slopes end carious constraction, Tbe houses
in the ionnediate vicinity were fired, and the boat
proceoded to the next atation. Hore the boats cov-
cred the working purtics. It was necsscary to put
owitzer choll through two very thick cast-iron und
teyo wrought-iron boilere, Tho buildings were then
bureed, Just after leaving the latter place, the
cira came in, end probably Lronght revnforcements,
as the people on abore yelled und shouted, and fin
some twenty ebotaut the boats. From tho sound i
wee judged the ohota were from Mini
an €
Filles. None of them, however, étr y
mien, nor conld they Lsve done nny barm, as tho
distance wus (oo great. ‘The expedition was entirely
snccessful. Some twenty-eight Loilera were de-
etroyed, and all the buildinga within reach destroyed
but two, upon Wey Koy. No confasion wus exhib-
ited in landing, nor was there any doparture from
the instructions given prior to it, There was no usc-
leva expendiluro of amuauition, end no one was
—The English stermer Anglia, from Port Royal,
under commund of Lieut, Chas, C. Carpenter, a
prize (o U, & eteamer Plug and U, 8. bark Kestlees
arrived ut this port on Tuceday, end anchored off
the Nuvy-Ynrd. She was captured on the 27th ult.
abont four miles inside of Bull’s Bay, by boats from
the U. 8, steamer Blog, under command of Lieut
‘. Cha, C. Carpenter, and Lieut. Comd'g.
Edvard Conroy of Bark Rettleas, She was from
Nassuu, with cargo of arms, uromuvition aud other
contrabaud goods, and was attempling to run the
blocknde. ‘The Anglin is an iron steamer, was built
to carry the mai) between Holyhead and Dublin,
and ia considored very fuet. ‘The prize etcamer
Scotia (Englich), captured by the bark Restless, on
the 24th ull., was repairing, and will coon be cent
North, ‘Pho Anglia and Scotia ure sister ebips, and
have very valuable cargoes on board, consisting of
arms, powder, eta, otc.
—By the Anglin we have received intelligence of
the domize of the accomplished and gallant Genera
cbel, who died at Beaufort, 8, C., on the 30th
ult., of yellow fevor.
ongea of that fi
—Actiog Lientevant-Commanting McCauley of the
er Fort Heury reports on Oct. 164 sooond |
ettacked a Rebel camp four miles evst of that place.
reeulted in the cepture of the oop G. L. Byocken-
forcea numberod 3,000, commanded by Col. Cravens.
Afier a ebarp engagement, the enemy was com-
pletely routed, leaving all bis camp eqnipmenta ond
The loes of tho enemy was cight
dead on the field, Qur loss was fivo woundod, one
Ho also
captured a number of horees, shot guns, rifles, &o.
—Advicos from tho army in South-East Miszonri
state that after the xecent euccees of our forces ut
Pittman’s Porry, Cols, Lazar and Dowey, with their
on a8 far as Bullioger
1) borough, which had been ecuttled and which had
op board aixty-four bales of cotton, A launch from
the Sogamore cleared tho river banks
and killed a nomber of thom,
—A dispatch from Jackeoo, Tenn.,
nows received at Grant's heud
from the South, via Rienza,
WDopnrtment of tho Sonth,
from New-Orleans to the 28th ult.
up the river, to clear out the guorrilla parties which
bad been infesting tho banks and annoying our eteam-
ersfor tome time. Threo Episcopal clergymen, the
Rev. Dra, Leacock, Goodrich and Falton, arrested
by Genoral Batler,as Secossioniste, camo in the Ca-
hawba, ia charge of Capt. Pufler, of tbe Gonoral’s
stall, who ia ordered to lodgo them in Fort Lafayotte.
—Tuesday night’a dispatebos from beadqnarters
report our occupation of Asbby’s Gap. From the
Lights a favorable view of tho Shenandoah Vulloy
was bad, but no large body of the exemy wea to bo
seen, Winchoetor was plainly visible. ‘Tho cavalry
nod artillery onder Gens. Pleasanton and Averill
occupied Piedmont on Monday night. Next worn-
ing thoy pusbed on, and, after a spirited skirmish,
cecupied Marquette. They now hold the approachca
(o Manaseas and Chester Gaps on the left of the Bluo
Ridge Mountain, Tho'Rebol cavalry ehowed thom-
solves opposite Saickor’s Gap, and were algo viciblo
from the Maryland Highta
—Information from Manaesas Juuction says that
the portion of Gen, Sickles's commund sent forward
to look after the Orange and Alexandria Railroad,
found it in better condition than yas anticipated to a
point nearly up to Gatlott's The railrond
bridge at Broad Run was found partially burned by
tho Rebels, and its eupporta partly enwed throngh.
Kettle Ron Bridge was found aninjared. Our troops
hold the country in the vicinity of Brenteville, and
hayo driven in tho patroling Rebel parties npon
Warrenton Javction. Tbe Manassas Railroad is in
pretty good working order clear up to Thoroughfure
—Gen. Hunter will at once return to Port Royal
and resume hie command inthe Department of the
South, Gen. Mitchs! was not the gctaal commander,
having been cout only temporarily, while Gen.
Hunter was on. impottant businass at Washington.
—Thot groat braggart, Gen. Hindman of Arkans|
a8, bas fallen into disgrace, and fs now in prison at
Little Rock, He is to be ecut to Richmond for trial.
Albert Pike cbneges hitn with all manverof outragee,
That Goneral saye that while Gon. Hindman was in
Momphis be went to tho banka of that city, under
the assumed anthority of Gen. Beauregurd, and
meda thom fork over $1,000,000 for military opera-
tions in Arkensas, end that after getting into the
lattor Stato be issued a eerics of most extraordinary
military orders. Tho firet daclored martial law;
the next bud all tho cotton seized forthe Confed-
erate Government; tho next ordered all provisions,
of whatever kind, likely to fall into tho hands of
. Curtis, to be dostroyod; tho next, that all tho
ells iu the conntry through which Gen. Curtia
might pass ‘ahould be poisoned; -and finally, that no
citizou should pass boyond the limita of Arkansoa for
any purpose whatever.
—A released prisoner from Bigham ap—>
and is in hyery way 8 (ough customer, Slo bus been
completed about a mouth, and bas made several trips
to Fort Darling, She has us yefut ons gun on
board, bat the other guoe for her were all ready.
‘The machinery works well, end che can ensily mako
eight miles per hour,
—Tho Weehawken, one of the iron-clad boats to
bo built after the plan of the Monitor, was Inunched
ou Wednesday morning at Jersey City. ‘The Wee-
huwken bas ber machinery in, and is completed with
the exception of putting on tho turret, She is 200
feet in length, 46 feot beam; 11 foot 10 inches in
depth, The turret is 11 inches thick, 21 feet interna!
diaweter, and 9 feet bigh, avd pierced for two gana,
one 11 inches and the othor 15 inches,
—With regard to the draftin tho City of New-York
Gen. Anthon bolda that all mon who have received
the city be should be counted in the city quota,
nnd will insiat that interior counties which claim that
their citizens have oplisted hore sbull prove the fact
aud retura the county money before deda
made from our recorded liste,
ong are
Pxamining-Surgeon Whitely at Harrisburg, Pa.,
was recently detected charging fees for the oxumin-
ation of drafted militia and substitutes. He waa
mmediately arrested and dismigsod from the eervics.
‘The Boand of Supervisors of Erio Conaty, N.Y,
havo appropriated $200,000 to aid enlistments, and
will pay a bounty of $100 to each volunteer en!
ing for bine mouthe,
o stonmnship Alabama is craisiug withia
) miles of Sandy Hook, burning every Anierican
vessel che cau find, Yhia is cheorfal news, indeed.
Sailing under the British fog, this Algerine
steals up like acoward to an ansuspecting
suddenly hoists the fay of Jeff. Davis and pounces
upon bis prey.
—The State of New-York han raised and ecnt to the
war already more than two hundred thousand men.
This vast army ts claasificd as follows:
iments a 13,41
Recralte for tegimonte in field.
4 Resimen
6 Betalie
UI Hatter
1 Regimen
1 Bate
Rocket Hattelion «
Total tout forv
‘Aad reoraite raleed and being organ
Whole nomber ratsed..
—The Britieh oteamec Anglia hea been captured
in Bull's Bay, 8. C., laden with arms and goods for
the Rebels, This veracl was the mate of the Scotin,
|sleo captured by ourcrnieers, Both are now steam-
ers, oud aro, with (heir cargoos, valued at neurly a
million of dellara.
ave nnot
but the
—Tho British brig Salon, of St. John, N. B., Capt.
Buddie, from Cadiz 37 days, recently arrived hero,
reporte that off the 8tb ulk, lat. 35: 90, long. 25, saw
"ia thus far no corroboration of the states
of guerrillas,
tho 2d, cays that
quartere, yesterday,
confirms the captare of
—Tho arrival of tho Catawba bringa’ edvicea
—An expedition under General Weitzel had gone
Jo, 2, | Set ies
: en Pus: Morrmeo No, 2, seporjs that | Turtle. De eee ae ene
thet Veal is thoroughly and heavily elud with tron, | Juste: Papsh Circuit, Roger B. Taney, Ch
. | er ramor, from Scceaston roarces, |
Thore were also navy otber| of tho cupfure of Mobile. It is very possibly truo, | from Oaweg
a large bark, with threo brigantines in
largor vemol apparently controlling th
ofthe others, Tho oflicers of the Salon
to bo a privateer,
—Tho steam transport Haze arrived bi
day from Nowberp, N. C., in charge of Ca
Sweet, U. 8, M.A., and a navy crow,
Captain (Clift), frat and second officers,
gineer, cook, end steward having beon
Nowbern. She was delivered to the Qu
—A Baltimore dispatch of the 3lst ub. says:
“ Fivo Philadelphia oystor-boats, with tho) creva,
were acized to-day for violating the Oyster bw, and
wore taken to Annapolis, Tho affair bed causcd
much excitement.”
—The quota of troops for Loston bas been filled
by voluntary enlistmente, consequently there will be
no draft. Thy Common Connoil has appropriated
$30,000 in oid of raising threo companies of cavalry
or the Texas expodition of Gon. Banke,
—Dr. George Leo Lyman, and M. V. B. Barne
who wore nretod in August last at Burlington, V
for disloyalty, baye been, discharged on taking the
oath of allegence,
—Gen. Babks is to have cight regiments of Masea-
cbusetts infaatry, three batteries of artillery, and a
regiment of cavalry as a part of hia Toxas oxpodi-
pany, the
—The old Ponnsslynnia regiments are to be filled
up st onco with drafted men. Tho order bas beon
iesned, and it is to be hoped that othor States will
follow this excellont example,
—Ki is currently romored that ex-Gov. Ticks
will bo opyointed Military Governor of Maryland,
and will locjte his offico at Baltimore.
—Virginistis repudiuting tho Conscription act. Ita
conalitutiouslity ia to be tested iu the Suprome Court
of that State,
—It is reported that Bragg’a army fa at Murfrees-
boro, Tenu,} and that 1,500 Rebel cavalry are ut
Somoract, hy,
—Late Richmond papers announco the arrival in
that city of Gen, Bragg aud Staff.
—Philadglpbia es
apes the draft, having filled her
—A Rebel paper etatea that Price is reported to
have evacuated Holly Springs on Sunday, 26th ult.
—The fohooner Emma Cornelina was taken
to Philadslphia on the Sd inet., ia charge of Prize-
Mester Hy Johnaon, U, 8. steamer Re
cleared from Now- York lost June, for Port Re
On tho 28h of Juno eho was driven ont of Bull's
Bay by tho Reatloca, while trying to run the block
ade, bat escaped in consequence of the dark
She arrived ot Port Roysl, and sftor remaining
some tima her captain, Johu Simonson of Staten
Ieland, elleging thot her cargo, which was miscolla
neous, conld meet @ better sale in New-York, exiled
theuce. Sho was captured Oct, 11, while again try-
ing to enter Ball Bay Channel. Tho captain ran her
ashoro. when be found it impoesible to escape. She
was got off by the assistance of the United States
steamer Flag, Her steward says the captain told
him she loft New-York in order to run the blockade,
—The President bas juet‘made the followlog as-
sigument of Judges of tho Uniled States Supreme
Firet Circuit, Nathan Clifford, Associute
Second Circuit, Samuel Nelson, Aesoviate
Third Circait, Robert C. Grier, Acsocinte
cinte JaptiMy Sixth Circuit, JohMUMvore meocine
Tuatioo;|Soyenth Cirouit, Noah H. Swayne, Aeeo-
ciate Justice; Eighth Circuit, David Davis, Associate
Justice; Ninth Circuit, Samuel F, Alillor, Associate
—On Tharday, Oct. 23, a destructive fire
occurred.in Cliurles City, Floyd County, Towa,
which Ibid in rnins more tan half of the business
portion of the place, comprising two hotels, five stores,
shopa, oflicea, dwellings, &e. Prairie fires bad also
been yery destructive lately, somo furmora having
lost all their grain and hay. ‘Tho first snow of the
soagon fell at Charles City on the 23d ult,
—In tho Sangamon Circuit Court at Spring-
field, IU., in thé suit of the State against Jocl A. Mat-
tecon of tl, on bond given the Stato to recover
money alleged to have been fraudulently obtamed
by the Ex-Governor, it wos decided in favor of th
Stute, A judgment of $250,000 was rendered against
0 defendants,
—By an orrival on Thureday from Bormnda, we
learn that the Confederate steamor Herald bed just
arrivod from Charleston, with a cargo of six hundred
bales of cotton, anda number of psssengers, among
whom ia Prof. Manry.
—The Rebels of Texas and probably othor South:
crn States aro ehipping their slavas to Cuba, where
they are readily sold to the planters, The steamer
Blanche ia said to have been in this businges uodor
tho British flag.
—The pastoral letter, adopted by the House of Bish-
ops of the Protestant Episcopsl Church at its recent
triennia! Convention at New-York, was read in most
of the Episcopal cbarches in Baltimore on Sunduy,
Juud many Secoreionists left the ch
daring the rending. Many others,
puted that it would be read, abeonted themsslyes
from public Worebip. The Rev. Dr, Hawks, rector of
Christ's Choreb, did not rend itutall, Ho hod an
lowing congregation. The uffuir causes mach
ciloment in roligions circles,
NWWo learn from St. Vinceot that @ seri
bas oconrred in that island, the negroce rising, bur
ing bousea, and maltreating the white Ono
men was killed, Tho whites, after some trouble
and the killing of six or seven negrecs, restored
order. The disturbance grow out of o euppoe!
that wagea wero lo be reduced.
—Jodge Cliftord’s writ of hat
caso of Winder baa not beon served. The D.
Sheriff yas oot ullowed to land at Fort
wherenpon jis returned and reported the fuct wo the
Jndge, who remarked that the Court bad no mesua
to onforce tho writ, and orde
pluced on file.
—On Satorday evening sn unknown man yas de-
liberately chot dead in a Bowery ing ebop, in
this city, by ono of three men with whom he waa ix
|Sompany at the tne. Wm. C, Whittlesey, one of
tbe parties, hus been arrested, aud has admitted
thet ho fired the piatol.
—There wes a heavy gale on Lnke Ontario
day night, h tho propeller Bay State
robes in dingust
as riot
‘as corpus in the
faring wh
bound for Lake Erio, yas wrecked
Oswego, and 22 porvous, passenger and crow, were
A number of echoonera wera driven ashore.
—Tho Commisaionera appointed by the Secretary of
the Navy have made a report in favor of Now-Lon-
dow ge & Nayel Btation,
County Majoritics for Gocernor,
(Partly estimated.)
Wasronra. Serworm
Allegany .... Albany +2,475
Brooine ..--. Columbia. = 600
“Cattaraugus Clinton...222 2222 525
Cayuga... Dutchess. v..2--. 251
Chautauqua Brie....-..21-2.2,000
Chomung Fulton & Ham.. '100
Greene. =+-1,000
----1,000 Montgomery..... 400
- 700 Now-York
-_ 125 Orange...
----1,000 Putuam...
Herkimer....-...1,500 Queons...
Jefferson .... .---2,000 neeelner,......1
*Lewis.--- - 300
Madigon...... ectady
Monroe... Schobiario.
"Ningara........ 100 *Seneca.....
Oneida-.....-... 600 “Suffolk...
Onondogs.....-..1,554 ‘Sullivan...
Westchester .
Oswego. .
St. Lawrenco....5,800
Total.......~..57,592 |
by a hiend:ome mo,
Iesse N. Arvold, Union. 7. (Do
iba B. Weshboras, Ua. 8
Cuicago, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 186%
From later retarns the Republicans concede the elaction al
James 0. Allen, Democratic candidate at large.
There ts nothing from the VIIth District.
Wisconsin Election,
Mirwacxne, Wednesday, Noy, 8, 1062,
The Democrte bare elected two membors of Congress,
ura. Browa and Eldridga Tha Ropablicans have elected
Mesa, Bloas, Cobb, and Henchett. One district ts yet to
Aoobt All the Demcsratio Assembly are elected from tbe
City of Milwankes. The Democrata bavo gained largely bo
tome parts of (be Stale.
Missouri Election.
Sr, Lovis, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 106%,
‘The Medica) Emancipation ticket tn the county ts undosby
edly elected. Tho yots {a the Ist Congrosalonal District ts
very clots, end canrot be decided till the army la heard feom.
Blalr’s frieods claim his election, but the Radicals say the
voto in the ery will elect Knox
In the 1d District, Blair, Radical
Retarus fiom the {anterior exe m
Ucket la probably elected.
{4 mnfoubtedly elected
er, bat the Emancipation
HKaneos Election,
Speclil Dispated to The N.Y. Tribune.
Luatexwonrn, Wedsesday, Nov. 5, 186%
Tht Consereatice publishes relurns whichiehow that A.
Wilder, Republican, ia glocted to Congress by 2,000 majority.
Leaveswouru, V
doesdey, Nov. 5, 1053
Sosttering retarns from thls Stato indicate the election of
entiro Nepublicam State licket, Wilder, Rep., for Cen-
ress, is probably elocted over Parrott, Unten, and Matthias,
Miinanersote Election.
Br. Pavt, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1062.
Tho City of Bt. Paol, Romsey County, givea Cullen, Dom,
© Jority. Wabasbaw County gives Donne
WF, Rep, LO uanfarity. Gooihce gives Develly $00 ma)orky.
‘The resul:
rome eee uscertain, Returos come in slowly,
chuyler.... Dem. moj., 8.137 ———
Steals Delaware Election:
RAGED sessins Wiixtxorox, Dol, Wolneaday, Nov. 5, 1862.
Tompkins. Cannen, Unton, for Governgs, is elected curtain. The
[Warren | Peetalature ts ati in doubt.
Washington. “| Tho following aro tho retarne f:
*Woyne. c
* Wyoming Newcastle,
"Yates, : | ree ‘
Fuber’s majority ia the ina (9). Cannon, fer
Total... Governor, rons abead of is ({cket, ond will have near 100
Congress. Obio—|[Oilicixl.]
Lee amonerant or aTATE.
wt Mesebars ef Oongrest elected. Wen. 8. Rennen, Rep..178,741 W. W. Armnttrong, D..104,59
1. Suffolk, Queens, ko, Henry G. Stebbing 4 ‘Arinctron; i
2. Kings Co. fo pert...e1e0eMartin Kalbteiah, < (EY-GHBBRAL:
3. Do, renldac.erysus Mosca F. Odalt Sesmncay Mi OUR ay: 15 05 2s Teich eke Liam 168.009
4 City, lower Wards........*Benjamin Wood - Bann DLIO WORKR, -
5. Do. 7 10, 13, 14 doseese. Fernando Wood Joha B. Gregory, Rep.370,78) James Oacable, Dom..164,350
6 Do. 9, 15, 10 do, Elijah Ward. Sapam SOPDEMA BEA
1. Uy, 17 do. , Chanter. Fred. T, Backus, Rop..170,125 Rofos P.
18, 20, 21
seesees Homer Ae
ohn B, Steele
vastus Corning.
John 4. Grinwold, probably.
+-Ontaxno Kettoaa.
acyix T. Hurnonp.
Liaiah Biood (yeobebly),
Saxven F, Minter,
sees ae W. CLARK.
-Prancis Klerman,
Dewirr C. Lirriesoux.
‘Tuowss T. Dayis.
7. Rensselaer, Weabin
1. Cliuton, Essex, &
Frackliv, St. Lewreac!
Saratoga, Kossevees
Delaware, Otsego, ke.
Jalforson, &:
1. Oneldas...
2. Madison, Oswego.
Cortland, Onoudaza,
Coynge, Wayce, ko......#Tnzoponn M, Pounnor.
Livingston, Ystes, ko......Dasint, Monnis.
Broome, Moga, ke.» W. Horo
Steoben, Allegany, ko. B, Vaw Vateexnoncn.
Monroe, Orleans
Genesee, ko
Erie a
Choutauqna, ka.....
* Meibers of the present, Hones,
setApavsTos Fuca
Atnaxy, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1
The Allarcnd Arges Auembly figures give the Domoo:
and 13 to Lear from, ‘The Democrota kale
Ranney, Dem.108,070
eG. W.
H. ¢
tcheart, D. 104,15
The Pursaitet Quantrell’s Band.
Bananas City, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1862,
Tho following ofliciul dispatch is juet received:
Cann Coutts, Jackies Co., Nov. 4,
To Moj.-Gen, Contig: For nenrly a week [havo
pursned Qnantrell’s band of guerrillas, with Mojor
Ran Cavalry, Capt. Chestnnt’s company of
the 12h Kunsas, and ono piece of arlillury undor
Licut, Hunt. Wo have killed two and taken one
mun prisonor, eaptured over 100 horega and mules,
and driven the maurauders out of this purt of the
Stute. They are in full retreat South, Nonewfellon
our cide, A coneiderable number of contrabands
accompany no to Kena aa get
JOHN F, BARNES, Lfout.-Colouol Commanding.
—Mujc-Gon. Richardson died at Sharpabarg, Mi.
November 3, from wounds received at the buttle of
Antictam, While commauding a divisioa in the corpo
of Gen, Sauer. He was the.onlyeon of tho Hon.
tiara Aa Whe Repiiease tome Dichasdsan_ana of tba saat sms ayy
REET area peal “]Sieciomest oe AO Let aiate' of. Wat Potathayd
p. Dem.
Olden. Wright.
653 70
10 May.
‘Tho Congressmen cle:
Dictrict, by a small majority.
In the Id District, G
00 mejority. Thle dl
L, N. Strattoa, Union.
In tho Il District, the Hom. W. G. Stecle, Democrat, the
nt member, {a re-olectod over O. A. Brownson, Union
ct la nore represented by the Hoa. J.
elcots A. J. Rogers, Democrat, by
over John Li
The Vth Disirlot re-clects Nehemiah Perry, Democrat, by
Newark City giving him, 1,300, and Hodsom Coanty
Inthe State Senate thera are 10 Democratic members, 1
pend fontete, and 9 to hear from.
Tho Hours of Anembly will compriso 44 Democrats, 11
Unloalets, with § to hear from, four of whom last your wero
‘Ths Demooreta will, thorefore, have 27 or
moro majority ou jofnt ballot
cermor 1082, Governor 1061.
Counties, Devena Androw. Di
otk, cvitnplater..« BRB. GALL
Sasex. 26 towns 6,610. c+s = G.CAT
loser, 26 towny
do tow
Hompabize, e«
Hampiea, coatp
Franklin, compl
tol, 15 towne
A, 18 towns
Total, 270 towns,
AndroW's maj, 21
~Jobn A.
of Northempton.
Dist. VIL Geo. 8. Bbapwall.
VUL Joba D. Badwis.
Was. B. Washburn,
Di ry L. Dawe
asa Walker (to iil yacanoy),
All the members ex:
ana ore elected |
People’s Union man,
—Oxe hundred and eoventy-nive Repub-
d thirty-four People’s Union men aro
distinguished Limeelf ja the Moxicun'war. Gon,
Richurdeou waa the person who proferred tha chargea
aguiusl Col. Miles for bad conduct ow the field at the
firat battle of Bull Ran. The latter died from wounds
received at Harper’s Ferry, tho former from wounds
dat Antietam.
—Ats meeting of the Boord of Education in thie
cityou Wednesday, the City Superintendent reported
that the number of pupils under instruction In the
grammar sobools, primary departmenta and schoole,
and colored end corporats echoola during tho year
ending 20th September was 173,198, on increase of
2,254 over the number lust year. The Principal of
the Free Academy y ted to farnish a etute-
ment, under outh, of tho students admitted to thab
instilution since its organization ta tho present time,
and the names of the public echools from which thoy
Usd come, Tie Committee on Estimates and Ap-
portionment reported the following estimates for
1863; For incidaatal expeneea of said echoola, $800,
000; eupport of Free Academy, $105,000; support
of the Bree Acadomy, $50,000; repaire to Froe
Academy building, $6,000; eupport of Normal
; apportionment to Corporate Schools,
8 through tho shop of the Board of
acation, $20,000; books, statiouery und other exp
plica for the Depository, hoole,
$70,000; rent of School premisce, $20,000; ealaries
ts, Clorka and other offcsrs con-
Board, $2,000; incidental ex-
,000; Evening §
nected with tho
, including prin +» $20,000, and citer
Idings, furnishing, fitting up of nchools, &c.,
$200,000; 1 total of $1,150,000, After a
lively debate, ‘ Kiddle'a revised edition of Brown'a
Fires Lines in Grammar," wus rejected as a echoa)
—The Baltimore American has a lettor from Dal-
ton, Caroline County, Md., giving an eccouut of the
lynching of a negro under arrest for the outrage and
murder of a little girl, daughter of Edgar Plawmer.
A. largo number of excited people entered the town,
surrounded the juil, forced open the doory, took the
priconor ond hung him; while euapended, fifteen
bullets perforated hia body, He was cut down, and
his throat cut by the inforiated mob. The body wea
dragyed through the etzeets, and fivelly taken to the
front of the Negro Church, where it waa cut to
pieces ond burned.
ting, &
ing 4
aster paper euys that a cancns of Breck
inridge tories was lately held at Wheutland, at whica
it wus resolyed that James Buchanan eliould be ecut
to the United States Seuste, provided there wue
powor among the Se on sympathizers elected to
tho Leyialu the ‘The canvas wos
composed of J. @lancy Jon
B, Reed, and others of ik
—The complete voto of
to at the lute el
jority of 5,590, Tho Republicans fall
Lincoln's vote; the Democrats full 98 trop
their Presidential vote. By ignoring their own
heavy loss, and counting that of the Republicet
gain, they make out a grest victory. Wall
re to ef
jo for Be:
tion showa a Dem
oi 63,868 from)
‘Twenty-seven towne are yet to be benrd from.
the soldiers get home.
he Weekly Gribwne.
Tho most common aud, at tho’ same time,
the weakest argumont egainst the Abolition
of Slavery, is that ‘negroce will fill tho|
North, reduco the prico of Iubor, and im-
poyorish tho country.” Of course, the sequitur
of this is, that no Irishman will then be able
to eecure a day’s work at ony price, We
might eay something, and that, too, with a
Just sorority, of tho utter wickednosa of this
‘attempt, in a republican country, to array
etoss against loss, and to intonsily existing
prejudicos which can only ripen into dicorder
and rocis! distress. The public spenker who
resorts to euch vulgar appeals, not only dam-
ages society, ho bitterly insults the common-
gonsa of his ondicnce, and is a demagogns who
inyouts injuriea oud stimulates absurd and
cowardly upprebonsions, Ho seake by untinely
cuggestisns to make sure tho ill which ho foros
fells; ond Jends oll shrewd mon. to suspect that
De is avoorons of the very mischief which ho
Bypooritioally doprecates.
No man who will take the trouble to coneld-
er 0 little will bo misled by this cheap balder-
dash, In the first placo it may, we think, bo
reasonably nssumod that the Abolition of Slay-
ory will not take u ainglo nore of land out of
the country; secondly, that after Emancipa:
tion tho lands of tho present Slave Stato will
continue to be cultivated; thirdly, that Eman-
cipation will not 0 change our human consti-
tution 08 to render victauls and clothes unnec-
essary; and, fourtbly, that, Slayes or no Slave:
commerce, excepting only the excorable com-
meres in human flozh, will continue. Given
tho land, we have tho eultivatioa—given,
cultivation, wo have ths domand for lubor,
and given the domand for labor, who
fn the name of common senso expects 3
stampede of negroes to the North as an effect
of their liboration? Did eyor such nn utterly
ebiurd erotchet entor the human head before?
Who understsuds the culture of cotton? The
sugarand rice? The uegro! With whom does tho
climate roquisito for the production of theso) {
Ataples best agreo? Tho uogro! Who then!
will in apy event bo employed in the produc-
aud sugar?
Why, the negro, to be sure! Some peoplo
ccom to take it for granted, that when Slavery
shall havo been abolished all ths rich lands of
the South will bo left fallow for o ceutury or
so—the world, meanwhile, gelting along as
nogro! Who is skilled in tho producti
tobacco? The negro! Who is doxtrous in rai
tion of cotton, tobacco, ric
woll a8 it can without cotton snd teba
‘Whst an extraordivary apprebensi
should bo abolished, thera yould be en cnd of oithe:
teddy. Compor put tho fear into o eareas
Vine: a
© # Phat shallro do witlioat sogor end ram 1”
Yet what Englishman, because ho is be-
y of
reaved of ‘hia punch, 8 tho memo
‘Wilberforce? Wo haro great faith in
ability of man to produce that which is neot/ul
Ne Nad hey ong gentler
vVhey call Porta wort musé furni
Mor will tha abolition of Slavery have tho
aince we cxu remember, we bive beard th
gs tho same, old
for hiw exigtancs ‘and comfort. Capit
Glightoeé effect upon tho thormom
apologists of Slavery drou
funo, the purport of which was toa! tho South.
Bheado of Copornicus! Will the «
frigerate the torrid zono? If
Georgia are to bo cooled down to tho p
Caucasian comfort, there wil, of cou
such a meteorological change that cotton wil
atop growing in those blasted localities! But
given tho old climate, why not assumo tt
all probnbiiity, you will bave the eame supply
that tho
black sgriculturist will rueh from tho States
of Jabor? Ia it-rational to su
where he is wanted to the S' a Where
not waonted—t
@ climate which be dotests—from o busin
‘and the gra
If our territory were limited, as that of ourrency be contri
1 The
civilized man deigning to exist» without bis
sbirt—and his quid! Wo havo no fear of any
each tumble back to primeval rudeness on
simplicity—not we! Timid folk said in Ba-
gland, that if Slavery ia tho West Indios
from o ckmate which be likes t.
which ho well understands to mere pauperisin
ana starvation—from tho scenes of hia nativity |;
6 of his oneostors to localitios
which bave for him no attroctions and no at-
thoroughly exposea tho falsehood of all this.
Tu Inpguage which betrays 0 snered covfidence
ond is intended to caricature and | degrade
Prosidont Lincoln, bo tally how the Prosidont
waa curroanded, tho night-nfter hia arrival in
Washington just prior to bia inauguration, by
the said Morehead, by Willi CG. ‘stives and
othor such gentlemen, thea Border-State Union
iste, sineo ripened into open traitors, and by
thom required to consont to ond oid in the
opening of all Federal territory south of 36°
30’ to Slavery om ponalty of Civil War, Mr.
Lincoln assured then that be would scrupu-
ously respect and maintain oyery right guoran-
teed to tho slaveholdera by tho Constitution—
that he would iodustriously hunt and oateb their
fugitive slaves—that’ ho ‘would even withdraw
the garricon from Fort Sumter. if he could
thereupon D8 guaranteed. that Virginin would
renin in ond help maintain’ the’ Union, All
was of no ayail—the Border-State men would
havo: tho-Torritories legolly opened to Slavery
or'they would-ubite with tho-already-declarad
traitors in lighting up tho flames of Rebellion
ond Civil War, ‘Lhexe the colloquy ended, and
thus tho Rebollion begau. Well does The Daily
News’ ULondon) horoupon remark- that Gov,
Morehead hos proved—to tho shame and con-
fusion of hie prodecossors in Europe, that
“with tho South, Slavery” is the beginning,
middlo, and ond of the whole revolution.”
—Again wo thunk him for tho demonstration.
dor, Wo admit that these ore useful auxilior
of the sumo fac
plied thd military chest was represent
. But tho coin of tho entire civil
would not suftico for tlie enorinous espe
which &
by pay
pave among ourselves is never seen in the army-
chest. Tho banke, tho people, aud. the specula-
ble o1
o become due.
Wo are now waging With Rebellion is repre
by a dubt
to tho dur
of thas de
man’s pocket, C
when they had evtly ward on bond.
ture but idle. Conjecture will bo in
o Rebellion has been overcome, That dvad,
inning of the ond—as ono di
will revive. It is the prevent, not
al will ha
doing so thay we have
iencing the shock of
nation ig once more expt
versal’ rieo of price
1 thoy can to
5 become
nfacturo ‘currency.
bundant, pricos 1ust ris
number of. competito
property. No matter
shower of ba
would b tanta
greater. ‘Thus prices riso suddeily or el
exnct proportion to the sudden or gradu:
sion of the cur On the othor band,
, prices fall, becauew
= 7 be hes ; : :
Grent Britain ic, and if wo wero suffering, a8| are fewor competitors in market haying money
Tike thia jostling and shouldering of con
elusson. But, good hoavens! to think of
dors which have been pstivatly w:
and the Block, the Awerien
dividing their last biscuit!
Mr. Charlea 8, Moreheud, Into of Kentucky,
cow a fugitive traitor in Europo, traitor
though ho be, hos been doing his country a
ool. It is the cue of the
orld to deny,
nguatoly nnd brozenly, that Sluyory is tho
geal service nt Liv
Secossio'. missaries in the Old
sain caueo of the Southern Rebellion,
Uanry, 0 others, expready deu
Xs letter to a Preuch fri
a coueerning tarid
eal diflore
QUivomonts, &e., invited tho reve
* Morotend, in bis Liverpool epeeoh, {count on ita paper igs
ing into circulation, oo tho rico of
gradual. It began with cotton, thou,
amount of bank curren
uotes. They supposed the only mi
would be cain, and that the whole volume w
probably more worthless tha
sued, and less of
Moro of it was
who are cla
ions of 0 pqium,
It is tho popular bolief that wars are carried on
principally by means of cannon, shot, and pow-
but tho moat. poteatiof \all agencies will be found
fo be paper. Our grandfathers mado this im-
portant discovery in tho Royolution; our fathers
in tho war with England; and a etrong suspicion
is gradually taking possossion of
tho men of this generation. War is rarely a cash
ion, paid for as it progressoa from a surplos
already in bond, It is never sich when assuming
the-colossal proportions of modern confeste, Our
brush with Mexico was a comparatively small af-
fair, and easily mannged with coin; yet that
col upon us by the Slaycholders' Rebellion,
po would bo convulsed with bankruptey if] who live on smull dividende. Tho former have no | ,
wwo could draw from her that portion of the whole
amount which fails to Ler ebaro. Even what wo while with the letter class economy ia the solo al-
own and control it. all. What the Goyern-|to economiz
meut needs it is compelled to buy in tho opon| when succes:
inarket. In this auriferous liiatus, paper is dis-|muat be » stringent x
covered to bo a good thing, indced, an intispenen- | family swust les
Muaketry and powder may be incidental lived so we
side in carrying on the war, but paper is ommipo-
Moreover, gold is. dug by painful labor, but] doublo duty. ‘Tho old cout must bo worn a year|
longer. Our fathers practiced all thie, and their
nines of raga, “As war, therefore, is not a
@ the economy a7
», it must be one of credit. Paper
is the offspring of eredit, the evidence of a dobt
Honce the contest| prices will be effectually broken, Tho peop!
ted| they clove, can thus save tore than the sy;
hioso magnitude will be proportionate
on of tho contest, and tho evidences
bb are feel fiiding their way into every aay
hae diseppesred from cireu-| 74, Daily Stata Tegister, issued at Dos
apor rules the: ours aud we are'again in| nfsines, tho, Stato capital, Oct. 98, corrects
We predicanent of our futhere and grandfathers, | 5. cistement that Hou, Jom A, Kasson
: Beis te
Wend, is not only prembe| teers. Tb
son when
y be entertained that we have ecen at
: : Hovde “'Phis is the In
d mote futuro, that ao nearly colicerna us, for por-| icon iu the Dist
era olimate ia too hot for white Isborera!| terity isto pay tho debt, ‘Tho chaucu ia {unt (hot]
tou Off pussy individu }
Blayory dieerrange the solar esatem, und re-| Seine
s-embarinesineht in
ad in contracting it. ‘Tho jther five Rep
Paper now stnods for
Both Government and Banks are doing
As cur-
ho market who baye moucy to. excbunge for
it be coin,or paper,
or aimixture of both, eo that it bo onfficivutly
Let the clouda suddenly rain down a| —Tbe counties to come in will add about
0 to this and to Judge Hubbard's majority.
0 Soldiers’ Vote will double theee majori-
tios ond elect Mr, Grionell. Wo have tho fol-|
‘wld bo four-fold |lowing additional roturna:
man who until that moment had but one, tho rise
f ous, because evory
Sarat : to
Great Brituin is, from an over-population 6o|oxchango for property. Convulsions from this
excessive as to have become a puzzling econowi
eal problom, wo might anticipate something painfally remembored by many, nud the ¢
cause have occurred ao recently auiong ws as to bo
pral ee
principlo is too well understood to need argument
: | to enforce it.
millions upon millions of uores within our bor-
iting for
ceuturiea the apade aud the plow-sharo and the
Aropping seed—which have been reserved in
the providenca of God for the ineroasing mul-
titade of his children—which aro suroly destined
to becomo the sources of incalculable wealth
and the support of unnumbered millions—to
think of all this bountiful provision, and then
of mon so jealous and cautious and piticbly
prudent ao to fear thut thia broxd continent
will not bo broad enough alike for the White
; the Irishman,
the Gennan, tho Africsn! It is too contempti-
ble a celfiohness for shipwregkod morinora
As tho Government paper has been elowly com-
—that a million of Gov-
until the speculation in coin, combined with Gov-
ernment waute, has raied tho promium to a point
as high aa was ever reached in this country, even
Wien engaged in forcign war. In thatof 1812, apecio
nover roge above 40, though the paper curroncy of
Tient, ) that crisis w
os it ie! of 17
d, pretending that|rodeemed.’ The differenco bet
n those two| the ce!
interoal | periods and this is vory striking—then, the Goy-|Tacoons of .Losndn, that in New-York the] ik.
curronoy, up to thi
jossivo, at least not dangerously £0.
radually become diffused, it has os
gradually @reciated, ‘The meas
tion is acoga the difference hetweet the price of |{
paper undje price of gold. | But tho prosent high | ¥
Nd is uonatural. ‘Pho premium bes |"
odioally, by euddon-jomps, and thia is|®!
excessiyo epeotilntion. Itiwould have
risen grfually op the ourrency
not specfation takea hold of it, us in this country
it rushegipon evorything with a peobable margin
attachodto it. Gold vibrates daily, rising and|!
falling putimes 5 per cent. ‘This oscillation is
conclugs evidonco that the’ preseut enormous
promiya is not warranted by the sotual condition
of thabaper currency. If itwero, the premium
wouldaot bo so fluctuating; and if tho apecula-
tors e(ald be provailed oo to let tho article alon
tho rail deprooiation of our paper currency could
bo asc/ttained with satiefuctory accnracy. Under
theirsaripulation, it is an indefinite quantity.
Tt the shock of a general rigo of prices in now
upop us. Every houavho}der is beginning to feel
dently not
As it bi
prico of
rigon spa
the effoo!
into the sugar-bowl. The nation, with ite usual
condition of things. The eooner we doen, the
soonor wo shall bo better off. Al) cornmodities
tho ourroncy goes on expanding, nono will escape,
Ithns alrendy made the Stock Board orazy, be-
eause stocks can be quickly purchased and us
quickly sold.’ Othor,descriptious of property, for
which time is required to change the ownership,
will be the last to be affected. If stocks are the
pioneer indicators of a goneral speculation, tho
rear-guard ia real estate. When rents mount up
to the figures common five years uge, and villas in
the suburbs of largo cities are converted into cor-
ner-lots, aud eell at golden prices, wo may
tho eurroney has becomo so oxcossiye as to make
it pradent to atand from under, At presont,
things oro ina transition state; prices aro going
up, but incomes are atationary. If is the recip-
nts of fixed incomes who are to be most af-
d—those with moderate ones the most keen-
ly. ‘These constitute tho mass of our pop&lation,
clorks, operatives, laborers, and tho multitudes
remedy but higher wages or incressea economy,
v & s
ternative. ‘Tho former’ aro alresdy complaining,
and thr
tional ec
on its exponaes.
that there is ample room for curtail
meat. Silks and broudeloth must be mi
rathera a yast deal waore, Ma
national one, and tho force of this great rise
sion of tho Rebellion is to coat the nation,
the Repnbliesu Member of Congre
Kactle hc
ome rote. "hore are tweaty
uxt bo bos a majority ta elgste
nnected with the. Ditties i
but by ioe, fa
of the military
J, makes bia aggee
jority of
A 1 tho Distriet
Volunteer voto to ele
requirea the
®lqunjority on the bome vote,
ure as follows:
I, James £. Wilson (official and completo’
IL Hireay Prioo (official und completo),
TY, Wilijam B. Ali
IV, James B, Grinnell bedind 727
V. John A
+ VE. A. W. Hubbard (tivo thirds in)sse«
goto Ropnb. maforlty without the soldlors' vets..5!
Ropub. Dom
_ Ho 2
68, at
mujovity, aud they kuow it.
In the
-traders. Week ofter wi
thio property of irresponsible m
ia of Hi
grament clamored for money at any rate of dis-|Government officors wero ‘all right""~as
BIT DDts. lone ande,conearn
for he
fog for vimilar iesues, taking mil-|Mavana. But Robert Murray enmo into offica, TWrntieTA pistRicT.
othors nt par, but none at a}oud with him trouble to the
time, isevi-|men, women, ond children. Was bo of tho)
right etripe—the Rynders stripe? bod be o Clarioa..
price, and if eo, what was it?’ Thoy
One after an
Bris Donkirk hed acre
dealera in black | Crawford.
- Swall, of the ehip Lafnyotte, from
Wwe gutber the fullowing
c. 642, at
Pp. ., Haw what eftorward proved to be the Alf
Pook har nt first to be a topaail ac!
ure OF eapfecin- | long left in doubt.
riends and loaders was arreated, v
easel eoized, Still they hoped, and laughed in|
Léir aleoves, and eaid thot Murray was only
owing a bold front to got a better bid.
Then thero came a thunder-clap.
sectable, the opuleat Mr. Hora, | All:
u office for fitting ont
orfolk, of the Savannah] jn. hesy
leton Oakemith, too, was) Butle
and Machado, and Mary Jane Watson
only escaped by flying, via Havana, to Cadiz,
where slio since died, Oaksmith gets out of
‘a Boston jail by the help of fricnds, ond turns} Lartenca
Macbado gets.off on bail, but is| Greeas
siuco rearrested os ho was.about taking him-|
self and thirty odd tranks off to Habava, and
now, reposea eafely in Fort Lafayette.
Gordon, of the Erie, is tried, convicted AND
Hora bad his trial, on Wednesday
was convicted, and in duo, couree of justico
will sufler the puoishmont of his dastardly
Thus, in tho ebort space of eighteen
sO6Ty =
fred sige
Une thbe
. On
ca of 1b8
ondored to
y hore
1 mile, when ob
nerass our bow.
was soon displaced
¥ the Confedyrate
Wau cent to board us,
Sommos, a Lioutevant, a
crew came on board,
how bis ship's pap
Lhe certificate of tho British Count,
epaiidéd, bad |Hora, tho reep
was arrested in bis o
the steamer City of N
ino, us a slayer.
which he did.
ery eburp, but it won't
ollad—d basch
o his fisatennnt to
the Lafayette put
|tnin to buve ea ma
Ho then yave or
up in Cuba,
Whole voto for Con
Whol vote for Congress fn les
Pa Falling off in tho vot
> uvall yy hutove
ho, rich man, when ho lights his. shilling |
cigar, the poor ono overy timo he dips his spoon |, othe 5 brave, conacicntious Marahal, backed
by on honest prorccuting attorney, and an up-
flexibility, will in timo adapt itealf to tho altered ght judge eect xf P
au illegal traffic, which commanded unbounded |‘
oe capital, nud bud eo suborned our public officore
have not yet felt the influones of this riso, but if] tyo¢ jf laughed the cruisers of two nations to
Opposltion voto
sof Democratio vote,
Tho crewe of toe brig
tor were put on Wound t ¥
Piogured In Ex
a3 captured Octob:
2 Sha wes hailed
2 put on beard the
t to the
Voto for Congre
latitude 40° 05", longitud
rded in, the sane mau!
e Cap!
state that they
troyed after the proyrnmm
iratical crow ure inore
y tate (hi
rr inteu-
pinian of Cy
CT—PHILADELPHIA, thod. OF its danger,
Slxtesnnth Werds
ton etrikes, It is eusier to strike than
But a remedy of tliat kind, ovon
‘ul, hes but a limited efficacy. There to the eoathward, oud
baye all
eto do
uu of her na a pris
on board the bar
d che stcame
>the cabiu, wud ¢
and told Lisa ko w:
a report to
then ordgred oa
Licnteunnt, snd. ho win
L to get bis cint
aud tle crew cos bag cach, &
Capt, Wella was ord
go on beard the etsamer W
Doroeratic wajy 93
riicles they wanted, cor
andsomnstorch, agit veya
‘eof ths sume'duy ycd
ho ollicers and dro ih
dered belov at
dtu eat with
0% food
Ravn Mr.
obubillly, &
wich, addod
0 seajority at lesat
gost Itepnblican majority ever
It ie Mr. Grinnell in the TVth District that
him, The
ublican Members lave each a
for Cordonus, witha cargo of In
u (all bot ont Ropad. Co.)-2,107
dered to heave to, Car
with bia
nes, on evawining thes, euid
ro of Ho ucconat Whatey
a Wf be would like to b
Easion (ueasly all official) + 959
saled Capt
Tobuson’s majority, faery
roleused, ahd wat
ittivg bie prigoners on Lourd t
aundera eaill it syould
could buildin ponifonthen
jae ‘of tid Soymour! organautlRe s
their purty bas carried Iowa ia the boldest aud
Jet fulaebood, They aro beaten
ng of the captais
wad on when eho lelte
ig, a gule of
up, snd continued thr
868 less than it was
a vota this year is
Lincoln ia 1840; the Democratic vote is {
lesa than for Donglas, Breckiarid
n of the Demcera
eat principle in
© Milleve mojority, so e
my days of the Buckanow mal- a x¢ atseipligg on, bo
Administration, whon Mr, Schell waa Collector
cea hus been|of this port, and the corrupt Rynders United
gh io thnt in-|Ststea Marshal, New-York was tho heady
stanco from a different cause, until the circle has|tera of the ala
widened and included every commodity, but rent
estate, which ia always the Inst to bo affected
either by expansion or contraction, It will in|]flimay form of tranefer made them ond their
timo reach that also. When the Government be- | cargos
gon its iesues, it was takon for granted by many
persons that they would drive home an equiralent| they would go to Loanda or the Bight of
Benin for their compliment of ‘negroes, and
ernment notes would displace o million of bank-|land them on the Cuban coust,
ing ovrrency| These slave vessels Jay at our whorvea
i uldjor iu the ctream, shipped thoir oxtra
remain at about the samo figure, But this suppo-|deok, thoir coppers, and water-cnske, their
sition has proved singularly fallacious, Bank|rice and other stores, in open day, and
loans have gono on increasing instead of dimimah-
ing. Gold has been wade tho basis of enormous| well understood as to be in the mouths of
ns with which more gold was to be purchased, | ecores’upon scores of men, Yor a while thero
was ono grand junta or monopoly in whoso
hands the business was concentrated, but divi-
sions ariaing, the Slave-trading Company eplit,
oné faction being led by Albert E. Horn and
the ofhor by Machado and his tiistress, Mary
son, When Ryndera went out of power
tuattors stoud thue, and it was common talk in| ©
ana and Cadiz, and the bar- |’
Senuney prope
ime, bat until it y.
2 or crew of t{
© going to leave, by
nied expeeesed
regrot at the inconvenience to =yhich ¢
,613, while th
et this only proved that
at to go to the polls,
vesaele fitted out at our wharves, and cleared
in duo form for St. Thomas or Cuba, where o
hud felt too little inte:
2,167| vear thay have como ont to elect Congress
‘ nen Lava gone to fight in the menn time—
3 again from 1861—|
Mas lors from their
, OF
of Spaniards, without equivalent recoived, when
and therefore the reanlt al
but a heavy Joss from 1860, aa we
inca which yeur the voting
has incrensed oue-third).
hey raise a jubilant shout of “ great Democtatio
Study the above figur
muoh foundation there is for toeir so-called vi
ion of tho off
ce tant she bea got all t
"this ia tho Ee
ted, but thoy were wid
cre wers two more rifled uum oa
was inteaded to mount as cese-yund,
arrival of tho Baron de C
Porteke was boarded by tho news
nud upon roporting the fsck
he ves. wisely
devcus, 1
city, apd
Js wore quartered a
tho nature of their destined yoysgo was £0
aith, the Superinter
tiewlare of Mer Ope: sured to gecors them accomr
by the Capiuins of tho Cap-
tured Ships—Lists of tho Cargocs Cap
welded by the me
6 Captains of tho lost vesee
joe HL. A. Child |
pepers of Mond
urtily approve the (*
now, it is tho peoplo| right,
or instance, as the Connl-Gonerel of
- Somes
a ia
Ho hoped to
protosta of
phia to Livan
eaptared om
Sho wea Kopt saa
wrundu escaped
remained on
pot of
Dark, ond
red Oaph
ner With fis paser,,
while Capt.
he boat.
of the
adora ot
tind tbat if
§ have buroad
and that Capt. Suu!
on the deck of
at nigat the officers and ere: of
F were transforred te the Unk,
Aabaua steamed avey,
1 600
Tbe crevy told she prisoners that tho Lauretts wit
ict youeel they bad euptared and burs
ueste were hold out to all the crewed!
cerola captoned to joiu the Alwiems,
but only five joined Ler, aud those syore all for
ere and]
PROM THE ARMY oF THE POTO-|7% a perty of his mon interee yorued back | m
) Jearauton’a atuff, who | have
Lient. 6, B. Thomas of Geu,
had been sent with 0 commauics
At tbat Liwe occupying Aldie. TI
pHido to the Extremo Front—Tho Move-|two men, cao “ounce
ments of the Enemy.
from Oar Special Correeponilant.
e party wos abont to eet ont for tho extreme
I detormined to ucoompany them. After Jeav
river nt Berlin, where a gecond pon!
Deing laid, troops und trains yore never Loot si
util wo bad p
Bornelde'a ‘headquarters at Lovettaville. Thi
graph corps is on hand. and prepared to exter
Wises as rapidly os the advance of headqu
‘Tyo and a ball miles aonth of Lovettayille
Loudon upd Berlin Pike, in Bowlington,
isting of w store, u post-ollles and n fine dd
der ono roof, Hizbtamiles trom Berlin at the
Sof Wheatland, wa niet a equad of the 6th N. )y, : etae ctromla RR gene " 5 has boon the trait Dut tis too fut
Re ey ethe men stationed ub thia place were | Gon, ‘with graye, Wimauiately. B79 Les ath ee ET evlicitation of Gow, Pleat jyop thore baa been treachery It in too Into no
deing picket nud guatd duty, a a ae Ne Teeinan to} &Bton; Gen. Doubleday, whose division was the o Tho enomy bad every ad
na s : ; Gen. To position ond eent to Major Keloon : Tho enowy bad every advantuge
g viMiovted hat wicu they fast camo ioto|tbe |inugy if ha. needed susie, ts Reine S| vance of. tho infantry, cent forward the 24 Brigade, | gjme their gana well there would it reste upon bis\ovr leged
place a butly of tho onemy'a cavalry bad porsection | jor q gun if Le vested ibe gallant bujor replied | common “al, Hoffwan, and compored | ° 8 would it dace of men who cau (o-da, Co
dnd wore dispozed to.ehow fiebt; bat af ot | or eyes could b Co of tho 7th éth Ponnaylvonis, end the alaughter. No prominent offlcera we y Saad (aks
Fourie fom sir carbons adap a TLE wa Dour | em He Seuss time Cal. Gregg went to bio aid with | 7Cr and Oot) 3 : tus yet no distinct record can bo made cf ¥ S. Canby of Ni \ they bad ga
iupsavering, Pies srlillery came up jnme fieige regiment, two buudred and fii-| | Eurly in the day, thoes? einenta wero cont out to| and wounded. It is sapposad from 200 to 7 ntunt Geo., Chapi
‘and abellod tho corn field, ish the enemy was |1y p¢-whiom were dixowunted had deployed As tine| eupport the artillery and to hold the ground already Antes F . ¢ | of New-Nexico Vo
ae iiled, which sent bis trooperu pell-moll down the | mishe oud Capo ibe cavalry. Gen. Pleasanton with }is| py nigies enaitaentenanse irp.ce Ae ted at head woeday.
pike. | P"Meanshile, f commending rgastoped energy xapidly puebed forwerd to the o defeat enddone all I Bot ye hope race 8 Le tos the
Beyond Wheatland, overy road leading from the | jnot.m aa le feo ar of BvSI OE aca, Poo poelonh, TNR Se! st will bo deoined beat at headquartera to ret Tho reall pnd ia ost del ta.” Our
Ree picketed by: ont covery peat the Vara igutbored tog ber called Phi spntion ohee yeading, from Lecaburg to Snlcker’s | Gen. Mitchel ( d not accompany tbe c ‘ayen aro anticipating & Winter
chighiful graves, where, foliage ie tinted wi I ae anpington’n:pieces were t Tha torapike eae ee yotanty, PbHoMeD | 55 gtrongly bat thoes two Rebel
the beauties of natura’s penciling, WAS
any C, Sth Muryland Cavalry. Th
dying on tue Jeaves seating themodlves, and £
oir horees on corn froth a neighbor 1d
We learned from these mou that 6
Rehel guerrillas ware prowling about the fi
ecoarionully would make a k
those vallice, the Rebels were wsuully word
ody men ure always ou the al é
thee iuerrillas Layo been captured and e*
‘Pwelye miles from B
n Vo, Woluosday Night, Oct, 29, 1862.
Learning from the oflicer of the signal corps that
ed tro milea boyond Lovettaville. | Intuad C
A telograph line bus bee built from Ber
Ton or twelve of
onlin tho pikotntereecta atright |
Rebel cu¥
and Brod
without do
tached to Sigel’s corp
Alry, who cut off th
y daw
0 ‘digress o littl
ry, and a
the courgo of which wo are eld
eisty prisovers, aud
iuded whilo ou picket
idge in
ight of |
d eur
Jane at
jects of hia reconnoiseuns
Upon reaching this point,
re may | haying, 03 T have, stated
pearaucs of the elemy, ¢
lending to © Scouting
out on the, veric
Unionville Major
Cavalry, was ullowed to ente!
oma Little di
6 tele-
pd the ig
on the
nd thick into the woods wh the
yoke chowed tbo position of
1y ep
a Virginia rail feace be
ring from the line of this fe
thoir piaye at hb
yrent over them—they contin
into tho cavalry, paying, as yet,
jattery. Liedt. Penuimgte
éto bear upon thea, ond
‘oko fires below it's:
their em
<x oresyou shots at the swull purty, bat} te
e) udvanced to
front, {To tho ofternoon he was snddenly atta
oy the | large body of Stuart's Cuvalry, supp
rand abarp enjmgement followod, in Who Gaps i Pouscenion of the Nas]
r J abarp cngmg' Tho Gaps inthe anion of tho Nae} gome nay t
ant. Gove of the lab Rhode
wan killed, being suddenly attncke
fice, When be was ould
>, good for th
not—so tbat iost of 0
Tchad torsed back] moontaine, Ta my next I will eed porticuiany |
ang To ey Wun I leit: tbe eli, af L449, Now-York 48h, including 0 compal of rection ia, on0 ‘etill
g neompay of Serrell’s Ti (he Germans slog)
rth | tnrmed Courerwative
rd, landing | dinecesion of the Slavery
cand about) hing whigl, boilt im up,
P mencipaiod ait a
oth of
ation lash jet
; fi
tou to Gen. Bayard, | o'cloe
be Lientenant, with | tho tl
upon a columu of] Th
ir further advance, | of th
—Gep. Bayard (nt-
ooke Créol
ked by 0
rl by 8 bat-| Tho
to buve lost fifty or .
. Bayard
duty. ¢
ded wi cng, baving accomplisued the) How Gen. Pie
abont noon to-day,
p, met with wo Lp
nbor ts smuoton balled, in-| Early thie morniog. when tho suu bad rieen cloar
arlies were throws | aud wal
ro p
9 pointe whore the | 8 oF
tillory. | main
the K
of the pisces in Bu
nee, and
»tho Blo!
1 to pour.a hot fire
no uttention to our
then broaght throw
‘Ox 118 Buont, DET WE
and the ¢1
pnticuce, und | session of
dvancing | of importance ns 8
saeed mot with no Ferious Tose; in fact, | J
Ke, wo bnd mot with no Ferions Joke; A |ieogineer Corpsy,on-the steamer Ypntex, with
mt on our eide was, 20 Tar,
vinaiderably. One| oaather gunboat in company, went ast
Siny evidently eullered
r enigcons, exploded a Union abel), seat-| two mill
death and desolation 0
from the railroad (48 Eappose
sutthat. gus, tnd called {
this t.oia’ the te
» stallions 3 so enginenra succeeded in landing, ups ning two | regret fro eo
aavance—Kin Progresa and Po jatona| Beet ail eainy up to tho railrocd in fme to Aro |
fare £ 8, oP: | into one train of care, doing more or
ey tore up a few lengths of Ail;
fired inte the cara,
o wiles nent
Savuinnah, to proven) re-cnforce=
thut direction, |
fonal Army.
‘Our Special Co
ace thot they ou!
Prrvogont ann UNIon, thoy did firo into the curs. But it is eyden
2 ¥ | thoy we nf
Leer aight, and Was deemed ba
Forcea to retire, particularly in vie
enforcements of the enemy. Acco
turned quictly to tho bonls, bringiug
Buuday p. 2
aantou mot and repuleed the en-
yesterday, a correspondent who was present
t line already udviced you.
100 late to isitercept tho ro
ig the enyayeme
ay thoir
emy'a cavalry, and
ery c palle wo |
ry compalled to| reiny bad twice their artillery, and waa yell poole
ed, Wh
Gap and Aldio Piko, 6o that both tho
Jeading 16 tho Gap ara now ip tho P¥
he nutivnal foreee. There 16 notber road| compolled to surrender; au
‘tof the nionntaiy, passing throug | Stripes wall econ float o
T'Unjon, the oronpation of which i8) A fior dofeuts co
ng of commnnicution eat of} ~
jn between Suicker'a and Abby's Gaps.
fon of this road Plousanton is DoW
dy entered L d ins
‘Heffinnn, while bia eave
which wo ure £0 curivusly si
sin from Fort Sumter. ©
victories. FD.
mileld ov
Nowa from tho Army of tho Brontii
PMayavitle Fight—Schonela’s
loecany ovyersenta
ty of Buck
anch of tho oxpedition, consisting offboat 3 of] in tho most aburive atylo,
very suddl
his Repnt
, promising one of tho fvireet day# of @) sounded, Byery y i wit
irgivin Indian Some 4 ya of | wounded. Every one gives grent ereditys the col- Ree
Vireivin Lndiaa Sommer, the ekirmish waa renewed | gierg, ‘hoy fought deaperately, ogaivss Renin ; athe: oop
Superadded to this ob- Wool, va atute to our readers. It a9 quite naturel,
Tat our loyal citizene, when they Tenet
‘The moment Blair) however,
ed off from his track ho} ber the &
Bie :
“deprecated tho| tho disioyal during the Tmomorablo week in April,
sunny to which they vere subjected b
qacetion, the identical should fer! mortibed to see aD y considaritiun extends
Ghd tiesiled those who| od by otlfcers of the Government 16 those who repu-
ywar, mest
yy ae ¢| tis pow
sreoks previously, | end Tennie
reseseion of Micgonri und might
companied with | poiut of
those acho cuill oceupy their Iyuthsomo, prisons, are
dingproufe ay to the Late that weald buve been
qa ty one Stuority, und would, if they had retained
Cvowappressed all loyalty bere ot the
Le-bayouet, ‘The fugitives trom Vi
co who throng tue loyal States, and
ed out to the loyal citizeas of Baltimore.
two pighta bave been| petch
The speeches from their
bas permitted |
6 which would ¢
n of Things in Lomiay
4 Heonroval
naa Appointment—Bosccrana’s An-
ican E
ju typo wo learn by o diss
tho Koy. Mr.
‘l broagit to tile city yester-
Guard vont by Geo, Wool. It
tes by a report in our local col
whilo in reesion Last
Goverument of ‘the
jv Guard ond carried
1 whotbor
| wer
Guard v1
nion Forces Still oring] ©8050
, Dhareday Nish
thongh there
angles the Vncand Shicker’s Gap piko. _Tinlf eee : :
weat frou 5 2 , a Vilage | acedaidling” back to the cover of the we the Blas Rid wt aot
ueisling of x devellio, ch a black y , 1 i in “i OYAGEF ©! Brom ria! respon
cousisting of eis d ellings, © 8 a black. |" asedadling” ime, the &h Pennsylvania, baving|, ‘The ‘coautry enct ot tho mountain elopen is broken Boyes ax u Brom our Speclal Correspon
its mop, The eureouidbg ia ono of | , 23 We mens tite om the wwoode to an orehard—| by Ebyapt bluila and fear Ot the Unfortanate Dincord in Se. Levisrini, Kes
nee Spe Poalivnted ‘e see tilamnent | some. quarter of 6 mile—the Sd Indiana Reg eust it grudes into gently-eleving s gud regalarly- —Pergoncl Arriveln, Aaira aro very quiet bere,
dend is ovmned and Welt rough all tho troubles of | To" ta Tefeirellef, a hundred aud fifty of their] formed basing. Gr Sot oak and hickory, withont eave raapy strapgere ia the city, and
the tee lion, Leon stanch Union men. mea being dismounted and deployed to the right os aro qaite nanan am aul gether ne Tuo Army of the Front a peal year ruther an animated app
ig Hebellion, Vesa stench Ueto eee, Plensnnton's | Hiebert loch unlike tbo tield on the Autie: my ontior bas rencl I aaa er saisoniriog ail
Ieatabite’s age AR: suai iid bear The gan at the fence had beén driven back into vvbieb extensive manenvera of a] ville, Ark, hero Gen, Behofield established his | Of #°S businers oceurriug. T
Tote sat camps, his | ya sede, bat another piece, placed m x depreeston | InrKs army My be ndvabtngeously mad headqanrters yesterday. Excepting a few cavalry seoume something of ite genera
dyautageously posted.
Tho entire ranye of country lyi
Blas Ridge ond Catoctin Mouistaing, ns far do
the Ash’
thoroughly scoured and all the rc
“An elligent cont:
vant of a Revel captsi
Plensguton's camp tis mer
heard his master say they (th
aouth of the Rupidan, where the
meen corps report the Rebel army,
She their linea from Bunker Hill and Wi
ds picketod
at Winchester catw
‘and repor
Rebels) w
ville With an army rep!
Duion men say.cbe_ col
Ps of tha Rapiday, Camp Gres w
dlebarg from th
of Longstreets army.t
believed to be
Yesterday, Pleas
end Alcic,
of Sigel’ men, At Al
2, who hed ‘bi
querge bad in_his
co, bee, dated at Wine
7th inet., direct
r feotn our Hines,
Lea was therefore still at Wincheeter on Bonday;
tliat placo yet been abandoned.
holds & live of commanication
mn Aehby's Gap to Aldie, sud lua aay
troops aro cyidently pasdog in that direction. Ju Oe at rE
Picket extand alo entire Jin, ond Do one 1 eg Col
sllowed lo pass ucroza it.
Gen. Ploszanton ia ke
ments, aud ia growiog nervous
on B
miles north of Suicker’a Gop, and ull day on
south of Middleburg
The weather could o
operaiione. ‘The roads are ¢
fy yell watered, avd all thing
t Gur troops from Berlin wro rapidly
ward, aud batore this is fn print the
Gy divicion will bave como up wil
Glorious rraults ere expected frow U
God the country will no doubt bay
jonsifully reelized.
bo moro fuvoreble
Ment, The co
On the Merch—Our Front Line—Fhe
yay Twelve Diiles Distant—An ¥
for Winter Quarters—dica. Seda
Frew Ont Sp:
Ow rux Frost,
Saturday, Nov
Gen. Couch's corps, fo
point on Friday. Ito
army, moved ont to th
fo slong the Herpor’s Ferry and Hillsborough ture:
pike, ina narrow valley, with the Blua Bi
the right snd Short Mountain ou the le
Our lise now extends trom this point westward,
ng between tho
ye gap und Aldie tumpike say beep
and,” who was tho ecr-
tbat he
3 £0
wvould romain dur- |
zented to be 18,000 stroupe. |
3 told them’ they were
nia Visited Middleburg
@ the priconers to bo re
gavhirp watch on the
Lidge, two | the sbonlder.
z the right of th
of the ground which bid it from
pt up asbarp fire, Sou
to tllia piece, aud it was s
tbat it was very considerably
A gun was pow orde
within short dis
pwn £3
no into
opened, wh
end some remark
oor pieces atte
a they rapidly ebifted t
tof the lic
oar shells fonnd them out, aud ¢
o that, ufter a severe cannonad
they were forced to wit
2 wool
ertillery fir
gy ceased
oy w
>, ineflectually, £4
To this fight our pervuesion et
ly nemull percentago of the
Rebels waro n more nofortan
firajat oar artille
F The only damage th
tillery duel was tho billing of on
The following easaalty f
+ Wound
commanding (
‘wound in ehonl
ic, eevere Corp. 5.
Mauter, leg, flesh wordd=19 all
nyo mieeing, supp)
avo not yet lee:
Tho da” Ind:
Lied, and prev pte Marta
with | the Rebels &
5 \ lute Mr. G.
Yon haye herd often of the w
B. James. He w
ver the field, ga
oe oping i ‘ oping oad ‘and there, | and move forward on en expedition up Broad River| Seb "e preg war broke! ous, adit
Whorever tho fira wae hotteet, was this man on 8 he Cl entiot to keep bis army in t the Went | wa uf, fh rocident of
OEY ee er oy end after tho ring sa aor he rode | 00 teDegzore peint to the Charleston and Savannah | 1°77 see hor bo i the South. West dirovgls | though o graduste ok Wast Pein!
Tluly sed calinly out, visiting cach position thet Railroad, ‘Tho object ecemed to be to destroy a tb att a neta Frnt willl gag ercantile phreuits wit
fag, | asd Veen held by Rueir artillery. Bome day o sbarp-| railroad bridge which could not be easily repaired, | jec ered Hy DL Per uindena year’ ago, | cee is or W Dewivers fae
shooter will pot a guiotus to the carreeribg of this| and to oat off the telegraplt wiren, oud reliove tho tint wag made by ‘Thwlow Weed aud ott see iu’ politics, and fas for years been BY
ilk-whita etesd.
Ut, the Rebels vw:
wan and bis
After the fi
dead and wi
confusion on eoveral occasions
a was eevere. O'
vo repelled
xeuse | 90;
ick, | mot us with the
be far heasicr th
arshal Soreph Ker
burch bere
a the oath of
Kens, &0.)
e ero her
‘dge on
was De
through our lines in tho night,
{ forward to an
nce of the wood cc
Within.o Sllery. ‘They panbod out two guna end |ot Dorin} 22 it
ar wholo battery was brongbt into | Gad
ly ncournte firing followe
thoozh a sbarp bat ebort attack
n6 two hours later. Iran
sug ley, serious Private Jucob Allison, Ci
Montgomery, Co. L, elight
a lost Cupt, Williews, of Co. E,
have etolen from the grave of tbe
tho field in emell parties, ovidently gathering ap
anded, aud it ia supp
bine, aud their los
‘n ours, Though tuey hi
four guns in notion, they only ased threo at any oue
(eken lo. preve
he view of var ba
o attention waa paid |
fy nscertalued| £0 tl
a by our fire, | advy)
H It
ach one of thera. | hou
r position from one | snd i
tito the otlior; wherever they baited | vieir
{| cavalry OF the coming op of recuforcem
viden(ly with é
g for come enyth | the
bdsav into the shel-| Ifwretreat then;
at about 4 o' full y
opou our pickets | to th
nelly worked badly, | terril
losing. Tbe} Of
alt of theire—|
hang to * go to] anti
din the nr-| 008)0)
138, ho
rod in the 8th Penn- |from
rreiatk, J. HL. Care| witliont a shadow of trath up
frac- | rpondents on tho sp ot do well know. J.B. Be
So. B, left arma
dor; ‘Sergt. Zadook
. Ls Koyeer, C
ot, alight;
nine, ‘Three mon
ina was sonnded i8'] Da
Ite Dorseman wlop
een agsin to-day. | Mepe
re seon going over
uunery Was far
mu whorover t
19 disloyal giti-:
ng, | that
allogigpee, "To naet| a morry laugh aod God epead, ‘Tho steamers Ben Wefectayions are abstrdaud ridiculous. One by on
ain, beof,| de Ford and Flora went out mi ajostically, their decks | the cbarges agninst Hremont or di
blackened w
sith 300 of tho 48th New-Y.sk, and te Darlington, | these goap bubbles which to day 8 expericuce effee- |
of our soldiers (if,
‘This preowntion
and info!
Ggiting headquarters, MoClellan and staif aro. stil
a ets or dust ara bow end bave been for two) grouud, they might bave’ mado our y
proper for me
Attack en tho Charleston nnd Gayonach Poyetteville, undon'
Beilroad—Gallant Conduct of tho Sol-
NG Ge killed, whoco names) dicre—Knllure of He Expeditions fugitive loyal Indians to thelr hemes, by
Correspoadence of Tho N. ¥. Tribune. for this m0 9
E Tribune 6, Oct: 0e2._| plat aru largely dependent upon the Kebels. Hie |chiefe. | 1¢ eo, wo will reanin
aa and oppoa
enemy of all daves and other valus
bo reached.
HeeeeE ek | Never didanobler set of mon bur
during the ekinoish | armor for battle. They were the ‘poked men, pot &
loggard, spp fn i
skind of ono of wi
im boa arrested and | 27a, #0 buoyant was thoir step, £0 high tacir hopes,
army 0 f i
Soa cueaciony ith guerrillas and tho brief be
io out hero, tho |Mayeville, in the extrome north- a comér of
fighting hie ocoarred since that army
|. The battle of Maysville was simply
g good-tized ekirmish, Lees than 8,000 men were
don both cides. Hadthe Rebels stood thei
vo corpti and ¢ of this gear
skirmishes W
tlo, of
ut if the great bat |
tage is with the Union the State, n
ia Guat reported, ut hesdqnartere—that 38) tt) was organi
ea in, tho rear—th ov Sai
andoned by tho enemy.
grout cheng
time the Ge'
it was meni
hog been «
8 Gap,
min that
the valley oi
tho i
Lor it in 6 vet
it; but tho prisoners etate tbat as soon aa Gen.
gt, tho bulk of th
a atampe erstood thet G
field's whole army, which (bey magnified into
em, and that to fight, thereforo,
‘Their officers were only able to
in motio K
at of the defe
nta through
thia hour (3} p. i.) unknown.
vo have by au energetic advance
it is ovident
ty; but wh:
ho went aft
3ap, 18 8
—tho country mercha
ing to moye ogain.
tomary purchases, aud the
aioyal of Buell 1
@ ull tho very important advantoges OF having | Tay about one half the olfective strength o! menaged battle of C
ea austion of this valley, and the euetny ia forced | forces, and the reaul 8 Siete
Souter lines of the circular routo to Richmond, tory for Gea, 1 ere Rentucky, and few perse
cdvanco of ro-ousorcenien! 2 battlo, eevoro end | F134 45 qu officer who wirived Isst mgbt fr gnongh to become bis
ple, ia imminent. fold. 8 His inse i and 5
the ¢ sitidna of onr forces it 1a not |” Wp), ten months, his
londed in
dvanced into
whed | Fore
Jobne=| y7.in-Chicf of a la
> speak, thonph it may be well to ie oon vate Fe
lio against bolieving the very lamia- mystsry, Gen. Sehoficld Aes
Sorts of Lhe Washington Sear Arkensag na far a9. Gen. Curtls
OE ric relintle peuttoiiea| Sean vite heenlan ngield. i
ton bae really been, cei
_jeesty abound, oud reabal hordes in. Aske
u corre-| system may bo diffused into the mae
wTaty rendered co useless to the
a the joieerublo man
= Se j oe 1}. @, Hindman, now reportec
= cenjrution anywhere
on the pt
ind ladierous
2 ucconnts, gat!
tho front,” ara, to say th
of, Rebela re-| p
onfederates. by:| easy thera
utelinth, aud bis fol
ae cou! yt the Isttor. evga
easonable distance Of) yepntation, 8:
‘itedly Gen. Schofield’s policy |tjon to whieh
apon them immediitely.” Get-| that then
2 wishito restore the| wherein Wes
10 order
}d be to moy
Curtis and the people of Ian
vement Las-yot becu issued: © 8
y before yesterday snoring two thousand of | te pousible to Eyr pibalate the whole of Western Ar-
Nisur -schHere=picked mouof the regimente~?) Makas in search of Rebels, and at the some: itis
at thia place went forth with the highest yer} morttying to keov.a.pnlendid ermy of for
Indable propactions idle upon a ceniparatively au-
ituportent fronticr. =
teract the pl:
Tideecrany 8
be |
and religions
to meet othera of thoir fellows at Hilton Head,
t position and the apparest in-
les that could
(iillery and baggage through South-West Missonri
_ | duising the Winter sensou.” ‘The only reason tv
(6 onthoir | yiven for withdrawing the are from Springfield
beer Premont’s retirement, and throwiox open the
rently, amon them, ‘They went out AretheWest. to the inboman ravages of Prico and
becntifal of Southern Autamn | portation of two lange ruins fie emont’a ro-
porn and Seoliold is forty miles beyend the Btste| yea vat
. F aa en, | SOF) HT expecting to be enpplied by trains from | gly ;
‘wen lady frisnds tossed furewella ty them with | jolla end Springheld, gud nobely oe essoa Usak Bid
ont of
ud on
p. ‘The|
pratended want of forecast 10 taking an army to o
Pountry where cupplied could not reach It, ia one @
‘The ganboat Plant
haroan lif Ty
ed svith cavalry, followod in quick enceeesion. ° | tually prick
threvgh a gap iu a 3 : 1 - ;
and Wh ee to Waterford, nearly ton mil A ee eave Plese.|__ 2 Tas um anxious ‘day hero, for tbo raid, if may | , Wo bave oolhig of inkereey or tepok from eniby
d Wheatland, to Waterfore, nea ye viles g at tho house oconpie® Sy eOB| 6 a 3 F ad) eT ray | the South-enst. | Gen. Davidson) Tshi ¢ for notorie~ pie ie
Sovoral rocohnoiseances five or eix miles b aa eye Mhartere. ‘The Rebel camp-lies is [£0 CA Te to bo mindo within. 20 or 23 miles from | TN TT of obtaining, promotion probably), send a ineree
our front, withia the last twenty-four bouss, bu
failed to discover anything more than oue emall or Union ‘fires im tho neigh
camp anda cavalry dotachment of the enemy,
It is reported thst Longetrect's entire corp
Bnicker'a Gap, twelve miles south of ue.
Conch ond
right of our Jin, Wilcox and Wh
Slocum's corps tho center, and Ri
‘A battle may commence ab app hb
predominant opinion io tbat
tas in this vicinity.
‘The most of our troops are'provided or
shelter tenis, During the pretent ¢
Sreather, thoy afford comfortable unt
afew weeks they will bs no
against the rain nod end
a rencon for eevding the urmy
Geo, Siduwick ix etill ut bia t
pple'e di
nolds t
ir, thon,
Conn.,-prosirated from the wo! ite box qaitesstce x | tor some we
tuellat o-auill not be uble to | * i cape The Neo : re abby be an bout ngo (9 p.m.) the Rev. Le Billings, @hap-| W edvonday f ve Girardeau, ho demoralized by their
ala tho three rye ville Gap, rofore ho will probably fight, un-| tain of the 4th Now-Hampekziro, camo am journey on ‘they sep into ‘Tennessee
Pike many other officers, eNegHe: | Tees, indeed, ho ecenpeo nod eludes va. Jain of tho 4th Now-Hampelsiro, came and sat oven | tio 7 the arly. all deserted
receive tho credit which lic earve ‘King the incidents of tho okirmish T should | With vs to (ell the fearfal tale. long We scing, and dearth and desolation every-
bis conspicuous gal Sod’ thev admirable mane!) mention, (Os 2 of Lieut, B. Walton of Co. C, tions of regitnonts from Beaufort and Hilton | wh svailiug.,
egement of bis ivieion! ut ex. he was, twicoac-|O'R ney lvanis Co Wer ay regiment the formorunder Gen. Brounon, the latter un- 9 poli canvass pr
Seeny wounded, and unuble to eit apo hig horse, | 7 obliged to aicbeforo the artillery tito of | 4. Gon, Terry, lelt TOUTED ie orning of | slection is revealing a large anvoue’ Of Yt on : a6 a OE ISA *
Perey Neato go'the rear, or rocelvo surgical atten |i ten a Ree eae ter tuarestroniolricnt gyitel| hon Gee re nttey Hilton Head on the morning of | ro fursed in tho boss of man clalio Tho Charges exoins
see to guard ageivet o flsuk movement. | tee 22d, and procecded up the Broad River, ud a oar a Sececelonist can bo 1 eandidat rest of Of@ccra of # Ux
but remained op the
8 battery which waa pertia
Tosees, He will doubiless bi
corpi—a command whic
that be dererves. His diviciou. ie now
by Geo. Gorman. Liout. Carel: Howe, of b
does not accowpany the division unt
Seturns, bot remuina ot Herper’a Worry, wh
Pfleiont udwinietrution ae Provost, Marsh
qronjht many admirable cho
y disabled b;
in tho cond:
jSromt—Milia Ari
Lisning—Tuo White
_A Wight Heyond mipe
unices Biua oe Aways
From Our Owa Correapoadent
Gus to Hyapavanren',
z Jobn Porter in hia rear bold tbe
HtSbsla will uot ight
field, 2esiating to worle
its beavy
il Gen, Sedg’
mish ot Philomonj—Stvert in Our This mo!
Mery Driven Hncl—| pushed fo
though |Gap. Onr edvanced pickets t
d yehore the fight tool p
On the 1 toward
les, und pb
cig of [Fight. ‘Threo miles in the rear
ba left, |Stpporte, our cavalry, €2 cept t
oft. | bemg encuiaped in our rea
3 is
ray add 5 = sth a | 4
Ad ighefonr Le cry was fies pat Within n) jut tbat they bad a ten unexpected forea, and wero | nc ck our troops, thay are too Keen for thats |q nn
stone's throw of the hous, several of the euemy’t | ),eing eevorely dealt b; ong nigh vere | put ey rob and murder whenever they lave, & night from the was!
balls iulling ov tbe building. Altogether, Lam eing severely dealt by. A long night of anxious wee movie cute thero will saon be igbit fr By ant
With quite as near our advance ee T care to be. aucpense didinot prepare us for tho sad ‘news thiat | othe breton Tate ig country; and” 2o- Bie
Bat in|, +18 9 lovely night, with o elightly clouded camo carly, tbat our friends were defeated with a} body bot wor vend childcen to marder. Tbe mili- couutry will
pr aL ieee et ir segue hod arate} ned tors of1g00 Milled and wounded. body rces are incapable of deiending sparsely esttled | eve,
| pitious to-ne ard Stuart dare etaud an attack, se een aruora gllcie ener | counticy, and as the guorrillas hie ground, the
Moro will be a battle and ho will bs whi ‘All tho day various rumors atirred us, to deeper Ne eens fearlessly, and eaccosefil
‘The ow
ho is euppe
‘Tho firat idea ho b
nomy was the pi
| bin party and our
porticulurly 0
tend to him
ing out
ees. Bort
ie gtal
6 his
jal has
1B of eg—Our Kor
7, Nov,
aud Gth I
ts proceeded down th
int whore the Robel bata
The move ‘i'which I | “tationed, and turned off &
stated, in my let s morning, | Village of Unioo.
inGot coon have a reality in place of being oaly | As they dipped down the bill,
expectation, b
o'clock this morning, Gen. Pl
ville with Pevningten'a Buttery, th
yania, 3d Indiana, Sth Now-York, 6th
&th Illinois Cavalry, ond mascbed to th
Jet, which was reached et wbont 11 o'
Upto this point no cign of the enemy ha
peon, although it wos known that Sturt wi
Jomodiato voighborhood. In fact, yeeterdo,
t lust begun to develop
auton left Po
8th Pi
8 mo
eollae |loges, scattering ebots
Hoffinan’s Brigude of D
Ju Now-Hampabire batt
ive onteved
ude wad eent ivto 6 p:
in the | village, oud,
y fore: lout the oni
d beon
Snicker's Gap can be ploinly eecn, at o distance of
hine wiles, while further to the nght are t
ont the sume distances toward our
be aaasturte forces 4s Dot mown, bat |
dof tho close proximity of tho | len
ced, ond before the eve
ed by orapid** flank move- | ep¢°
w. | comp
4, moving no follow
Rogaler Cavulry, Ponniogton's Ba
Pounaylvania Cavalry, und tho other
p to the left, toward the |
e lights | what
orhood of Gregory’
oward Union, on the
aro only © belt mile | 4
fe acene of the C Apo
sion our left—they aro ont come} could only tell us that they eaw tho Flora iran) (ns booty Jeft in our bands, may be magnified in tb
heround, at low tide, withher portion of. cavelry
aro our first infantry
ogo on picket duty, | At®
sug, and be bus good | euro
unntely, he wae wot
y coal ut-
; avn
ealook p.m. 100n, |i
2 egain
The Sth New
Al a
a. ‘The two lending | row
Union road, past the | bru
riea were yestordas | goni
and a
appeared in| B
valleye lying between tho two vil-| forces dr
6 fired by the enemy's| cho wood, and the contest now be
h | follo
- | ene:
‘othe engagemont. Tho brig-| of the r =
eco of woods just boyond th jocgraesrau gone,
sLwrite, it hua encceesfully driven |
ny, who org falling back toward tho] (ont
loft Hil
sorrow, or f
jnuglo, borderin;
Savannah, the nwo cities lying about
Time woro wearily away to the few rho know | forth occasional bulletins aboot insignil
t was to be dono, Yesterday morning the yvholo| mishes between the raw militias d bunds
Atl oclook guna were hoard, thieves étyling themselves guerrillas, Bet
ing continued at intorv: VL evening, | aiter 4 be diolet guerillas, a single
r ng continned et intorvalé till evening. | thom, u skedaddle on the part of Luo asesiled, aud]
ty that went out from Boaufort returned, Dut | rhree or four rusty, shor weaind xporn-down horaes
just now, thovgh
‘The military t
ie of on patute wriler into quite a battle
tis still infested, however, by villiauous
sage who appear poriectly impreguable, on wccoune
their mobility, toall pursuit. ‘The i
yo came 5 courior declaring our forces were’ de-
d; ogoin another, ussertiny that it was not €0,,)
gus. will]
ommit their depr
eral rule
unin Cavalry arrived at E
>r'8 motheut relieved tho terrible, .pres-
gut a Jittle: Bot
‘A company ef Col. Daviel’s| Knoxville, end
by lifting or sbifliug the w
‘land, perbaps nino miiles from) q United States ollice ian inyeter or rather it would in
nd: wparobed in Line kgek about | be a wnystory, if this ‘neoareed’ Rebellion bad
the m
ond bridg
ai stinky ne ot | chon how utterly reckless and re lees o} Wo
miles, meeting no obstruction, WheD thoy | Too op gcd principle mon-becomo wheu in the See | relotio
ance enced battery of Sold arillery, | gst degree tainted by treason. Yet Nights) metetio
etely ccreoned by & ng piece of Wood oF | traitors like Judge Birch oro candi
meotion field, cao as those Jow, | gress im more thin or district. Ip e
2 alone can produce, which opened o t
n thom, killing and wound-
npy rei
enka 1 that neither of the
which hnd beon artfally proparod, so as to put Potions. ‘The Union v
troops into the worst possible conditlon—a nary | or wecoad cendidates whe Union| on ovr atrects are eent here
rond, swampy ground each side, with tangling \s d Hepublicon. There is ority to| Potomne on parolo, ai d reo to BO
SE OTe A ue Thea ;.| bo overcome in each district t thit ko bas compelled th
avd often deep pits of water. No moro in| | Se tbe Aner 1 pblo to find them to
uroe, We
adidace is imminent.
y9 plan cconld baye been adopted. I
this time th
or | Fuook Ps Blair,
lime. Gea, BI
bint oo n con
by a bay
@ th
snet ebarge of two regiment
from their positions, and gained |
Gistrict bas been growing for
re equull
ay | pick and I ently their battery opened upon our| At length the enemy retroated weross tho ew bn, emost lost him t be German: inistrati
and |! oreplicd with yigor, driving the Rebsls | put unfortans wr eavalry, which lost two houre fended many mer 1 Ww the cit
owly ba! steadily backwurd until we o ble.) but unfortunately our avalzy, Which loa tw 2 atded it abd eo regnrd it still, aso etragzl i
how occapy, tha village of Uni by the grounding of tho Flora, was not on Band to [eee ia in awbich Blair wos disappointed. A ceesiouits, ti
ww. It coon became npparent that tho| man with a g in of common od to Unior
zaly re-enforced by the way Blair's course, if persisted in, wold split the party
naa cay from both Chasleston ant gent men caunot be dragooved into support
me say from bolb Oller ae y csudidute who abuecs bis lato
miles dis-| ,ereeing with hia about I
at the two extremes of tho rosd, Another} everybody and eve rything
enge pught coo the
ny wore being
esol, and who wi
hia eceming doternuinal
ted the civiliann os
them to eee his to
‘4 to the command of ths)" Mp
ome Life, energ 6 appointment of
ag, cone life, energy; 204 | ceazor appesrs to be
J total freed
be ay
) eudly re
force him into any otber than
Hall. bis
iyewout of, the bully and brute | paced in bis power.
important battle
‘ays Democeat, but bed taken n9
, taueck ie Sout WY Gulloch, was that it would bo impossible to Strep ges
ot fail to | sure of success —n0 ich thing as defeat bad’ Boon ee eee ca aita to feed suc Bald be Impossih le 1 | quired an opersye Y
fuall| thonght of; and aa they filed by im tho bright enc- | now. The roads re cut © tage thse trait | ene te rose Dalen
Sterling Price, who ia gen
beea ude in regurd to b
nyide, an
a ten
fatigued couditio
ping over tho State to no
rd Nashyille—Rosccrana’s Specch|
—nd Condition of the
DEilitary Hos-
» Lecation and Prepara-
town b
the great
lBoell in_ection, 1
when ¢
at Iuka ond Cor-| #
to ayo one of the best broins of all
noipal et
and will al-| 7»
raeans are | |, ¥%
dvantayos yained |
anced hin |
ent 1 this city.
Tho ioterferenes
mont im
ecollect that of the Union Maso
nuwent Square come monthe
ato ale
in regurd to tue dieloyalty of certain par
ittes bcld gevecul mectings,
placed tho videuce
ident of the United
Last eventuy,
if were called
to receive the
ya. A pou
gly sssembled, the
5 proceede'
and of tiew
apied by several
and o
of tho committee, Woieh compriaéd not Only
cvidenca taken under the original resolatic
jocuments relating to the military governe
Major Jones then ordered tho arrest of tho f low-
jon Jones then ordre ee aigatage Com
y who’ were
t, viz: Allred D, Evans,
Gardner, Col. ‘f, R. Lich, aud Thomas
Ho ulzo called the namce of Henny
Amos MoC Jobn Woods and Wm.
prevent, and atated that be
\ueir arrest. ‘be four persous Bry
nto the Central Polico Btetion avd
ho military authoritics cansed
J iho porsong present,
‘of thy dct a8 en ote
Thosa thus exprossing
ned with arrest, but
‘Phe srreets were minde
‘ol. ‘The military forco present
nneylyauia and the Purnell,
ous depunciutio
Nigh wome of the friends of tho parties
da band of musle aud rere nuded
2 atation, whon one of thom ad-
embled window, do-
nonneig Gon. Wool in (bo ¥ st Lornas
The Yoliowiag is the card issued by Mr. Hay,
hich sno the cause of bid arrest
ulin Harryhara Teleor
yhlle thore I foD.
Sih Be
+ Motlenry
the woucded prson!
Ley were fu ony of tho Baltiniore hospitals,
o beuds of ou Qa. A dozen ledtea
{iireedy, promiied thew to eu
attention to this f b
Na eae General ullow ‘attaller
vin bebslf of loyal soldlora
will bave tuo ou of
lly thought, eed ja iy, | Shawnee, in Yobnaon County, Sacked and
ho Conisderate Hurned by Qucntzite’s Kobbreo—Four
pot med uesd to cone-) Ben Eitled, aud One Dangerously
ech Inet evenin
tically raceived
opla, av
pa wilit
6 tb
aires a obi
npozed of the Leat mat
s he
tha Rebel, and pork
st oflicer we have in the Weat.
sh bas been enid lutely’of Rowecrane’s poli
vicwa, ond_ many mizetatementy, bays
Cincinnati, where,
t, be bad been en-| ©
bet anes| 13 buildings,
of thore they overtook: two tean
yoing to Paola. Thoy killed one of the drive
tho Roman Catholio Church, biving Lg-| Borously, wor nded the other, and captured the teas
vert thereto eerly in his » While in)
it sya not 6u
ability of avy sor
mou, ¥
secmia (o
qualities in
that is moat coroly neede
osed ho p
° Nowley can be retnforced before bo |¢
ft indit
Wad, aura thie
jad goo
and to haves
in thi
Y the men, W
Thero is littl
Nashville, #8 be
tthe Galt House | R, W
crowd, | 9
obuve | d
svounded is them aré suffering 0
; bis tr
rotrent gorora tho: mount
complaints mnde 0
have occurred durin
er attontion, nursing |
i this abn
welve the caro the
o nleo tulte oceaeion to
ny, whom somo troiter bad undoubtedly pre-| ida Jere nud perzons interested in tho polit-| wlio Lave Leen Atrecs Lon ch
i for thom, contested overy inch of ground. |ical tm thie city, to underctond L by bim bave invarighly
tho troable in the Union p f e—the
t ho granted therm favor thet were Me =
Tho loyal citizens | Camp at Ausm
ik of him, aD
pituls, frequently old etoros'end | 5 hs
ly pr _ | Bhaeeebentere Ses + of Adjutant-General
al wnt
so importuwato | ®
| oathorlts
forey into Jobueon County od
ked Sb
ives directions aa (0 tho diapor
stall—his coadjutora nnd. satellit
1 guilty instruments in defeatins
falee and insiouating represental
telligence tha
fh 110 of bin cu:-throats, made another
fel, Thay
a feom Weatport, buraing
Six miles sooth
vith goods,
¥, duns
t into Olatho
ynea, ten 10
ad killi
The two mon were
© | the came night.
Conservative qu two orders ismed to
pt, Williame nd Col. Adama, dated Oct. 9, cane
thozo commanders against enrpriees, and
on of thoir forces
tnd praperitions to moot attacks, The Conservativa
cao Orders, it will be geca that Gen,
ed such events as have occurred
in bin power to provent their count
reste eqmowbere, On tho heads and
of thosa who sought to prevent
‘1 of these ordera, to demoralize gallant
such echewing demagognes aud beartl
reste tho fearful responaibility of new-
rd dogolated howe. We charge W.
ucing thom to believe that, if
ice, they would bo dofr:
vhich so many of thelr
Tho people of Kansas have
fall reckoning for those who haye 60 wan-
ificed the lives of theit neighborp, and tho
ho border, top persogal or po
Rowland, who, bas been charged by
f collectlug en! érfiling
0 that bat ol
ris us follows:
Wool on Mon
ronera br
tho M
reqievily yume
welared to t
uesertions of |
ithe fact tbat bie
Jo £0.
in jaetice to Gop. | Marebal, ne he
thoy Were D
Ling fuvort,|;q their place, b
aoe eer not | be eaye, is no-evidence that onein a hundred that
sails| are usked are grauted.
‘opnected with Fremont! big mych we feel called upon,
+4 be
r andy
roa of a
era {a tho city
y the Bebeln,
ived at Mur
«tbe time
yer, went up t the
1 the voldiers "shat
‘ed to stay nu hour; tbat if be Was
would } when he chose to
He was thereopon locked op by ine U. &
ricbly decerved to bes
Me., and v
pot ob!
Weekly Gribire,
3. rs}
Murphy for Con;
iro ay ¥
for the
even for
~ |
That Gen, |
© Onrendeoribera aro reminded that
| Trinone is alsvaye stopped at tho
thoir enbscriptions in season.
| Nover was a great and patriotio party
Aoomed to bear op against such a combination
~* of advoree influcuces as those with which tho
Republicans and Union Wer Demoorata atrug-
They were
glod in our contest of Tucaday,
compelled to meet at tho polla
1. Every partisan of Sluvory and sympa
thizer with tho Sloveholders’ Robellion;
2 The great Rumsclling intorest, organized
asa political power, and lavishing funda as
well as efforts in behalf of tho Domoeratio
3. Ivo Hundred Thousand Voters who
“epevor voted any other than the Deniooratio
ticket, and novor will,” though that ticket woro
all made up of Fernando and Ben Woods and
uundisguigedl <yorable to revolutionary usuzpa-
i wate joffvra;!
4. Phoueands wis god is Mammon, and
who, finding the War expensive and burden-
jome, .A°° auxious for poaco at any’ price;
Fd 5. Evér,, coward who ferra being drafted;
t Soy.
ve him from tho. pay
and is actually fool enough
Every sneak who has been told tha
mour'a election will relio
ment of War's) ~es,
to beliovo it;
7. The depressing effect of tho recont Elec:
tone and their unexpectedly adverea results;
8 Tho nbsenco at the seat! of War of at
Neat One Hundred Thoussnd of our bravest
and best, two-thirds of thom ardout Repnb
gang and a good sharo of the remainder Union
War Domoorets of the school of Dickinson,
Baneroft and Tremnin;
9. General dissatisfaction with the slow pro-
grese or no progress of our Armioe, ond a
widespread fecling that, through the incapacity,
{nofficionoy, or insincerity, of our Military
Tendors, the blood and treasure of tho loyal
Millions are being encrificed in yain.
The losi to Gon. Wadsworth and tho Union
War tickets from this Inst source alone must
bo estiataed by tens of thousands, It wis in
vain that the party of the country boro up
tmanfully against it and did all that men could
do to mitigate ite effvct— What ia tho uso
of sending our young heroes to die of exposuro,
fatigue and fover, in a war wherein they are
Dot permitted to ficht?—whercia nothing is
achieved because” nothing ia really and reso.
lutely attempted 1—whore progress is oaly
marked by deaths in boxpitala and angmenta-
tion of our Public Debt 1—wherein month after
month draga on its tedious hours te no purpose
and with no reaul61"—such were tho questions
thot caused thousauda of votore to refuse in-
vineibly to approach the polls, no matter bow
strongly.-urged, and impelled’ other “thousands
to vote against their nobler impulses and better
Iudgment—to vote according to tho dictates of
discoursgement and despair.
‘We tell the Administration most earnostly
that the Country cannot endure another month's
fnaction of our Armics—that a Pernando-Wood
dictatorehip at the North, in thorough sympr-
thy if not in open alliance with the Joff, Davis
Rebellion at tho South, will inevitably result
from such ifaction. Tho War for tho Union
must bo fought out speedily and resoiutely or
it will die out. Dofvat would be calamity, but
delay is ruin.
In New-York, the entire Democratic State
Ticket is elected by from 10,000 to 15,000
majority—postibly more. Of the 31 Members
of Congress, we conchide that 13 are Unionists
aud 18 Democrats, As to the Legislature, the
Demoerata figare up the Assombly at 57 for
their cide, 56 Uniovists, ead 15 not hoard
from. This would imply a small Union major-
ity. Tho Senate is composed of 22 Unionists
and 10 Democrats,
In New-Jensey, the Democracy bas eywept
overything bigh and dry, Their Governor will
have perhops “15,000 majority. Of the five
Congressmen, four ore Democrat In tho
Legislature the Democrats will control both
bruoches, and consequently elect a United
Etates Senator.
In MassacHusetts, Gov. Andrew, Union, is
Téeleoted by a very large majority. All the Con
Gressicen aro Unionists, unless Mr. Sleeper,
the peoples’ candidato in the IIId District
should disappoint expectation. The others are
all straight Republican-Unioniate, The Legi
lature is, of course, overwhelmingly Republican-
Union. E
In Inttnots the Unioniste elect five Con-
Gresemen, the Democrats’ eight, and the
Seventh District is yet in doubt, ‘There are
no important State officere voted for,
In Wisconsin the Democrata gain largely;
they elect two Congreasmen—the Union-
jate olect three, ond one District ia not
We havo nothing definite from Minnesora,
Bt. Poul City is 500 Democratic; two other
countiea 1,000 the other way,
In Kansas it is believed that the entire
Union-Kopublican State ticket is chosen, A.
C, Wilder is elected to Congress by about
1,000 mnojority,
Little Drvawanr, a nominal Slave Stato,
stands boldly up for tho Union, Latest figurea
give Fisher, Union, for Congress nine mojority
—rather small; but thon it is a small State,
For Governor, Wm. Canuon, Union, has about
100 majority,
From Miccan wo bnye nothing save tho
General statement that the Uniou-Republican
Slate ticket is oleoted,
owe aro neked by earnest Unionists to stato
to yt? men who preferred Horatio Soymour
ies 8. Wadsworth for Governor, Beo,
Biot, Miram Walbridge, Jamca Brooke to
Duty, gaqwrtin, Peruando Wood to Jobn
© Wester
piration of the
(ime paid for. In theco exciting times no sibecribor
can aflord to be without bis newspaper ® single
wook, aud our subscribers will do well to renow
A vigorous prosocution of tho War until the
Rebellion shall be utterly rushed out, nobody
has over doubted, It ia thie, and thia only,
which has exposed him to tho imputation of
being an enemy to Gen, McClellan, Ho did
most anxiously desire, while commanding a
brigado’ of Geo. McClellan's army all lust
Winter in front of tho Rebel position at Cen-
trevillo, an order for a goneral advance on that
Position, Ho did believe that tho Robele might
have been burled. from it in a day by our ime
mensely superior forco and sent fying to Rich.
mond as a frightened mob, and that the block
ade of the Potomno, the obstruction of the
Baltimore and Qhio Railroad, might thus bare
boen ended forover. Ho did boliove that Gen,
MoClellan’s porsiatent, stubborn inaction
through tho later Autumn and Winter, wae ine
explicable, and that it was bringing the coun.
try to the vorgo of ruin. No word of this
has he ever retracted, nor will be. That ho
vow believes that another Winter of auch
Goneralabip would complete the ruin of our
country, we donot doubt, ‘That it has tompo-
ratily broken down the party that has atoadfastly
opposed if, and placed in power that of the
Generale who have engineered it, is plain to
all. And as the political results dosired by tho
@o-nothings have now been achieved, wo feel a
strong confidence that they will either bo rap-
idly converted into do-somethings or be mado
to ataud out of tho way.
Tt was not our fortune to meot at the polls
on Tuesday ony Democrats or Soymouritos
Who evinced or even professed anxicty that
tho War should be more vigorously prose-
cuted. On tho contrary, they generally
seemed a well sutisied with the Military and
National as they had abundant reason to bo
with tho political ond partisan rosults of the
slow-and-easy strategy of their favorite com
mandera, Fully awaro that a docisive Union
vietory in Virginia or Tennessee during tho
last month wonld have been fatal to thoir
political prospects, they did not oven affect
dissatisfaction that no such triumph had been
achieved. They were unfeignedly and vocifer-
ously solicitous that the“ Abolitioniats ”
should bo put down and tho “ niggers" kept
down; but if thoy had any kindred solicitude
for tho overthrow of Jol Davis and bis Rebel
hordes, they kept remarkably till cbout it.
Assuming that Seymour bas polled 230,000
votes in our State, we beliove that a,
ia made up very nearly as follows:
L Those who
IL. Extras droras ‘Asabciare:
rye auth ibs Mobis Gotan he tp
TY. Republicans sick and dlecontaged at the wiea
toy, toreogtinabeclity
Weachery, of tho conduct of the War 20,000
Wo may havo placed tho Inst figare too
high, though our oggrogato loss from this
source is quito equal to the amount stated
above. Tho poll-list of our election district
showed sercral votors absent on journeys—
every‘one a Republican. Some yoters could
not be induced to approach the pull—overy
one of; them a Repnblican. We. aro con-
fident that no mon living in that district who
could by avy possibility have been inducod to
voto for Seymour failed to do so,
There are eome who say that tho Union
ticket was defeated through dread or fear of
Gen. Wadsworth's “Radicalism.” Possibly
80, But our New-Jersey friends steer care-
fully clear of “Radicalism,” exprossing no
conviction, nominating no candidate, who is
even aceneed of tho like; and they seem to
have fared rather woreo than we have. In
Macsachueetts, in Michigan, in St, Louis, on
the contrary, where our friends are as ‘\Radi-
cal” as beart could wieh, they eoom to have
done decidely botter.
Mr, Soymour declared in his Brooklyn epeech
that he would never consent to give up the
Union; and be may somewhoro have suid that
ho desired and oxpected to seo it maintaiued
by putting down and crushing out the Rebel-
lion; but, if 80, we have not hupponed to sce
that speech. If ho ehall hereafter demonstrate
in favor of buying up and conciliating tho red.
banded traitora by any professions, plodges,
stipulations or guaranties, other than thoee con.
tained in the Federsl Constitution, bo will
arouse the stern opposition of every man who
holds that tho result of a fair election is mot to
be upset by inaugurating a gigantic rebellion.
> From Tha Evening Post
A little wore than o year ago, the People of every
Joya! State roabed together with unparalleled anantmity and
cathuaisam to dovote thelr Lives, thelr fortunes, and their
sored bouors,"to tho eupport of the Government and the
walntenance of the Integrity of the Netloa. ‘That thla was no
transient outborst of feellug, bot the atterance of e calin end
deteriniaed parpote, bas beca proved by (heir persletent and
lodefatigablo efforts to accomplish even more than they had
Promised. They Lavo tivice given to tho anthorities an arsoy
of ovor bala million of men; they hays opened thelr purses
and allowed those authoritles to take money aa {t was wanted,
and they havo submitted to deracgements of busicess, to a
ourrenoy of sticking-plasters, to heavy taxation, end to dle-
satera ia the ficld, not merely with pattonce and without dls
may, but with o cheerfaloces and hope for the fature that bee
enllatedthe wonder of Europe, aud fiuds uo exemple {n the
sunale of any othor nation.
All this arore (rom the slucero, earnest, and {avlaolble de-
Yollon of the poople to thelr institutions, and particularly to
that Union by which these institutions are guarantied and
vivid. Bot that devotion la no Jeas strong now than It waa
nyearenda ball ago; we aro atill forvrarding troops to the
army; we aro atill contefbating money; we are alill doter.
soloed thet the rebellion ball be supproised; and wo aro elill
confident (hut wo pewer on earth, aeither cor own divisions
nor tho inalignant histred of the old monarchies, will succeed
$n separating thls ouce proud and harmonious Republic into o
maltitade of factlons and warring States. What then, meaca
the singular revolution of politieal scutiment which te teatt-
fied by the Inte elsotlore in nearly all the middle Stator? Aro
Oblo, Indiana, Penosylyanio, and New-York weary of the
wert Are they ‘willing to any to tho Stetes in rebollion,
"Wayward sisters, go fu peace”! Aro thoy ready to conten
thot all their paet efforts Lave beco cansclosse and in velo, and
to recall thelr gallant soldiers from ths battlefield? Not at
all: not at all! But they do sey, In emphatlo and lmperative
tones, thot they ere wholly dissatisfied with (ho wanner in
which the war has been couduct
Minor eausea heve unquestionably alded in the remite be-
forex The egeate of Secomlon at the North bave used
every mesos of porverting public oplnion; many mea have
ecu frightoued by tho threat of the draft; such of tho trading
olasaes as have ao prinelpios bat thelr pockets, bave desired &
return of the easy prosperity of peeco; old prejudices of
party hove bees appealod to, and the withdrawal of haudreds
of thousands of snen to the army Lave produced vast loca!
changes, But thoes {nuences all togetbor wore as nothlug to
mn Herrick to 4, Mol.cod
polloy of the Administration bas pro-
the bearfof tho warmest and slueorest soporte:
r- Tho phola uation, after its gigantlo preparations
ices, hasboked for adequate roturus—and looked in
Thence ita used In the Geld, bat portshing Lu
postilontial aw ted fn long
Winter cnoampaycta or {a feulllera coast expeditions; and ft
‘avr a bugo burdd of debt rolling up, larger and larger orery
oy, with vo propect of groster mallltary cflicienoy than bad
marked the oighfen months of the past. It remozstrated, {t
sepestuloted, ieedvised, and tt tmploréd, and (oogh {t was
Constantly put df by the roso-colored alxty-day Veticluatlone
of Mr. Seward, } foundsitaclf further frou the gcal at the ond
of coh olzty days than ft was at the boginning.
These repeatgl dissppototments wera more than any peo.
Plo could well podure. Whoy waited patiently enough, end
{Ue more earneg fends of the Aduilulstration, Indeed, dis-
suited tholr disontenta, abeted critielsra, overlooked faulte,
and waintatved @ port of confidence and composure which
carrent evaute tatcely Justiled, fa the hope ot a rapid change
of polloy and speedy Improvement. Meanwhile, others, not
#9 well disposed to the pereons or party In porer, heve
availed themeeltes of the pervading souliment of distrast to
organize en’opppaltinn. They beve been Joined by all the
elements of disoord In tho community, by opon and wecret
dbontoutsts, by the aympathizers with the South, by the tur-
bulent aptrite who would gladly ceo a civil war at the North,
by eapitediats who havo rolfish achomes, by the tall, afrald
of the dra, and by the largo foreiga Indueuce which souks
tho restorallon of trade. But thelr moat powerful ssslstant
bas boen tho discouregeient and apathy diffused averywhoro
by onr anflitary failure, ‘Thoy hove triamphed, pot in thelr
own strength, not by the presentation of ay new, pocaliar,
aud effective policy, but tbrough aheor force of general dis,
tatitfoctlon. Lot tho authorliles at Wesblogton be rebuked
significantly, it {4 eald ou all sides, aud (bey will do better for
Ue fature.
Wo trast they will; wo trast the fnoldenta'of the diy hare
smpresed upon thelr minds two solemn and important les.
sone: First, that war, whea St bas been onco underteken, {s
to Uo fonght ex war, according to war principles, and mot as
elltica, ascording to the Antoreats of localities or classes, or
the schemes of wily Intriguora end manogors. ‘Tho miletabe of
tbe Adeloiatration (rom the begloniug has beon. that {t lien
regarded tho war not as a deadly and inovitable excouuter be-
Coen two forme of socisty struggling for (be mastery of a cone
Unent, but asa nefghborhocd feud, which must sud in a.com.
Promlec, mutual conciifatlon, and a fival shaking of hands. It
Uns sccordiogly allowed at tho head of tho armies Generis
wha sought to exhaust both sides by delays, rathor than to
fight battler; who have novor made attacks, aud who, whan
they were forced luto fight and won vietorles, were cortain
never to follow them up. And for the oame ressen ft haa uct
soppled (ho nation or the armica until recoatly with any duc
{nite method of dealing with that enormons ovil of Slavers
which wor the causo of the war, and whlch, ea the whole
World confetsos, will dotermize the-ond of the war. But
hereafter, tho nation eays to It, remove all the do-nothicgs;
make warinestncat; strike your blowsat the heart of the
enemy's reaourcce and power, and literally end at once crush
ont this infernal rebellion.
Tho second lesson taught ia that the rights of peacoful cod
loyal cttlzent—tho eeknowlodged guaranties of civil liberty —
ero not to bs tried with, or handed fo an arbitrary manner,
We ecquit tho Administratfou wholly, fu {ta varlous arrosta of
individuals mpd ite capprossfona of vovrapapere, of the purpose
todo wrong. We beliove thal in the majority of iustauees In
which they have locarcerated porsons in Fort Warren or Fort
Lafayetio thay Lave dona uo ubstantial {ofustico; we hold,
too, that in Umea of elvil war these exceptional proceadiny
wre to oftenrabrolvtely uecostary; bat we approve and ap-
stad at tho samo time the Jealousy with which the popular
mind always weatchoe soch reterta.‘Thoy should be ated ouly
under Imperative clroomstances; the reasons for them should
bemade public whenever that {# pouitle; and thoy shoald
never bo suffered {6 wear a color of caprice or of personal
‘whim. While a poor country editor, for instance, whore sheet
does wot reach a thousand rsaders, is suddeuly hauled up by
tho officers of the law for an Ineuutlous expreselon of treseo
{be rich city eduor, who speaks to hundreds of thousands,
‘who lies without scruple, and who boldly promotes anarchy,
fovitey military derpotism, and vilifies erory officer of thy
Government, should not go cat-frea Such inconulslencier
show thet tho arrests are rathot volootary than {imperelly
while thoy strengthen, and oven emblttor,
ent with which every inlerferenco wit
courts of Justice is regarded.
Tho Admintstratlos wiil bs warzed In thine,
Fetalls of the recout elections, It i¢ not too late to repair the
Past, All the requislle power is till in hla bands. ‘The peo.
Plo are good-natured still. They have: chattlsed, not ro ciel
imanger, as1n hore. “They want to ace the edaso of tho Unio
defended with a vigor worthy of tho greatoees of the dausn,
thoy are aa ready as over thoy were to do and dio In ita bebal
but they will no moro tolerate rore-weler slatoamansh{p, of
generals who aro afratd to bort the enemy; or a polloy which
drifts with eveuta like a pices of cork apon astroam. Ac'lon
stern, hearty, onorgetie, Lrrestatlble—ts the one demand of
the hour, withoat which we ahall be carried into walmsgine-
ble difficaltes, but with whfeb wa can compel en honorsble
Peaoe loug before the trees, which are now stripped and bar
re, oball roinme the grcen liveries of Sprteg,
From The Commercial 4éeertiser.
Wo havo met the enemy, and {0 all seeming have
been defeated, Whilo quite alepozed to adopt Gen.
Waidaworth's counsol, and walt till we hear from the remmoler
tacticns of the State, we are free to soy that we hare no
doubt of tho election of Afr. Seymour and tho entire ticket,
with a mojority of tho mowers of Congress. Very well. Ic
{# tho volce of tho people, fairly and deliberately uttered, and
Wesubmit, with oll cheerfulness, for we believe heartily tn
tho soverotgnty of an Auiericaa constituency. We think that
thoy have been misled and decelved, and thet before a year
bas passed thoy will with they bad pronounced a different
vordict, But the present fs no loss the popular deoreo und
binding upon tho winority.
Whea this Govoramont was framed, and the sorere/guty of
the people wes secured by our matoblees Constitution, It was
well underatood that the people would eometimes err, that
ibey wore by no meana fofulilblo, and would sowettines yleld
to sinister Influorces, But ft was no leas heartily conceded
that 42 a culo tho popular verdict Would de a Just ono, and fro«
ent opportuuitios of céirecting any eeror into which the
people mlght fall wore provided. We sto (rea to add alse
that we togard yerterday's eleation as a fair expression of the
Preveat oplolons and sentiments of at lesst the people of
this elty and Brooklyn, to which ouly oar personal observa«
tloa extended. A moro orderly election we never’ eaw, and
wo doubt if ten frandalent votes ware esat in either elty,
We repeat, that while thus declaring our loyal and unquells
fod sabnutsalon to the popular will, we none tho lem regard
the verdlot whtch the poople of thls Stato appear to Lavo pro»
oonneed as hareh and lacorrect. Oar opponents sd tho ad.
Vantage over the Admlolstration, ‘Tho necersitles of {te porls
tHon beve boou such that it hes been compelled te do things
that ware open to great calsrepresentatlon by {ts enemiss, and
tls by virtue of euch aalarapresentattons that thoy have gulned
tbo victory of yesterday. Never before In tho biatory of thls
Repobiio hasan Advoinistratioa been einllarly elreamstauced,
driven oot only to grapple witha formidable opoa tawurzection,
bot to treat Individual lifzone with hershaees and eoverity,
tnd thts, too, when it could uot explain the retsons for Ite op
Pareatly arbitrary proceedings. It has bad to eazume leo all
Hote adjuncts of a war, which, however Jart and necensary
the war may be, aro carily mado unpopular, and the fastre
menta of hostility to an Admuletratlon, by deslgaing caon,
And toa very great oxtent tbls aeans of provoklug opposition
to the Goverumeat and of echleving tho Democratio trianph
of yesterday bus been employed by our opponent. The Ad.
salalatratton’s pallcy and purpose bard been mort gcoraly
misreprevonted; ell its measares have bea eaviled at; while
the vecessittes of Lis position have beea carefully kept oot of
Hut. In fact, the President and bis Cabinet have beea un-
Generously dealt with, and for tho tlue tho peoplo have been
in some degree led (o mistrust (bers.
‘Tbe threo polats on which the oppouonts of the Admlols-
tratfcn Lave lald mont stress bave beon the slow progress of
the war, tbe arrests that have been arbiteartly made, end the
Emanc{pation proclamation; and each has hed (ta ln lacuce le
biloging aboot the present result. The old Deinoeratlo love
of Slavery bua been fally aroused by the laat inessure, and
some tmld men out of the Democratic ranks haya beca
alarmed by the cry of * Madtcal” and " Abol{tion,"* which hea
beon set ap tn connection with It Withaat doubt, the Den
mocracy have wislded thls wespoa vigorously, skilfully, and
sectatlly, Now that it 14 09 longer necestary to keep op a
{alto alarm and excitement about thet Proclamation, the "vo,
ber sccond thought" of the people will be allowed to-conme
tho natural resents!
h tho operations of
wo bope, by the
Presldent's ooureo will be sustelned by the poop
pire Stato, despite their vote of yesterday,
that {t ls n04 of lotcs, but from a conviction
a war wexsure, that the Prosldent tasoed that Proclatration,
and there can be doubt that to it, for tho tame reason, be will
aduero, leaving events todo justice te bis dlyocrnmeat and
patrivilem, If the poople of thls or any other State refn
fo Ma, ‘The cieasore ls vot contrary to the Constitution, ls
No more adverse to It fa principle than the other sections of
the Confiscation bill, and ts mantfestly the wort effectual blow
that bas yet beew atruck at the rebellion.
Some of the arrests mada by tue Government haves we are
constrained to say, epparontly, been indefensible, and Lf the
of the Ea.
Tt swell kuown,
of Its ueceasity as
“ho Jopresslon, amounting almost to desvulr, which the nas
Pe Se eRe” 3
Proudant will coastrus (he voto of the Emplro State rester-
day Into a bivt to be caore chary of the exercise of an arbitrary
power, wo shall not be among thors who will regret his (ntor-
pretation of {t. Ofcourse, wo may assume thal Goverumest
bad rearous for Ite proceedings {a this direction which the
vablio bare no knowledga cf. Bot edmltilag thls, wo still
Mink the power has not always been wisoly and discreetly,
sre fear pot always justly, exercised ; though wo atm quite eure
vo intentional {njortica has ever been perpetrated {n ite ass.
A Uttle more earo in the ase of this elvvays daugerous woopon
Jn destrablo, and will perbeps tesnlt from the courte political
ovonta havo teken In this State.
We belloro, however, that the vote of yeeterday Ie malaly
am expression of dissattifaction at tho elow progress the Gor.
erpment hes mado with the War. Had It, oveu by aatretch
ional power, promptly, vigorously, perpmptorlly
crushed out tho rebellion, the Steto of Now-York would have
siren tt @ coanimous approval. It le beeaurs mouth after
iouth has passed, and ove immenso army has been naarly
(cittored away, without accomplishing any grand abd dealstva
eralte, that the people havq at length wavered fa their coudl-
donee In the Goverament and .ebuked {t by placlog opponents
oftho Adwfolstration in powerin thia Stato, and given them
teats fn the Natlousd Logislatare.
Wo do not ray that thls withdrawal of confidence ts Jasifla-
ble. We donot bellove that {t le. Wo do not thiak that any
ona outeido of the Admintatratlon and those folly in ite cont
‘lnnce bas the remoteat {dea of the mogaltude of the tesk 1m-
Pored upon tho Adminfetretion or of the embarrasaments by
whlch it hes beon surrounded. Wo dondt whether any Ad-
woinivtralion could havo done better then {thas done, But
(he people Jock only or mataly at results. Tho difficulties of
the position they do not sre and canuot comprehend. ‘Tho
Preparatory processes are veiled from thom, and are necessa-
ily excluded feom thelr ealoulettons und deotelons.
Bat the consoquencea aro the ame whother they jodge
rightly er wrovgly. And we lave very litilo doubt that had
there been apparent greator vigor {a the prosecution of the
war, the volo of yesterday, in thia State, would bave been the
revere of what it waa And wo mey add tho expression of a
hopo that the Government will take this vlow of it, and give
tho couutry to eee, ex well ex pormit it to beliore, that It ia
prepared to go ones vigozously and ropidly ax tho people wlvb,
It todo.
From The Expres,
The New-York election doce not mean any afd or oomfort
enemy, (u] or any personal boatlilty tothe President.
Te means ejast and Comt{tntlonal war, conducted ‘ecoording
to the forme of civilization, to put down the rebellion and to
restore the Union. Itinnot a war for emanctpatlog negroee,
nor for abolishing Stato rights, nor for extorfoatiog or wuhja.
gating any portion of tho Amorfcan peoplo, but {t ls a wer for
bringing tnomics tn erme undor tho authority of the Federal
Government, and for the wupremacy of the nationsl authority
onder tho old flsg and Constitation, over all the States of
tho Unions State for every atar, and a eter for every
Tt strikes us that The Express evinces above
that very ‘hostility to the Presidont’’ which
it formally disclaims, Mr. Lincoln, in his
Proclamation of Freedom, expressly and car-
neatly deprecates that vory falco construction
of his Emanoipation policy which The Express
persists in, Ho enys:
“T, Abraham Lincoln, President of tho United States of
Awerics, and Commander. in-Chief of the Army ard Novy
thereof, do hereby Procluim and Declare that bereaftor, as
heratofore, the war will bo prosocuted for the object of practt-
coolly restorlog tbe Con: tional relation batween the United
States end tho pooplo tboreof, in which States that relation iy,
oF may be, cospended or distarbed," ke., &a.
For oightoon months, the President has
Prosecuted this war according to the views of
The Ezpress, aonulling tho emancipating Proc-
lamations of Gens, Fremont, Hunter, &o.,
whilo austaining tho Pro-Slavory fulmiontions
of Gena. Patterson, McClellaa, Halleck, Sher-
man, &o. At last, Mr. Lincola despairing of
succoss ia suppressing the Rebellion by methoda
fo thoroughly tried and proved ineffective,
Proposes to try the opposite poliey—that which
Fecoguizes no loyal ‘person aa rightfully the
chattel of a traitor, but invites every such person
to quit serving the Rebels, escape to the Union
lines, aud bo thincoforth FREE, ‘Tho Préai-
dent, having Pationtly followed tha sounccls of
his dppoveate fora year and a holf, and found
them uaconducive to success, now proposes for
tho first six months of 1863, to purene tho
policy ardeutly commended by his frisnds. Is
it not reasonable that be should do. thie
Ought not thosa who have had their own way
80 far to give our policy tho far briefer tricl
demanded? They eay, indeed, that the Proc-
famation of Freedom is merely a Pope's
full ogaibst the comet?” Thut is to say, it wil,
jn their judgment, have yo practical’ result,
But wo think very differently, and ask that
the oxperiment bo fairly tried. Give it a fair
chance! At all events, do not traduce it and
libel the President by imputing motives which
ho £0 pointedly disclaims. You admit that bo
is honest: do uot attribute to him purposes
Which be solomnly dieavowa! Ho says that
ho resorts to Ewancipation absolutely aud only
to save the country from destruction, and You
should cither credit his assertion or equarcly
brand him as s hypocrite and a falsifier,
Gov. Morchend of Kenixeky on the Rebol«
The Edinburgh arrived on Saturday last, from
Glasgow Oct. 15, The British War Ministor, bud
Prononuced agninet tho recognition of the Confedorne
oy. Two piratical steamers, eailing under the Con-
federate flag, wero reported in the Mediterrancan,
They bad sunk twelve American merchantmen,
Goy. Morehead of Kentacky had delivered, in Liy-
erpool, @ speech on the Rebellion, which the London
Daily News eobjected to severe criticism. We give
tho epeech entire below.
The Liverpool Mercury of Oct. 13, contains a
speoch of ex-Governor Morehead of Kentucky, ou
tho Secession of the Southern States, Tho following
part of itis an important contribution to the history
of tho months preceding the outbreak of tho civil
War, Mr, Morehead, after assuring hia audience
that Le was originally a Union msn, and opposed to
Scocssion, continued: _
When the Logielatnra of Kentucky, fn my ab-
sence, elected ime nunpimonely to go a8 one of the
delegates to the Peace Coulerenee, I eccepted the
office und went to the City of Wastington, boping,
9 oar old mother State, Virginia, hud wade tho call
and as ell the Slavebolding States that then remuined
in the Union would send delogutes, and perbaps
those in tbe North would also wend delegates, thut
We wight be ablo to obtain each garrantecs ua would
avert, ut leust, a fatricidal war. We failed in that.
Every offer thut was made on the part of the South
was indignautly spurned by the ropresentatives
from the Northern ea, Men said in that Con-
Venton that they would see the Union sbattercd
into ten thousand fragimente before they would give
ono eolitury guarantee, In thut state of affuira, nnd
knowing the cours that Mr, Saward—who, it had
been apuounced to uy, waa to bo the Premiot of the
MWeoming Administration—had puraged, I met bia
und I do not deem it improper to say here, as I bave
said on other occasions, that he pledged his eucred
houor that there should’bo no collision between the
\nto play, and tho nocessity for that act of Cougross and tho North and the South, (Hear, boar, \, Nay," said
Procident's Proclamstion under it will be 40 obrious thst the ho, “ Governor »Morehesd,’” laying hia bund on my
shoulder to make it more emphulic, ‘let mo once
hold the reins of power firmly in my bands, ond if {
dou't wettle this matter to the entire satisfaction of
the South in sixty days f
football.” (Hear, Lear.)
Thad but litth
momiog before I bad gut
out of wy bed, and announced to mo ug @ seoret the
faot and maunor of bis arrival in tk Wash-
ington, spenking in terms of Indignation agalnat
those who bad advised a course of that eort, snd
stated at the same time that Ar. Lincoln—with whom
{bad served in Congress, and with whom Twas upon
very intimate terms—mentioned my name firet of ull
ufter ho bad met him, and desired an interview
with me. Tenid to Judge Logan that I would prefer
that other gentlemen should be with mo, and not bave
the interview alono, and be rtated that Mr. Lincoln
bad also named other gentlemen. The gentlemen
sclactod aa the persous to meat bim wore Mr. W. C.
Rives, of Virginin, formerly United States Minister
to France; Judge’ Sammer, from tho enna State;
Gen, Donovan, from Missonri, who disiinguished
hhnaclf in tho ‘Mexican war, and myself aod Mr.
Gntbrie, who had been Secretary of the Treasury in
Mr. Pierce's adwimtration. At 12 o'clock his po-
litical friends bad aecertuined that he was in tbo
city, and the room was filled, and Judge Logan came
to us, ond informed ua that wo must defor tue meet-
ing antil we could huve it with bim alone. Several
days elapsed, Wo did meet bim aboat 9 o'clock ut
night, and bad a convorsation of several boars’ dura-
tion with him. I took occasion shortly afterward,
an well sa I could, to write down that conversation.
The substance of it wns about this: Mr. Lincoln
commenced the conversation, after receiving us very
kindly, by stating that bo was accidentaly elected
President of the United States: that he bad
never sspired to @ position of that kind;
that it had never entered his head; bot that
from the fact bis buying made a raco for the
Seuute of the United Ststes with Judgo Doug.
a3, in tho State of Liliuois, bis name became
Prominent, and be was accidentolly selected and
olocted afterward as President of the United Slates;
(hat running that race in w local election his epeoc!
bed beon published; and that any one might ex-
umive bis speeches, and thoy would find that hs had
taid notbivg eguinet the interests of the Sontb. Ho
defied thet to point out ay one contence in ail the
Varions addreesea thut ho had made im that canyaes
that conld be tortured into enmity against the South,
except, he remarked, ono expression, namely, that
“g Louse divided against itself muss fall; (bey mast
citber Le all Slave or all Froo Stotes;"’ ond Le eu:
that ho explained afterward that that yaa an ub-
struct opiuiov, and novor intended to be mado the
basis of bis political action. He remarked at tho
fame time that the clause in tho Conatitation of the
United States requiring fugitive slaves to bo deliv.
ered up was a consti:ntional provision, wae a part of
the orgunie Jaw of the Isnd, and tiut. bo
would “exconto that with more fidelity than
apy Southern man that they could” porsi-
bly find, and he conld not imagine ‘what
‘as tho cause of the deep and apparently set-
Ued enmity that existed toward him throughout the
entire South, looking at mo at the timo aa if to invite
an auawer from nic. I replied thut bo was very
much mistaken if he supposed that tho deep per-
vadiog feeling tbroaghout the South origiuuted in
auy personal enivity toward bimealf; thut I did not
Suppose that there was any feeling of that kind on
the part of an individual in the South} that be was
the reprecentative of a great party—of a moroly acc- | ¢
Hionsl party—elected on a platform which they cons
sidered would, if carried out, be destractive of their
dearest and beat right; and’ that it was on that a0.
count, aod tbat alone—the attempt to throw a com-
hion Goverument, the Government for all the States,
in sutagocism (0 the iutereeta of a portion of the
very Stutea whore Government it was—which was
the cause of the deep and settled feeling which ex-
isted throughout the entire South, We appealed to
bim then to give the gaarantees which were de-
manded by the Sonthern men in that Peace Confer:
ence, representing to hitn that it wes in his power,
{but he was at that time a power in tho Slate, tha
ho beld in the hollow of bis hand the deetiny of thi
ty millions of people, that if be eaid that the
gunrantes ebould'be made aud would mnke it, there
Would be no difficulty in carrying out any pro:
Kramwme that might be adopted. He eaid that he
Waa walling to give a oonstitutionsl ganrantee thet
Slavery suould bot be molested in any way, directly
orinditectly, in the States; that he was willing to
go farther, und give a. guarantee that it should not | jog)
bomolested iu the District of Columbia; that he | nec
would go still farther, and gay that it shoald not, be {2
disturbed in tho docks, arsenals, forts, und otloe
Places within the slavebolding Statca; but as for
Slavery in the Torritories, thut bis whole life was
dedicated in opposition to' its extension there: that
bie was elected by a party whith tat ease that a
Portion of ite phitforia, and bo ebisald cousider that
@ Was betray iog that party if he.aver ageved, mader
poy. siute of the case, to allow Sluvery to. be ox.
tedded in the Territories. " We poiniadfout to Mir
tut there was not an acre of territory beatiging. to
the United Stutes, where the foot ol aslaye eeakg
ever tread; that there were natant layra which
Would forbid Slavery going into New-Aexico, a
mountainous region, ‘and the colder regions of the
North; wud thas i was nttorly imposible tbut
Slavery could ever extend there; und we deniet
that a common governient had power to make tho
probibition, und asked him why, if Le wae a
Feally true eincero Union aman, have on empty
probibition when the laws of nature were” x
Stronger prohibition than auy that gould be passed
by act of Congress ?_( Lear, eee ‘bat he waived
aying that he wus committed on this subject,
hen it was that 1 replied to him, “Mr. President,
you say you were secidentally selected, and elected
bya purty. You wore the candidate of the party;
but when you wera elected, sir, I thoazht—l haya
been tanulit to believe—thut you were the President
ofthe Caion. 1 opposed you, sir,” I esid to him,
“ with all the zeal aud energy of’ which I was aust
ter. Tendeavored to prevont your election, not ba.
caves Thad any porsoual feelings of enmity toward
you, but because I believed that it would lead to the
Nery result we now witness, I opposed you, cit,
but yon are my President; you have been elected
according to the forms of thé Constitution, and you
are the President of the peopla of the United Stater,
and I think that somo little doforence is due to the
gpinions of thoes who coustitute the majority, accord.
to.tue vole tbat bad been polled, of 1,100,600
men in the United States.” He at once rathdr
briskly eaid: “fhe was a minority President he
Wus uot the frat, aud that at all oventa ho bad ob
tained more votes than gve conld muster for any’
other man.’* Ithink, us near as Tcau recollect, thors
are about his identical worde, [responded atone te
him thut I did uot intend to recall tobitn thut ho wae
8 winerity President, but awply to uuneance the
broad fact that ho spas the Preeident, not of the més
who voted for him, but of the whulo people of the
United States, and that of the wishes and feelings
and interests of the swhole peoplo of the United
States—the party with 1,100,000 majority ag well as
the minority party by whom he was elvoted, ought
to be conguited by bim. Gen. Douovan herd inter.
posed aod presented thres-aiternative propositions
tohim. Firet, tbat he might remain perfcetly idle
avd'vaseive, and let the disiutegration of the Stutes
g0 00 Ba it bad gone on; second, yiva guarantocs
such o8 were asked, and bring the whole power of
hia Administnition to bear ia obtuining those gaarane
Hes; or, third, resort to coercion und attempt to force
the seceding States iuto obedience, He illastrated yary
distinctly aud clearly those three propositions. Whe
the conversation had sluckened a little, I ventaced
to appeal to hit, ina wanner ia which I never ap-
pealed to ony other man und never expect to do
ugain. said that ag to tho Lust proposition I de-
tured to say one word—that I trusted aud prayed to
God that bo would wot reaort to coorcion; that, if be
did, the bistory of bis Administration would be writ.
ton in blood, ‘and wil tho waters of the Atlantic
Ocean could bever wush it from hishands, "Hoar,
hear," aud epplanse.| Ho asked m9 what 1 would
do, aud if Tieant by coerciou the collecting of the
revenue und the taking tuck of the forts which he
suid bolopged to the United States. I replied that
that was the ooly mode in which it was possible
that he could, ander the Constitution, resort to coer-
civo—by an attempt tocollect the roveuno and to
tuke buck the forts. He bud placed himeelf in a
cbair with rounds to it, with his (oct upou the bigh+
eot round—a loog, lanky man, with very large ede
whiskers, with hie elbowa upon bis kuees, aud hia
hauds upon the aides of bis tuco, in an attitads of
listeniog, and when be would apeak ho would drop
bis banus and raiee bis bead. Dropping his hands
apd raising bis bend, be said ho would tell mo lit-
tle anecdote which ad happened when he firet came
tothe bar. An old mag, he ssid, had applied to
bim to bring a suit, and rade ont a capital caso, ao
he thought, but when the ovideaco was detuiled
before tua Jury it was the worst case that he bad
ever listened to, aud while tho evidence was going on
tho old mun came listening to the evidence biuicelf,
and whiepered in his ear, “Gay it up.” (Langht
jer.) ‘ Now," said be, “ Governor, wouldn't this be.
‘gaya’ it op?” IT acsure you, Mr. Chairman, 1
ty it
a vel
he a
of B
dent of the United States the
revouno by artned vossala outside of the ‘po
Congress bad
you think that you oan send a
of Charleston, to the port of Savannah or of Now
Orlenoa to collect the revenue
itaporaibility, and does
thing that ts impossible?
ia a matter within your discretion, Sir” Yeh
the Commander-in-Chief,
(o keep them there or to
Prevent a collision, and
ruinous war.”
golng on,
in your schoolboy days
often by making mute animals epeak an,
according to bim there was @ lon ‘once
desperatsly in Jove with a beantifal Indy, aod he
courted the Indy, and the lady bacamo enamored of |
wore aske:
no objection to a9 ras
but our dangbter is frail and delic
know is to be desolnted and
L look to tho injury that it is to the cansa of huinani.
to leod a your uid and countenance in avorting
calamity like that,” Before he replied Me, Rives of
Virgioia, got op. h
silting in & semi-circle round the Presideoty bet Mie
Rives rose from bia ebnir, and, with a dignit,
eloquence that I have celdom heard surpassed in the
conrse of my life, he appealed to him,
ee to give even
petuation of the Union; that he cams there with «
hope and a wish to perpetuate It, and thav all bis
ellorts had been exerted in endeavoring to procare
desired to say to him—and be sald it with a trem-
bling voico—in order that he might kaow, and not
say thereafter that he was not fully
o the horrors of this anticipated war, and thay Iie
did resort to coercion, Virginia would leuve the
Union, in thatevent I go, withall my beartandeoul,””
withdraw the troops from Fort Santer,
stopped back and guid: *
authority to speak for Virginia. I am’ ovo of the
ong of the wisest things
you that whatever
erted to promote the Union, and to restore it to what
it wae." We then all of u3 got ap and were stand
to vou-to save snch a Union ga this, I foroue shorkd -
not long out of Ler tose,
they wera journeying toward their home at St.
Bernard, near Salom, Fauquier County,
with a gentleman known undcr the surprising name
could make it from a Cabinet Minister. Notwith-
standing theee, cortain shrewd pe
of the War Department had their
which, a8 their permit allowed, thoy were takin,
‘a few articles for tho usa of the family.” .
Parthor investigation disoloced the
of tho cargo consiated of lettore from
Rebels there,
desoribable by
Which 300 onnces of quinine were packed—ihe trav.
clera baving purebased not lesa than $650 worth of
thie article eo bandy to have ia the family,
Mica Buckoer and the Buck Builoy,
to bo atpy, are in the Old Cupitol Prison,
lody, in consideration of her ago, is lodged more
which these! BP. F, ¥,'wcarried on choir peraous, we
extract the following memorandum of a visit to
“Soatbern friends’
tioned in Schedule B, and aro thoreforo ou!
Aud bean made to Congress to give to the P;
power to collect th
refased to give that power.
Congrees falla to give the nec-esury
President, to you to collect the rovenus
onteide the porte, how are
our cath bind yon
to dow
As to the fort
Withdraw the troops if you pleas. You are
andi belongs to yon either
Withdraw thom totally, and
® consoqnent dewlly and
“Woll,’" anid he, raising himself
in, ‘I will only answer you by telling you a
le aneedote which struck mie—oxcuse me,’” enya
“a little ancedoto which atrnck mo a8 yon wees
It ia from Exop's Fables, und, doubtless,
you have ‘recd it. Beoy
lnstrates great principle
act, uo
that’ wes
says he,
and agreed to marry bim, avd the old people sy
for their conzont. They were afraid of
powwer of tho lion, with bis long and sbarp clawa
hia tuske, and they eaid to him:’ ‘We can havo
table a Personge ns you,
sale, und wa hope
yon will submit to have your clavra cut off and
your tuskadrawn, because they might do very cari
injurytoher.’ ‘Th
in love, is claws werecnt off and his 3}
and they took clnbe then and knocked im on. the
eubstanes this—that it was an exceedingly intereats
ing anneedoto, and very apropos,
& satisfactor t
“Jtr, Lincoln, this to mo, sit, ie the moat aoriona aa
all abeorbing subject tbat has ever enguged my ab
tention ag a public
horror upon a fratricidal war.
The lion submitted, being very much
tusks drawa,
(Langhter.] Ireplied, I think, about ig
bat not altogetner
oueyver tome, end ien sald to bit 5
T deprecate eud look with '
Tlook to the inf
own eettion—tbat f
renobed in blood—bab
it ia to do, not only to m
self, oud I appeal to you, apart from these jeat
We bad before that, conversed
end y
T could ;
0 substance of bis apesch,
remember that he told him that he wag thon
ry old man; that there never had been
by of bis heart that was not in favor of the per
guaranties as would perpetuate it; but that he
warned, that
greed with avery word bad said with hc Cae
on aad join tho seceding States, ‘ Nay, Sir. bo
» old as Tam, aud dearly aa Lbavo loved thia
Liocolu jamped up trom bis chsir, ws Afr. Rives
standing, advanced oneatep toward him and raid,
r, Rives, Mr, Rives, if Virginia willatuy in I will
Mr. Rives
Mr, President, I have ne
blest of her cons; bat if you do that, it willba
you bave ever done. Do
» and give ua guaranties, and Lean only promise
inflaence I possces shall be ex-
He aad: " Well,
much wheth-
been elected
Twas on tho outer circle,
lemen, I baye boon wondering vei
t Mr, Douglas or Mr. Bell ha
President, you Would have dared to talk to bim aw
freely a:
ou baveto me.” I did not exactly hear
wer, but [om told that Mr. Guthrie answored
ubout in this way: ‘Mr, President, if General
Washivgtoa occapied tho weit that you will soon Hl,
it Lad bean necezeary to talk to bim as tye bave~ k
to him us We have to you.” [Heur, hear] Toad
ed tho conversation,
lal Diepatohes to The N, ¥. Tribuve.
Waanrverow, Thareday, Oct/so- toma,
Two Indios belonging to tho first families of Vine
Mrs, Torner, who is hard upon 70 years of ;
snd Miss Buckner, a tall and comely person,
wore arrested to-day ag
in company
ack Bailey,
They wero formidably armed with protections and
passes from Maj
“Generals and Provost-Marshals,
with a certificato of loyalty as strong ua words
reons in the employ
suspicions aroused,
followed the two heavily-loaded wagous, im
fact thet a part
Robets here to
‘The young Indy wore a huge bastle,
tho profane as double-decked, in
who issnpposed
Tho old
As a specimen of the correspondence
in New-York, from a letter te
0 tasks
Wasmsorox, Fridsy, Oot. 31, 100%,
Tho President is gett!og together the ruw mete:
rial for bia Message, which may now be eaid to be
fairly upon the atocks.
day to ita preparation.
gives somo portion of
Threo drnggisle have been arrested for selling,
Bailly knowledge, tho contraband mediciueg
foand upon the pereon"of Miss Buckner, the young
woman arrested yesterday. Bailey,
preached bere,
their escort, baa
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue bas dee
cided, {n answer to inquiries from the Roy,
terbury, Peterebarg,
riage certificates come within the meaning of the
A. Wa
Rovseelacr Conuty, that mag
clansa of the Excise law, relating to forms of
ificatea of any other description than thosa mene
bject te
ten-cont stamp. Tho Commissioner has also
decided that w'dealer who eclls soap, candles, starch,
oF toa by the box, or ault by the wegon-load, to com,
sumers, is not @ wholesale doulor under the law,
unless he ealle to those who buy to sell again, fa
which case ho must take ont o wholosslo dealora
licewso. Owners of planing mills, recaiving lumber
to be planed, dressed, or matched for flooring by
(bem, they merely charging th
ie costomere for thela
don't present it in any light! ditferent from thut in| labor opon the samo, are not linblo to tux onder the
which it actoally ovcarred—nono whutever. 1 raid law. e
to him, “Mr. President, it may eaid that it would be Wasnisazom, Nov. 3, 1968
‘gavio' it ap,’ bor bada't you better ‘guy it up’
witLont bloodsbed than drench thia land with blo.
und then buve to ‘gay it up?" (Applauce.) He
then asked what be was to do with his outh of oflice.
Ho enid be bad ewvorn to cea the Laws faithfully ex.
conted, and, nddresauig bimeelf to ma, he euid: “{
would like to know from you what I am to do with
my oath of office.” 1 said to bim that bo had taken
aeolemn cath to koe the laws faithfully execatod;
but that Coogress was then in eesaion, and applica.
|| The report is carrent in circles likely to bo well ine
formed, thas Gen, Halleck teatified before the Mille
tary Commission, which has substantially concluded
ite investigation of the eurrender of Hurper's Merry,
that that post might and chould baye beea relieved.
There is reneon to believe that more than ons living
General is aleo comowhat seriously implicated by ¥°
Pan Peay Rad See & iO wine
= ean) ble aL es
dylderco. Ttin not truo, as stated, that Col. Miles Is | Those allotmonts of pay amoant to threo millions of |headed patriarch who tottered aroand to the farm-| THE GWAGKETS, clere ‘The ‘rsles FR
for Extra St
Soathern, and 1M 211fa. for Clty. Sales of
ebor 6Xonornted, lars = 01 house-gate with my horse this morning), “ore you a Su State aud Westdrn: = irease at S{@So., and Lard Ureasa at 84030.
et oN, nosechane's COSTER a mooll for ovary nan ealeg an aeoont oe te |e Hea erga epee, Br what Bee Oe Eee Bale branie, Cantina Eat o et Sie eisaied ith frees
3 8 COMMISSION, ; 2 rane ne fort opply ea wlth tneres
Tre commlesion of Gen. Reteeraoe, a Major Gene | bonett of hin rae The rolls bf other Paginas Sere aca tied Goer cnlocod merle rhea ry rete eae maA bbls Sea hy es Hewes of eerie
1, bas beon dated back to tho Qat of March, 1862, ; wore brought bnek wheo Harper's Forry was taken, 09 das Flour la in lmtted demand. sed. prlor ig; 7.00
ye snder tho late call, are not yet completed, tnd tre wore off thun if they had etald ot howe, ieoaa: 10 bbls al 86 45085 for wlaed to ood yak
fhe time whon he consed to command tho Depurt- ko. aud $7 1089 for Trade bisnde.
6 Te THE POSTAGE CURRENCY. So I’m jnst watobing and waiting. 225 Herlom oy an 8
poost of Weetoru Virginia, This has boon done! The National Bank Note Company having brought| “Evan ible ‘old. neuro, ulmost recy to tumble foto Coenen in quiet ead Heady Teas 3 S00 1 Woes
pari a2 0 reward of tho gallantry and enccots of] the daily dolivery of postage currency up to $58,000, | the grave, could not repress hia aspiration for Nb 3/70, “Wa quote: bere Hop ea mp er
lo D1 " : f i ee Th millions of by 01 y Urseani 84 MD 5 75/Bt Lents. eorm0. 91 9 i
) Bioware’ mS to aublo Lim co outank the] hero ta ow light fling of osog to the proces |SFFag louise he aracy deteier Imig wat gi Gus ceeditouers 0 3 audaaa nsincerd ae |B
| i Perale who will havo to serve under bim in| of somo changes in tho arrangoments, bat thia will| gre." watching ond wailing,” I have ncrat $ 782 9 o| Canada, axe 2) 00] pric fir ama A
’ iy now department. toon be recovered, and the daily delivery of eur-fencoantored ove, bowaver ignorant and dexradod, Kichend of 3.0 Arma bel ne nagia aie tea
Wasmiratow, Monday, Nov. 3, 1082. e. who fuiled to manifost an interast in the war— 100 Baltimor kat Falrboven at Wl 37h ea
ARREST. OF REBEL MAIL CARTERS, renoy carted up to $100,000. did uot recognize our troops us friends ame RAL oth BE Td ao fiye Floar.. ah iran atop a op for Alcesee
/ on HERS. Wasurveros, Mondey, Rov. 3,106 |" Oe armysiae moved seuthy eae th 00 Hod. Ruy. uve aaat. 101g) 209 Germ Meal Jersoy.3 692 97.) manu, oh.
: Ni8 morning, fonr Rebel, mail carriore, named moved southward on three parallel| #'ton Hud Mig: KieG be ot |e TIB6 91 22-6 09] Do, Brandywine... OOD 4 03 Frinay. Oct 9,
Phoo. Dont, J, R. Bateman, RB. L Moute d DESERTER TO BE SOT. roads. In’ tho right colama—Gen, Couch's Corps, | 2,000 fariom Tat M. Lie. c10%$(200 Bled: Ia RR. 4 8 hacns..-18 $0018 in stool lots at Sy@lobo.
J.J. Laney, with Dre Hanlie who ee eee Ae] Tho President bos approved tho sentence of a/ with Fitz John Porter bringing up tho reur—wo| 10, Bk @ O¥o.feltb [409 4) sech dates to Forcign Dried. but the| Pbuhol Rough
bole poe antes re Hardie, who was acting a8] Cogrt-nfartial, convened at St. Augustine, coudemn- |ave boon feelin, one way euatiously, clinging to| Mis Mich Se iMies int 244]700 Dine etlop ben tha iMag
oir pilot into Richmond, were arrosted near Fisl- ing Private William W. Lunt, Company I, 9th tay oF pGthe Bluo Ridge, on ite oast side, in sight 1,000 Alta TH. 2d M0 100 Mleb. fa 3 Perelza Grea arc fan d tho Ler
itn - n ” evemy'e cavalry, iving back | 15:30 "i ni omestlo Dried bar wiiN bo th =
town, Md, aving mado on uosncceesfal at-| aft wolunteara, to bo chot to death for desertion ye cavalry, but driving them back | 18 AIL. 109 Wo nats sales shear ise Ord re alt fearinehes
without fighting. ‘The eraat of the ridge, comand.
tira ibe etorane. [to the enemy's linea withont arma and accouter-|ing tho Whole country te fie See eT itoon Ge
ey had in their porseesion a large Rebel moll, | outs and for highway robbery. Ran Mountains, gives the Rebele a fino opportunity | aviou Ch
Now do, at SG8{o.. monly » i
tet 7.000 Th. itaspherries
5,300 1B, Plttod Cherries at lée., asa 5,000 1D. Lisck:
(ev vwant
canes Cotentia Line
»xonrce tne almoeP
waalt te that our cll-aills ars idle fae
any price,
containing lottore direoied to Alabatna, Virginia, and to wateh the progrets of our army. 0 400
E ain, y : ST PRIZE CAPTURES. gre y. Our tropa] 5
othor Rebel Suates, nnd Into ikeaus of papers pub- PEG REGENT, RRIZEACEELURES from the valloys look op tho monptain sida, to nee ae
hod nt Port Tobacco, Ma. Bs ; Renr Admiral Dupont, a communicating to the fonly bere and ‘thero a.stiny Rebel, and every whore| 30) lev: & Tal SF-Be
reo He Batoman fe an exprers| Navy Dopartment the circametances attending tho | tbe wonderful tints of Aitucn, 1 Ocean Bank
Qgent inthe Rebel eorvice, and important pupera On Suvday morning wo reached Snicker'a Gap. | 6 Bask of the
3,000 Chi.
for medion
Fou a0" Wure #;
[Reported €z01
pa 4 5, La
capture of the British steamers Scotia, Anglia, and FEA TELE:
‘wore found in his porsession. K . 4 Tt ia a broad, easy pasa, ¢ ‘ “| 7 Del. & Had, C.'Co. gare eterna
FWaumnsaton, Tuesday, Noy. 4,166 | OWaebibs, and the destraction of the Mfuritn, eny0: | hcg and Winsheatar farapibe eee see eaee| fa Sfeareguaitima te ele Gra iasleseehocom Walttroat tates nk" ©) sonics ap Comoxons we Eis Prooven at
The erow of the Scotia were inn atate of intoxi- |The gnemy hold it witlrantillers | 25 P.M. 3. Co, GRAIN The Wheat markat Se fairly suppliod and Ix dull. | (Ming lo neatVorder, Bark plalo, iodallble directions, op ecery
ry and cavalry, but
fell beck withoot n fight ua Tro of Hooker's
brigades, with Pettit’s Battory, moved ap and ocen-
pied the summit. From the orést, looking westward,
Wo saw, threo milea away, tho d
two wooded hills, throngh which the Shovaudoah
weees; and beyond, the turupike, stretching of,
THE RECENT OPERATIONS ON THE UPPER PO-| cation, go that they becamo almost unmanagable,
TOMAG, uvd Acting Volunteer Lieut. Conroy orderod them to
The total enmming up of military news from the} bo transforrea on board the Restlees and put in jrone,
‘Upper Potomac for the pnet week may be made a3 he Anglia shen captured wrap aliost ont of coal,
f Seta ju, | aod was sont by Capt. Godon, eenior officer off
follows. The cavairy vungaard of our army, with Charleston, to Port Royal, to bs snpplied. ‘This ts
8 fow cupporting sections of lying artillery, bas been! tho samo veacol which attempted
0 \ » bow the cl pted to enter Charleston | f, : i
constantly in ight ofthe rebel rour guard, siilirly [ia September, wd boing Headed off, suceeded ta Pee ae een nok a mil, thea Blang
provided, Theee forces buve oceusiovally amused | woking her escape thronyh tho darkness, woods, a signal flag Sue swag, eridentivata com=
and 1a20. per bush. lower, closleg Ustladucheed bead hone
opie in Exchange and tho falllog off In the export dened
Which tend to deprena tho markets ‘Thy tagel-y te eeareny he
Sevtaueot, partly for that Iu wore. ‘The ease emo ee 1
709 bouh., anll coaslot of 11.500 bush, Chiosge Suine
Got 23} S00 do, Milwoukeo, Club ae 2 eos
10,200 de, Amber Towa, ken, at $1 Det
loivat Si 31) 2,000 do. Ned'Westera et Slr
Odor Amber do. at WL STOR 407 Gt do. Xb
Btote at 81 6a@3] 39; oud 12.400 do. White Miiobigan at
S0@91'S8. Barley la tm Mght suppiy acd Iv bres calse ot
2.960 buah, State ct about GC 00." Darley Malt in ucatert acd
Douthat Si SPS G2. Osta aro wlaaiy but tere sciivey
fates of now Cavadlen at 4@8'o., and do, Western asd
State a4 Gya's2>- fhyo lequiot bot firs et T@i2b. tor Wartorn
and die. for
cl wali walghe, with tere, count aad necie Of ee
tek a bill of particulars Inside ef, 900 puck
Bh aud always erad ovo by sal wih bales
: ila. {o., wore packs
Wloreor stu, 10 47 ost, Olaer
Produce, to. real o
‘ud net Jobber of
P gorge, botwoen
sas Caaon a homes tan aetna
eS 5 Fy Wasursoron, Tose Nov. 4, 1062.
eachother by artillery practice, but there hna not . 2 1 Nov. 4,
Deen any serions hindrance to tbe retreat of the main fea enoe PURCHASING COMM!
a municate to thy troops lying under tho hill, nearer,to
‘SIONERS, | us but hidden from view, onr movements upon the
Robert Allen, Quartermaster U.S. A., bas | summit,
330 Brio
2} bol cot its ba erations and supplivs. n Ff ‘ ‘ - ;
sebol cofamand to its baeo of operations and a ea thy | beoRaRnounced us Chief Purchasing Quartermaster, | Tha Rebels supposed we derigued crossing tho| 8004. 8.5 i Con 2044 | hops Ge arevals wo ighteates of 3300 bush ihe prica and weld i Jobe
® PORTION OF STUART'S CAVALRY STILL IN| and Col. T. J. Haines, Commisanry: of Subsistonco, | Steuanderh, and prepared {0 dispute onr passage. | f'pay U8. Ge'l-year Gert, 4) 10 Hedioer Hivee AIR ef | eu eaee eRe te yeas ENGE: Teese. for whteplog ds, IS Eb kos, Deed. and W.
Ont of the woods voured a colaron of their infantry, | 13'000 M
a as 7
MARYLAN U. 8. A. a8 Chiof Purchosiug Commissary for the | oomplotely ililing the sect
fasourl State Go.. Sf]200 Earl-u
tind Wheat WdW'n Bl Hho
25 Mich. Central RRL
OstarStalbreeoree 61D 6:
n of roud whil. ‘yo could] 6,000 dovvverncs-c.bi0
The Government was curprised to-day by the Wheat. Wie Morn} 6) L(G |Uste, Canedian. 2
A many: De gon 9 or the. L- Role| 51000 Belo left. ali Nort 101d 1 ° 101 | Wheat Red Btn. 43 @L49 [Ott Newsenoy.
receipt of an officiul telegram apprising it of the| DePertmenta of the Missouri, the Tennessee, and see, then passing out of sight under the ~ lL. Fo Oe Be AE eed Hoe MT. SECA Te BR Pe eet e Dea neonemrsiarser la
, . the North-West. lowing them came another column, which disup-| 500 Es EW MCI M. os Poe Pe eee eed Peter reed teal ers rae
faot that a detaciment of Stuatt’s cavalry, 2000r/ tiny wee HE coNDU muy, |Pomred at the eame point, Tben a third moved oat,| 331 : srengeetesatt 4h | Wheat White Orch oo
-800 atrong, was elill concealed in the woods near| "Ts Riotatary of Was hy ae OF GEN. BUELL: |iteo coming toward us. At this moment one of n10 81, | Wheat, Red Obludl 45 Gaur, Chlesgos.. 6) @ rhatie qall with » good export dec
‘Pooleaville, Md., and Lad boon there ever since they |, voretary of War has ordered a Military Com-| their light guus, minoh nearer thon the infantry, 2815] Wess Wrotlch 1 & Gorm, White 3 80 @ igo large drains, and omthero wa elighaly
Hoped exound tho army of the Upper Potomus | Wesion to be organized to inquire into the condact| opened upon'ua, Tt throvy four shells, but thoy ail 0 Balena t Chie FC: #54] Wheat hea MVieck oan ph ae 4 ay Lint omer ‘canes
Line Fat tes | | of Major-Gen. Baoll in reference to his permitting | fell ebort, and exntoaaa 500 yarda in front of ua. BO dO vncues suey 860 EXE] Wheat, White So. =o 1D, It should bave ‘bosn' 7,000,000 1b, We
having beet ‘unable to cross back again with tho ,9 invasion of Kentucky by Gen. Braggy bia failure | _Pettib, who bad his guns upon the const, coald not {1480 Clove; aid ot iL MisedWo 72 @
rout, i pa » Bragg} receive ‘this salnte in silence. Giving ‘one of bis 2 te oes bd) ized So. 2 rgodall ZU} Cio Chcese, extrach,..0 28
rovitatSeereae toreliove Munfordeville, and allowing ita capture by | 10-pound Parrotts a great olevation, he sighted it ig i100 Chic Ac. tal, Dts a8 5 Band poet 0 el
William Collamor, con of Senator Cellamer, bos| {te cee™mF: his conduct during tho battle of Perry-|himsclf, and fired. ‘The Rebel column in the road | 200 sesssccess 644100 Chie, Bur. & Qain.R, prvard noticed tn
Collars 20m oF : Fy BPS | villo; bia wuffering tho forces of Gen, Bragg to ea-| a9 threo and o half miles away, bnt be dropped oe -2 ati) fall 2c Inet a
been wppointod an additional Paymustor in the] oi6" som Kentucky without captor ov foae, ig | the shell right into the midst of it. It oxplodeds Money Market a8 09 F 1 10) reached on modiama, vo bens very light and
army. tacks e he ace Seo keel thero wus & White puff of smoke; in a moment it Wapsxenix rss 60 | Best! ais Adoraperery. seared prarall DUarOmn: BIOFSEy,
GRAUDE IN THE QuARTERMLAsTER's pEPART-| °{8cKits them; ond his operations ia tho States of | lifted, aud showed tho dense colamn rnsbing back Jp el Dee nn 'CUNNY BAGS have been in ood detaand at (rom 20023 goote (rnskas ‘ii
Keutucky and Tennessee—tho Court to be held at|into the woods. There was no more fighting daring} Tho stock movement of the day baa not boon im-| cash, closing lose actively at the haber rats, Med.,ahoea, 47 Kidney,cholen Pho? Go@2 TH
: & ‘ i éxotE
Frauds hava recéntly been diccovi}ed in the | Cimeinnuti. aver bas kebal bores, which eR Ts portant, the election bavisy had, apparently, no far-| ,.GUNNY CLOTH has beon {a Umited reqosst at 19}@1320., by bu..d WOS OD
; f e I C1 catimated at 10,000, hold ite position, but made wo! ther influence. At the opening ppearod| HIDES—Tho demand for all descriptions continaee ver
Quartermaster’s Depstmect, and ome of the] ,,. , PROMOTION OF COL. ELLET. stiempt to diapossest uz, Gen. Sykos, with his Reg. | 4 teen gthe beard OPP Br |S eee ee oe ene plan paallnaed wery 277293 #100 3.
ate reerenam hate icantareeiients Key sencl aks be appointment of Brigndiar-General bas beeo| qlars, remoined to bold the Gap, and our column | ‘ispored to ecll the leading ebaroe, but being met| rulo stroog, though swithoal ‘quotable cheusee few ontelis| Evus The sorple noatiauee roy Lue, wed rive ere gam
freely by thb bulls, tho markot became firmer, At|tsles ooly having beca ocpsuarmated at ca advance. The| tained. Wo quer
stock on band is about 110,000, agalost 316,00) same thie let | Ststound Pena. choca — Limed Ex;
ous instance, the brother of @ contractor who bad| Pimeelf 60 greatly in the operations of the ram fleot|Sykea had & skirmish yesterday, iu which he lost| tho close of tho morning Board, however, tho quote- jomeatic Slaughtars are buoyant, ond trod
a rea <a feed on { @bout 20 men, but held hia porition. dtieral as S ‘quotn Buonon Aytea at 41n2ie.y iio Crono, 2
been in the babit of receiving double bis daca, was|°™ the issises and ho bas been authorized 1" On Sunday, Major O'Neil, Gen. Meaghor's Chist] Bead Hoel Sas OF Wealeapans At tho with | grizege, 250 (orale, 28@770.) Porto Cabollo, 23 H for dletant
fia taetenoinndited Ein ics utal Feige a yoluntcer marive brigade, to eorve with tho | of Staff, started to take a message to Geo, Burpaida, [Od Bourd there wos a moderate activity, with| Dey Werle bey Shite stars, ot bo demgod fail ight end le rot
und lote of Turkast, Chickenr,
wuora: Wenern, enoiea, FT Die,
MULIERITCONAISSIONS CANONS, ram fleet, in conjnoction With the gunboats, on the|n few miles to ovr left. A short ride brought him in| rather better prices than prevailed between the| sty cemury Smusaton SRONG
A IMMISSION 5 HAY—Lbe demend a moderate for le g,and tho mp- “
foo lb. Straw sia | | Eucen Ma
eat 4q 1 ght of a equad of osvalry. They were dreased i 3oarda, T! 5 ivi ih Ty
Western waters. ‘The con of the lato Col. Charles | eight of a eq ry: y in| Boards, The greategt activity of the day bas beon ply {s lorgor sales of 1.40) bales at Coo. >
The military commirsion of which Gon. Hunter is culation ove! ‘ ‘ :
me Bllet who was wounded in the engagement at Mem- |W" blue, regulation overéaats, and the Major, sup-|in Brie eommnon, of which eome 8,000 to 10,000 | PZ saferees,anlanet 44M bales
Preeidont bos at Jeogtl deliyered its report to the ing them to belovg to Pleutauton's force, rode ap ; ; :
Mcorelary of War and adjourned over «ill Thureday, phia has been eppointed Colonet in the brigude, tothem, ‘They proved to bo a party of’ Stonri'e| area havo cold at 61265 ceat, closing lato in| EAI The, marks advanced; ales of some 1260 bates | Keel ntaor,co0d, AF R432 6 |Pork, beavy «+
when other businces will bo bronght before it. It is SS cavalry, and be wus captured 'bofore bo knew it.’'| tho day at 64j bid. Aftor tho Second Board the Jolafatt ©1708 6 180 Sy tunpesshiy| soe do. Soton, carcarsta, sae
: - ined. ‘Tho most | 4B. !9 bea 00 AD srenenes
pop i ‘ ‘Au Major O'Neil ia ouly jnet out ; t '
{ill belioved that the firat subject of inyeaticution | PROD TLE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. grees prspect van 7 dpat ont of a Richmond) market was gonerally wwell en
vill be como of the numerous charges nguinat Gen.| | : lighted Rebel sent biw to their headquarters, a | Prominent stock was Pittebargh, of which somo 3,000 3 seen escaree: | Soulbern:
Pitz Joba Porter, Deena) Pispsich te aha Noe. Rane. cbarch in Bloomfield, uuder gaard of & Lientenaut | Saree were cold at 404240}. Galena was strong at)" if4iR Is la good reque! ‘of 29,000 Ih Weetorn Roush Twos 12%DSI 60 $a sags s
MAIER OBEN Eny a Wasuisozox, Wedueeday, Nov. 5.106% | and two men. 853, and for Michigan Southern Guarantoed 85 rogu- | Hog sud 89,000 do. South American Mixed Horee, 03 privaio 2S0@ G00 co
Wm. B. Stone of Co, G, 7¢h Virginia Caval Sigel’s cavalry, supported by artillery, was ate!” They went into Bloomfield, but the choreh yas| lar, aud S84} soller ten, for 1,000 shares. At thocloso| HONEY—There te oovslderablo inquiry, but the LUmited ab
s ain G, % Y)| tacked at Now-Daltimore to~lay by Rebel cavalry |clozed. "1 wonder where ont forces are,"" said the |i. market hail dtoud ith very fow | PPPITestrlets bacinees. We quotoat G1 GSI l0fercube 308
yma armsied to-day while prowling about Rook i . ‘ js Ttebel officer. “Ab, hora they aro; guard tbe pris-| 2° market, bail on upward toudenoy, with very fow | aity Paid; and 90a%e. In boud.
hore be has for tho lest threo daye been living | yah ee eens, (After a brisk skirmieh the | oor whilo I ride dowa to them." Awd lie galloped | #ocks offered. \‘T'bo quotatlone, wero, United States || HOPS w jeady, and In moderato reqaeat; sales of 3 Loe
Where be Ass for the Wet threo daye been living) Rebels were ropuleed and driven some distance by | 92° of Fingtin.| Ga of 1881, 103 7.30 Notes, 10521054; daloy gow at l7da F =
elite Roledl SeccesitnistmA Uundaal taetimony sens lekeee ! Y | down the etrect tom company of cavalry riding iv.| Ga of 1931, 103501043; 7.30 Notes, 1050105}; Do- | Yow scuinu Pig dla falereqnests sale of 900 =
Gse hed ty owes ahd Col. Wyndham, No casualties reported. Fighting, | Jast as be reached thow, they leveled their carbices| mand Notes, 12532126; Amorican Gold, 130$a | twee at SI1'd 500. cash, the'lsttor rato for best brands from v =
farnished t as Be is a epy inthe Havel service. probably nothing more than skirmishing, {a reported | and conan ded hime sarrender. ' Ho bad made the! 191; qenucesee Ga, 55056; Missonri 63, £34 254: Amorisaa Pls s very toaten, ad gold abcad of pro: ‘a
REST OF TRAITORS. o. sawe mistake with Mujor O'Neil, and rddon into] so i unueeste Oa, SS O90; Mi cla I best brands, ‘Other kinds aro dull at. former ea
MarshalMErathy adi kaward le! Davia ware\are| one eee ewe gur cavalry instead of bio orn, Tie garfendered at | Pacide Mui, 1214-91243; New-York Central, 10 iia ‘a ilited segues et x
4 i 1 diccretion. To two men whom bo left to guard tho| 101}; Erio Railway, 617064}; Erie Preferre oa Para, 6240. to Fr
‘ migted by bar pickets today. They gave wyory| Mnformation from Mfanarsas Junction, | ‘cretion. Too af 3 ~ ae Die ed ie end uke u
: Dnaslisfactory ecevunt of themselves, and. whoa von AARON. Wednesda, oy 6,108, Ho et thne gurtgeaf Ga anUEIGy Rat eee eds seo River, 774 977}; Harlem, 2140214; |"LEAi ioe tions =
aeked to take tho oath of allegiance positively re-| Toformation from Munasiae Junc!iou this morning | iowtep eapiared. fy alter ponding (hres hosre| Heriia Deefarred, 491; Micbigun Central, 14.2924; | glcy, vvetyay fem, Eeatre, buy ee =
fused. suya that tho portion.of Gen, Siokleu'a commend sent in the hande of the Rebels, Major O Neil fouad.bim- | Michigan Soughern, 434249}; Micbigan Soathero | yuote Ligh Weiutasis ete s Middle wok Hleste Ge ok 23h © Ducks have em
Wasmsorow, Wedueaéay, Nov. 5, 1252, | forward to look after the Orange and Alexandria | sclf onc» moro ia our linea, and threo prisonors with| Guarantecd, 85085]; Inois Central 8)}089; | 22) opeex Se) Deter os Fees Rresntalty 2 Fac di bad gandlen dea a]
erying ain of Nepotism made a part of the caso, In °™rred on Col. Alfred W, Ellet, who distioguizhed | moved on. Reports have come forward that Ge
HIGHLY IMPORTANT ARIES Railroad found it in better condition than was an- er ‘aie es eae Cloyeland and Pittsburgh, 40 ¥ 1,000 chars, nnd but tora Us Leas aouvfty su mers bisa Wepk. We cncla
The War Department detectives who bave been |ticipated to a point noarly up to Catlett's Station. | ., Nand oar cayalry, Ow thie wirle mired Pies | tho samo bid for 1,000 more, closing at 404404, | oCCaane being, elcled sk 50 4. and Foveira al
{oveetigating nffuirs in the vicinity of Pairfux Court-| Phe railroad bridge ot Broad Run was found par anton bes been far in front, scouring the conutry,| With Inge ealee; Galena aod Chicago, 854285}; Pr BABE Bios anc fg a Arab eraog ana RE
House, bave arrested and put iu pricon Jacob New, | tially burned by the Rebels, and ita eupports partly |euguging and driving ont the encmy. LEvory day|Clovelund and Toledo, 692070; Rovk Island, 823] % sand lengths
n i y y p pports partly ; f : y day ths
Nachman Whitehead, —~ Deonisou, and anegro| sawed through. It can, howover, be ensily and|¥2 bear the pounding of big guns, aud the retreat-| o59 Ha
pemed Francia Arcold. Naw is a eutler atGen,| quickly repuired, Kettlo Run Bridge was found | (0% eupe OF tap euamy: | Pvery fay we ect bis) Ty foreign billa there ia very littl doing to-day. | LINE Isecarco aud qolot, bat firm, at 750. for common
; n.| quickly rep ig prisovora going buck to the rear, Thin plan of niaes- Habla Bees, 6 fortOY- | nocslaad sud 900. exsh, for Lusop.
Bigel'a bexdqacrtere, who bad the other calprite in | uvinjared. lng tho cavalry aud leaving the army eatirely with-| Sterling is nominally 1453 @146. BIOLA article fs uot mach eoaght vfter, bo
his employ, The-negro was Gen. Sigel'e cook.| Our troops hold tho country ip the vicinity of|outit, impoeess grost doal of unusoal and eevere| Freights are dull and heavy for Aworican yesscla, | prices generally ars malotalued Poa
ploy, r yo y 8 be
Goods of all descriptions wero eent frou New-York | Bronteville, and have driven in the pavrolling Rebel | Picket daty upon the infantry, bat the cavalry, thio| put catea are firm for foreign bottows. To Livar- | “Rlvs wits good demans. gad wu Urner ioe Gut
‘tonsigned to the cook, who helped them through our] parties upon Warrenton Junction. They, bowover, | “iis Rubela were bero iu force. juet Vofore onr ar-| Pol tho engagements are 21,000 bush. Whent ut 2d.,| S254: for Ciluch, Ieee tha, ghual discount for cau. iain
lines to the Robela. Four trauks were seized, which | continue to ecout down us’ low as Catlett's Station, | rival yesterday, but they ekirmished a little qwith| io bulk and bogs; 100 tuns Tallow at 32. 6d. To| NAVAL STORES gcoccally sro very quiet, but held Gruly
‘Were filled with shoulder-straps for Rebel officers, | und will doubtlesa dectroy the Cedar Run Bridge, 1f| our advaneo, and then fell back Before our lino of | London, 7,000 burh. Wheat at 94d., in bags; 10 tana | Pah amell sales ot Suinice, tar
battle aud Pleasanton’s force, A part of them bave| Glover Soed at 30s
at tho close: sales
nd Forelra a: €u,
fn the spot and to arrive, as to
LATE are acarea, and ure in good requ
3 mon, for Eastern.
Marry ridt
Gold lace, eto. Seventy-four swords were found on | they bave not already done eo, nalthrough tha Gapitheiect nrcard dows oinen 600 tans Oil Cako nt 228, Gd., Me Tily at gia s0e.
tho premises which were supposed to have heea| The Manassas Ruifhoad is in pretty good working | {i'r sido of tho mouurain, towatd Gordoaseille | in bbls. aod in bags; and, ¥ uontral veeecls, 1,000 Crado, Whale ia. qu
mavufactured in Germany as thoy bore tbe mark'| order clear up to Thoroughfare Gap Tho weathor is clear, but extremely cold for cam-| bbls. Flonr at 3a,; 7,000 bush. Wheat wt 10)d., in| F PME Eireann
supposed to etund for “Upper Suxe Co-| Information received last night indicates that the | paigning. eee bage; 200 tee, Beof at 7e,; 200 bbla, Pork at 5s.; und ig held with tooreased Gi
Tho negro confessed the whole trunsuction, | total Rebel foreo at Warronton Junction is not more} .,{7*2, Barns hes beon assigned to a division in}on9 Lulea Hops at-td. To Glaegow, # noutral oo, ad Wile my adad taaaley, grasa ng Tessson Waites,
- Wilox's corps, Col. Owen of the 63th Penney iS
and gave the uames of the sellers of the contraband | (hen 3,000 infantry, with correspoudiog vambers of | \y. wcccocdt Limin the comuaet at S pouayly veszel, 3,000 bash. Wheat at 12d., in baga; 100 tes,
goods in New-York, who will bo arrested. The| cavalry and artillery, Gen. Howard, st the Litest advices, bad co for re-| Lurd st 402; and 30 bble. Apples at 5s, The char
guilty parties bud tyelve etolen horses in their poo- — covered thut he hoped to rojoin the army this week. | ters, a British brig with 15,000 bush. Whost to
122 Olive is tn good rrqueet at
for vo dozen Pinte, aud Si 1
ied Red ls tn good demand at
arto qonilty, Crude Petraloam is
ales of 5,040 bbla. at
2 bi
io balk, 2b
Baus SSi wees is
“Bap 3 Partie M si a) Grier *
oession. A “rapid ond Umportant’ Movement— eat = He fave Pa it of af Plymouth at 12d., and s& British bark with 18,000 eed dois {np active request ta a Ven, Ia Valk a” Boi,
ayy —- An the Enemy’s Conntry—No Whito| eo er ce a ironies teeguee ay Hi] bush. Wheat to Dublin on privato term Sonare delivery, and ealea of vome 18,000 bbls. Wy
0 the Asscelated Press, ie Seeker ee Seren ‘obo Porter rent a re esance through tho gap, y x etiectod at 494600, for linmediato, and 402-850. for
Wa , Tharadey, Oc!. 20, 1 ovalty—Kemalo Itcbelo—The Neyroes—| down toward the river on the west side, to find tha| ‘Tho foatares of tho Money market show no change | and December 4 Reconene ia scttog ‘
CLAIMS |FOR SERVICES OF DECEASED SOLDIERS. Snicker’s Gap—A Skirmish—Captured| position of tho enemy, Tt was wndor command of| to-day, excepting perbups increasing abundance of | “Gy eae Uy ead ase ath
Tho following circalur has been iseued irom the end Eccaptured the Same Day—Tho ASI COT SEC) PRU Of nO Leg neasceauaatg oby, capitul seeking employment, Some of tho up-towan | fatly activa: sales of 180cune Wealarn Ubi Obioug Lu bags
_Adjatant-Geueral's office : Cavalty—Kebels Watling | Back—Tho |i iio, 7th, lth and Lith Iegalar Lufaatry, ” | institatious were in tio elroct to-day makiog loans. | fray oot wstda publ y = Chios wied tot
thbevecrieeel deemed solunects and eilsore, Eroolue| BME OF Snickers Gap—Sorious Lore! Ag the rivor was approncbed, tho whole force | Good borrowers supply their wanlo onsily at 5 ¥| ,,DiPMEAL W scarce and Lo demand ot §2059 13) P ‘a Appice ezcapt a few of he
o wot advanced In prlow
pibg sorte bi
foucanontyrnesed Urrough Diisapprehension' ef an Order. | wi sulirmishera, | All oboyed| cont, and thore aro exceptioual loans mado at 404J] | PROVISIONS—Tbe Pork mar
‘0 ordered to deploy
tool foporltions Dur Own Correspondent 2 i eh wsisa pre: e : ed; tales of B50 bbls. at $12
orbelre ofde| Oy tum iiuut Euest, man Astor's Gar, Ve.,y [SXCOPE the 14th Regulars, velo, through mwisappre-| m cont, Among tho minor stock hones 6 & cout in| fscllord tales of Sd Ube at $19 07 i
Ubseberpe, oF Bape Tuceday, Nov. 4, 10a "} | bension of the ordera, charged down tho hill tothe) iy 5° 6) In tho discount housee the| ad prices are oncbangod) sales of 259 bbls at S19 asia
wil te farnived''ex*| hen tho ariny etarted, a Gener nigh fo cathor: | HYeF indino'of buttle, paid. i some cago. In tho discount houses the) foe Arie" Warem hlcot| 1s “22014: (or: Batra docy-end
0 It. m bio army éharted, & Generis tigi i aathor-|" They went down with a rash anda cheor, but| travaactiona are limited in consequesica of tho acar-| $13 su for Plain Vermont. Boct Hums are tira; atles of 16)
‘ives eatitlad , Pres
here it can be ured | ity objected to any mention of it through the prees. |juat ay they reached tho water's edge, a tasked bat- city of first-claca paper. Tho recent epeculntive| Dbl. good Culcago a SIT £0. Becow is scarce ‘avi wanted
eroment, or for the preju Tay iheanr ri ‘i ‘ : asles of 20 boxes Short-Riobed Ci = Lard Is scarce
owing conditions must bo| The movement was to-be “rapid and important.’ on the otlier banic of the river eponed on them | movements in merchandise bavo brought come good |'ent frwor; tales of 130 bola aod for Nowy] ~ Fall Upp!
Jeat clalnua hava beeo facilitated. by 1
fiom tho public offices, and to nuerd cg
and tecars the rights of discharged
eared eoldtor
fro basls or olalio against tho
ies of ionocont pervons, the fo
oe Publicati c ; with sbell aod canister. They w otud to fi : Caio pat Seascale ig es
OE eee pecnlleccot te proved Publication would forewamn the enemy. As dsual, | thie faces, and. drawa elf as voon as poasibig | nasaes on tho market, but the public frocly absorbe] oS 4 ™HbHe fot Ola. Later tad ¢ TA epee cee
Bycond: Helos aod represaitotlyos must abow that they are | (he telegraphic congora refused to pass dispatches lyut they euffered a logs of about 8 killed and mora| it at 4}@6 ¥ cet. Vory loading eignntarca at ehort | Best 31. Cy, ble— —a— — | Vork, 93] Chote,
he to thi proof inay be by appiloants from y j 7 Ty Neel Pime City. — ~@—— |P'k. Pe DN 14)
Credibio and dieistereated prosots, certibed to ve such by an | CObCeMINg it to tho New-York jouroale, As ueval, | than 20 wounded. | ‘Tho only officers lost were Cupt | ronturilics ean be passol as low a4 cont. Theao| Rte HEe ely. © athens Saneiebes
faleg duties oe Noicy, whose olla elnrster shoud tls | too, Baltimore and Wasbington papery, issued under | Brathof tbe let Mass, Cova rjkilled, and Lieut.) ory ratea, howevor, bave driven a considerable por-| Beet Mets Wes Hed bbl Y Desvoeeld 2104] sk
je uitds 13 appear. . ho very eyo of the Government, within a few erry, Company C. Adth Regulars, soveraly | ° ae i ont oe fame, Dry S wa =|\ecuawinnD
Tied Were an agent este he mort preduce hie snthority | 0 Very eyo of the Government, ow hours | \oundeds “Che following io @ partial let of our tiow of the capital formerly employed in paper into| Eeeg, fess) (a 9 Maus, Dry Salied v0. —a@ — | Cerabia
cach Individual canoy ooapled witit provf ofthat of the party | of the enemy's lines, were permitted to publish mi- | additional cosualtica: Government secaritics, railroad bonds, and. other| Fork: EimeMesel2 (oai2 75 |Shoulders, Pickled-.»— @ —| Cato
2a or leaner, | Bute details avenues of investment. MIGE—The market lu firm, bot at tho mowest net very ax} Cape Codseosrer-r-
the opplicatl tbe wade to tbe officer of the Govera:| ‘Tho “importance” of the mov: ho fe : ' P TEP ee easton ta beta ak Sioa Wester ged to eho E
at hinder whose dircetion payment woald bo iade.| 1H tmportance” of the movement the fature ou, Co. G Gold has been irregular to-day, with a'fair amount | tg) et ee et eae Seanad ati prevalis; and prlcoe Tap yuet
Vere this officer ia eatistive! Of tay right of to elaluaant, Uo | W il determine, Its “rapidity” ia each tbat on tho th Rey, ui of transactions, aftor touching 130 itrecoveredto 31}. | aro etrooger, bur srithout quotable advance ince our last Dried Apples of coming to, ax®
Ary te potitot the elven, whien: if found on tue records, will | winth day after crossing the Potomne our infantry | Joby jTlpalve, Co 4 Tho sopply onthe market appears to be rather de- | Pe dewand | prlnct roUiteaue; SSlte fer Cutme] — Eltted Charles, now, PB 130.
Furnbbed to bis, Wut nok tothe pasty concetued J udvunee ie at Abby's Gap. ‘bia pase throngh the croditopetAU tHecclove the'matlcol vvaa qulotlat 2904¢| {3 suas tr teen Madusrat ies cucoewctiog| Bild + ie
Dee ener oe ear or oa ee eee cz | Bluo Ridge is 30 miles eo! rper’a For cae ' of 280 bhds. New-Orloam WL@S1 4, 4 moe ; Retin oe
sion ‘country, tho ulieal character of the ‘inglarate or | Blue Tetdg a 0 ere Gi HaNEeES res (cas Castom-Houto Notes syniputbized with gold, bat] ase goict bat fra at 1al3fo. for Powdered, Greul Honey—sunall class boxes Wilio Clove, ¥7 1.102200.
ellog elficer before whou they ate tateo, must bo verified by | sturtiog-point) and 20 north of Mavaseaa Gap. Wo wan little psoulatiye aution, Oper and Crushed. We quote Hopey—suall class boxes Wille Clore, nan
aMicisrer of Consul of tho Utttod States rerident 1a the cour | arg only vive milce frou tho Manassas Railrond, ond there was little or no speculative notion. Operators | and Crusted: quality..14o. {Ground Sogar 136. rt all gas bezee Bo ele sO
White Suger—a.
Yellow Sugar—C
om 4 "| oppenr to fear the coming on the warket of some | Crashed
+ Ds, He Mill's division of Rebels lef this jyrgo blocks which aro beld by banks, Tu one-year
Sully's Brigade of Gormawta Division ia now ab-| Certificates the transactions were largo ut 99)299}.
sont on a recopnoissance, to examine Ashby’s Gap, | Tho 7.30a sold freely ot 105) @1054.
gar. beat qo
fry whore web oridence originutesthe verification to be io Ree
(eater under the Laud und olliglal weal ef cach Plnister or 0
fated moat ae Already We nrous renlly ia the enemy's country
quail AppNeations for carligestes andor tho seal of tho| gs Wve could bo in Miesieeippi or Sonth Carolina,
ar Departaent, to he uted In foreign oauntales, will enly be! Our troops, frevh from tho waem weleome toy. occ
anieriained when comtag {rom the ulgbest répreaeatative of f “= bey en.
Cheatuote, & bu
Bickory Nuts, q
Toiolps, I
Marrow Squ
bull eLortly ebouge our base of supplies to that line,
fb goat aod deer te very Linh!
the tranesctions therefore are restricted ;
goat at «2 30 bales Capa of Good
joyed in Muryland, cee thie contrast, and spoll the ean 4
Ws foresga country through the Depactinsut of State. All the | Joyed 3 J Pp 5 DRROLIGAB) = goat; 3,000 1D. Vere Crit ‘and 3,000 do. Callfornis
feels coune sted WIth tho subject of Luquiry should be coamu- i tiane accordia, Their draita up Cashed y AN gies ea an Wo. on private terme, Wo quel
aibaled, trutieclarly tho full rah, Togimont, and cou | churds, hen-roosts, corn-criba and fence-raila, Ww Sa Grain, Provisions, and other Market pazn. se
Paay of the eolules, whira cod where be was st beard trom, | soldigra novor spare, are astenichingly heaty Wapyuspar, Nov. 5,1 ‘Temples. 8 D s1yAC0 Se NT tet
Dinnossns Railroad Beached—Pleacnnton
in Mounesne Gap—Gormon in Ashby’a
47}@60> Burren, Conier, Loo
scarcity | Vere Cruz
et continues quiet owl:
of Potact we
ive bat drm at 39
ASHES—Thta mar
Ke: amall sale
Sed is names of thy olicers user mlm KGjuoucGeneral, {think if Pharaoh had ceou bis Lowestead p
over by & hungry hostile army, he would huve let
th, and
Os. for Wester. | TPayte. fow-York.
Wastursoton, Fridey, Oot 31, 1602 ues dele eee ra ae Ms
5 f cou! IST the people go. Gap—@be Entire Bebel Army Beyon ON—Thero has beea gaits an active demand to-day, Chagres.. Our mo Golck eaiesiand prnapt rctamat
LI ee Ce eS Lhave not heard s tingle white Virginian, male} tho fonandoab. boit (rom manufacturoreand splumers, and the enles are Beaty? Pors0. ai fideo | RefeceatenD. he Marin President Uceaa Bast Row-Yoe
Ivclodivg sometbtog Hko 2600 bales; prices aro bighor end | Cawnyp Pors oe 0 @. et
David Davia of Illinois bas been appointed by
or female, profess loyalty, einoa we left tho’ Poto- | From Our Speclal Corresponds I dSooje for hited f ra exarond Avksosans — @
Prosideot Liveolu an Associate Justice of the Su-| niges, Wherever private proporty fa tulen PS IEE eee Seen ce Oa ee eae i cw Olean ded Pesan tet ALP) SITs in lelted demand, bot the recotpte are ght pe arenianesel
fome Court of the United State Ho is weeigued Arai tirrenrnor eevee caraiitad lg ie UP sineaveloaiag aay Totter of dey; There ridden angoree E The demand Is fal, prin pally from the dare of Livergoo! aro ludithe nent tlre upleas at ful a roa| sdvaitliar’\havlng interes even. ye) healt lnta few
CoO ad ia LEH ey iste ho redress, Under thiy preseure mupy profeesa cort| o thie etation on the Mannasag Railtoad, A. amall iho Iu ifata erty 150 do, Santon et 240, aad 18 nat Amnioo'a den, ne, at wre, bya vey simple tewedy, afte: harog wfered rea
REBELS RUNNING OPF THEIR SLAVES. of loyal neutrality or neutral loyalty; but Tbave| dotachmwut of Plensanton’s cavalry ocoupled it last | Monssrssrseeensnes Marncafbo, 90 O72 | zone with eorero Lissa Ariaozios, sia states
The Star enye: niet 1 unconditional Uniouiste, night, bat withdrew thia morning. To-day hia on- | J87%---;-000000 awuayreds irene ec Pe bust, Heo Hoe eee eee ee ee cere Matin feat TenBaITN tank
oWalhinga ivnaler informatiou. fr arties| ‘The women and ebildrea, a3 usual, tell tho troth ; io dereud for Foreien {4 Umited, and the market
est ot Cob that ie steam Diente, eur her| withont disgaice, “At Weodgeove, the other night | ire force eamo down from Upperville, Sighting an |” COAt—ilis deincud for Korein 1 Moited, and the mere
the prescription ared (free of charze), with dice
F F fs without mooh change; the supply te uct 1a 10s) D tea at $20G-825 G. Caloutta Lined | CoPY of the presoript ae Fil sd wei
© trip from ‘Texas to the post of Mulatto, Cubu,| young woman, who said slo profecsed to be af usual, bis bore artillery driviug back the enemy. ‘Seoteb Steam froin yard at G0 0, snd I Y bush. oo the epot, aad] for preparing end nelng tho sane, which they will
curried in addition to ber cargo of cotton quite | Christian of the Buptiat mode, declured she bud no] The Rebols reeinted with one light gan and one :
linth, ex ebip, at $5 £0, caabs ateo, 379 (une Syduey ox in mot te an tnd fo critya. 4,| e279 for Consumption, Asthas, Brose 4, ko = The only
Bomber of Texna shives with their owners, who| aspirations for heaven if any Yaukees were toro. | negey one, but Pleasanton pressed hom acroew tho| [vere cera, be reoelzt of Douaetia bare Wien more ood White atte canis 19 S224 808 ject of th advertinor in sanding the rreerotion sto Doueda
promplly sold thein'to Cobnu planter; and uleo| Sbe woold willingly Iuy down her tite for tho cuuso. | “°S°Y Ope bat bd es from yord of RG SUDT 73. S z ANIL
| Sbe-would be proud to kiea the dirtiest and ragged-|rilrond, and is now two milos from here toward) "EGP peR— lected Logot bas been In go:
SYICF.S—There twa fair deruend, and prices teod upward, | the aifiicted; ead bo hopes every #
-day of 1,000 boga Popper at Zije., aud 100 bales Cloves | gy {x will cost thora autlups, and may prove a L
a request
that eevoral Secesh ” fumnilies, urriving from New- 1 ‘ f : oct at
1) Grea weit ave rina th ra ee ADL apiAA CRISTINA EStONe TIS ese lhe Hee eae ier riantatwa depsaired sea sala ef 0 steady and fn felr domand at 1@104e. for Drop| Wi#hlng tho proscriptlon will please
Bombers of waves. Te will be reiwembered that tov} any Nobel piokets thie morning?” avotbier was] A cording to the inbabitante, ol the Rebel ermy | {$009 Te pls ro atend aes
ateamer Bluncbe ran her cargo to Cuba ander tbhe| ashed at Upperville. yeaterday. Sho replied, with |. " former, ani cath for tho latter. om: | SPELTEI te fm good request and {s Grmer; sales of 175 naburgh, Kuigs County, N. Xe
| Wiitish da, —not previously known for muny years] ite won, * Why do you call them Neb- | in this viewity hae retreuted through Mannesas Gup. | cangysic.; Yellow Metal 7c., and Bolts and Bresicts 2 leslan at quite, cash, chledly at the Iusldo rato, slow =
e | tc kayo covered u cargo of slaves for the Cabin] 4 ¥ you ploree, Madum; whut do you call | Pleasanton will occupy the Gap thia evening, and] 4to, usual teume | ao coy psec HS the Ane ain ee
pérkety A Spanish tun-ot-war, the Blasco de| them 1” n Southern ‘heroes, Sir | leara defiuitoly in regurd to it. Nanette teen tariaisericany@uteusee | vorcbiotorelgn sdvices, und salee to tbeexteot et 3,50) slabe| READER, You cau buye
Gurus, ia mid to have landed more or less of the| ‘The slaves cowo anto our lines, act a8 guides, and} Coueh's Division of Sumner’s Corps bas just oc-| “GXROLES cro vory dull yet steady ot 19220c. for Adaman-| havo besu ollertod at froin I1i@leje- casby Bavee Ar'very Bre] seedy, god soltble Gotp Pen. exxctly ailzpted to your bank
dhsves entering the idluud frow the Viciuity of New-| give whutever ioforaution they cau. Which ido cugivit Ashby'a Gap, god, our pickets extonil within | une: uate for Bie foe Shera, apa tea. tr ghia le dewuod at aay Gee ta ea CET ac reat
Orleans.” ve you ov, Loys 1” usked Gea, Gurinan of a largo) wile of the Sheuwudoub, D, H. Hill's Corps re-| | DYEWCODS ato to very if 4 late Due the haney taaiaiceds sea a ee eee ieell es A, auton, NOPE
2, 1062, | pariy etanding on the rondside to 22 colunin | treuted through the Gup bofora him, and Jaokwon is | ¢3lg4 £3 tune Se Doniiage Hoa wced #0 25 for I. G Cohe: now, he S Foto ee :
SOLDIERS’ AL pues. Tbe Union, Sir, of cours youdted bulf|uleo in the same vicinity. Thos tue evtire [ecbel| wos ehinged by tha lnorier, ‘Ths wn| “HOUACCOtoete hay hex Berea hte damaad | Malwa, ot sone ea an
i - . San SClGAENED OR TOI carry informa-|army seows to bo aguin weet of the Blue Ridge. ‘av follows: 8 Luna St. Domilngo Lo,woo: are guwilling to ope at the preseat rates b> Sond [Advertaynen
Mr. Theodore Roseyelt, oue of tue New-York al-| a dozen voices. Do you want to ry informa-| army seows to bo aguin y jot of th Blue Ridge. foil t § igo La 7 erate ob | ica tee
Bt otacime Senlanerea ic rived here bring ,ti0n to the Rebelo 1” inquired an officer of aucther, | The Munussua Rualrond ia but lictle domuged. Tv] Tiomood, oleee auipped by lmportays 1) do. Stal L leet stil selle moderately for couvasoplion. Mesulactared is] pap Paragen ARM AND deo. —B.> Fran
ment coumisrionera, hug Jusb arrived bere Dring-/ oii usked x pase to go homo, onteide of our linve. |is belidvod that supply traiua from Aloxandris will | yuo tas Ps oF naiien, but firm bea Qucteatod with the rrstcoa| Patzan Foventer aod. Futantes, Astor lic (rood
F beg sith bin tho alfotmens rolls of forty of thandi-|4 Not T. Weare no trlends'to them. Your urmy|be able to ram to Munsesos Gop withia tho next] youl AND MFAL—The market for Westera ond Steta| to Srcbunge, aod bas bean fal sl sd] Nee Al Pi dept hd Benton, Goby Uva tata :
} ional rogiments of thut Stato under tho nov levy. | is ullour Lope, bir” "Wall, unclo” (to the gray-|threv days, A.D. | loss ectiva ond doprested, with, Loweyar, Cow ecllere at] Wp otis. Gr Western, MOUs, | ¥ Ce, avold lay + .
: 4 ; ”
und in
Like occan-wends beaped 6n the tempested shore.
A critical friend snggeatod thet the line would be
_ giore molodlous if written
Like ocean-weeds heaped on th atorc:-beaten shore,
ad then hy changing the vaone word ‘“atorm'’ for
tho pictorial word “ontf,”” the post bronght the
ta of wavea upon his canvas, This illustra
tig. explnine the writer's view of tho origin of
fords. Every word waa n pictur at firet, and when
ced to Ks rource brings brek n pintare. A few
efimplea shall be offored to the render, in enpport
J explenation of this,
Men learned in word-lore stop when they como
nt they call svots. They call a root suything
atover in any Jangnnge, or group of Janguages,
ich cannot Ue reduced'to asimpler form. Por
exnmplo, the name of the planct wo inbabit, Forth,
Inderived from the yerb to ear, which is uséd by
Bhokcspeare: =
foundstion-stove, It js. a metaphorical and not n soi
entific expression. The reat, we are told, is the ac-
sented eslicbio of tho word fa" most. languages, tho
voice Inying etross upon it to mark its. importance.
“Now, acceut ta tho very conl of pronnneistion, Pro-
soz Muller, of Berlin, described socent to bo that
tone, or smaliest Interval casily percoived by
‘an ordinary cnr which the voice rites upoa the most
Amportant ‘s7ilablo of a word. All, then, roally as
¢ertainod nispecting tho syllables ‘called roots, is,
that they uno the sylfublos fonnd in several or miny
Lengunges, cod which ars marked by the hulf-tones.
Tho eludenta of worda differ greatly from ench other
respecting the nature, origin, and namber of the
syablts called roote, ‘or radicals; and thors who
trees them to fonr buudred and eixty odd, laugh at
the reasoners who traco them up to fower, and em
pecially the mther too ingenious gentleman whe re-
Guces thoi to one. This may, after all, be only the
reduction of their own idea to un absurdity.
Tao writer studies words, not in search of roots,
Dut to baot up old pistures, Words do not grow
from roots, snd they are pot nourished from roots,
like plete. Wien we como to a pictare of the past,
Ye are paticlicd. Ths othor day, for imetance, miout-
{nga friend whore name ia Townsend, we asked
hiu whether be spelt his neme with au h or not, and
Why bo oniitted theh? Tha enbstance of his reply
yas that the aspirate mado no difference; ‘ shend,’
in the old English of Sponser and Fairfax, moaning
@ epoiler, destroyer, or eackor; and Townsend or
Toyn-hond being a town-sacker, a name of distine-
tion awong {by Saxons os it was among the anoiont
Greaks. Here is a picturo in this derivation, of the
fierce spirit sebich ouce reigned iu England,
‘The Words Scote and Picts aguinicatry us back to
the period when the British islanda wore. peopled.
‘Tbs letter pofton changing into,f, and ot into xt or
ght, or Pict is simply a fixt man, ‘Tho folke who
actiled down in_a placa, were the Picte; and the
Beota wero the folke who did not evttle down. A
shot ia cometbing, thrast oat. A ecotvrus en out-
{ men, 03a, elioutis an outesst cound, Tho oum
Paid for ah entertainnont ia still called a ehot, as it
Wau when Shukcepeero wrote in tho Two Geutle-
men of Verona:
For oue ehot then abelt have two thoucend weleomes.
Psying coot and Jot wes payieg whet you wore ox.
Psttod to pay and allotted to pay. Bhiot=free is atill
Gfien pronounced seot-dreo, meaning payment fred.
‘The Suton verb is scitun, to ehoot or reject... A skater
casts ont hiv fect, avd a lorce doing the same is eli
Usk (not Beattish). The Picts were the-tribes who
songht. theic living by bnilding towns ‘Acar the
months Gf rivers, tilling che diand and catching the
fish; the Scots puraved the course of the mionntain
ranges, —
Whut ¢ wild light {s thrown upon tho minds and
manners of our Saxon and Scandinavian forefathers,
by the pictures which aro discoverable from tracing
the derivations of the words will’ end euall:
As everybody koows, Irishmen and Scotchmon mis-
Uuderstind the distinction between these words,
charucteristically, in -difersnt ways; and Frouch
men huve no meahe of exprassing these widely dif-
ferent. meanings of the futur tense. Scotch boya
are all tangbt at school, a rhymed rule of grucsautr,
which is ouppoced to mako the difference between
will und eball, cleur to every boy who ia not a
dunce; bat Gir Waller Scott declared frankly that
Le never could understand tho rolo, and that he fonnd
the distinction guute beyond kis comprobension. I
the word-lore of the present day had been Enown to
him, his imagination would, we doubt not, have
realized the dilicrence without ever afterward foryet-
tio it. Afatare action may be viewed either as an
occurrence, an intention, or a necessity. The learned
Griwwe proved that “ eball’! is derived from “ska
lan," the Scuadinavian word-for the pain of death,
the eoares both of our word “shall” and our word
“lull.” ‘Tho predominant ides in the word oball, is
the notion of doom, Shall is Dostiay in the shape of
au nxiliary verbs When choosing & term to expreas
the inevitable foture, tbe foandere of the English
Jangwge choze a term tho moat expressive possible
of u fits), onmistekablo, sud inoviteble future, Ag
shall cootuing tue, idea of doom, will convoys the no-
tion of choi, Phe word wale” meuns in the
Evolishlengunge @ risiog part npon aloth, or shine,
£3 When it iaevidthat tho lash wales the solditr's
and yetthe heart of the Scotchman ia fall of
wees When bo rays la intends "to waolo a
Such a waling being tho highect compliment
be can pay her eex. ‘Tho derivation of the word
makes it ccrious and slrange cuough that over a
~ Terni xo stera ebould baye"come to be employed to
describe nn ezrand.so gentle, Tho Saxon word wil.
len significa vo spring oyt, to well. Anold Poet enya;
Ther achryatalf stroam ald gentl
FS Which’ om a cred fountats wolied bet.
‘rom ing what “ spricgs ont”
caine to expreep what da ebosen, of picked wea, WO
From Thor, the god of the air, we get. the word
thunder. Ridiczlo, which is not’a sign of strenoth
when employed in ecientific dizcnecions, has been oe
ceutly-thrown upon the opinion that words aro der
rived trom the sounds of natare; and it Les beea
called the bow-wow thoory end the poob-pooll! the:
ory; and tho origin of Words has bain exoriled too
moutal juativet of primeval man which bas been lost
from disuee. It is, wo aro told, mero imagsuation
shat a rolling oud rambling noise is to be head we
, the yword thunder," sach oa the old Gennuns
eecrived to their god Thor, whan playing Gt nine
Pinu. ‘Chonder, i€ to argued, ia clearly’ the came
Word as the Latin tonitra, the root of which 1s tan,
to stietel, whence we buve through the Groale toned
our word tone, tone boing produced by the stretele
ing and vibrating of corde. “Bat it sects to us that
tho roued of thunder is very badly described as
rambling noiso, ead thus tabyo, tanyatu, aud tans
Ayitou, ts Sunucrit for thondering, is fur from bes
Soy b Lud cr unsuygestivo verbal imitation of than
der-elaps avd rattlioy peale, ‘The etretehing of corde
umes itself whoo it cries twang or tag; und i ia uot
Au ergumentor uny weight ogainat this yisw thut
frou “au or eteotebing ulso comes che Latin “ tener,
the Protech and English tender and tnd:
the Huglich word thin. If itbe more i
thut Uiere is voca) imitation in thunder, and
tanoyilun, we must eveome thet there is no imitae
tion 10 ts Hed Ivdiau's name for thunder—baim.
‘Lue dog, wo exe told, doca not berk ‘ bow-wow.
No.vuturulist ays 1t doco: bow-woww Leing the imi-
tation which burserymaids teach children, dud u eof
ficiently close imitation too, to reculd the auimal to
miad, Ihe word dog, again, a not, it ia alleged, a
extect verbul wepreseutution of the! eound euitted
y the nuimul, Bavif-it were, i¢ would not bee
pawe formed according to the theary of those who
gearch for (be origins of words amour the sounde of
pulire; for, they euy that in imitating theze sounds
nothing more is needed than u euggestivn of the ori-
gival cound—of neceesity modilivd, ultered, ehort-
eucd, oF eofteved, to sui®the buniun voies aud ear,
Dog ia thy Purygiun duns, the Freveh degus, the
‘Teurouie doche; und every One Who choovws to Uston
attentively to tho burkwy of dows mey hear many
doye provounes their nawea pluivly sud anwis
ably. Cut, aguin, is not a perfect echo of the pound
euuiied LY the caressing “Ugréss Of our houeelolds
whou Ler tail is trodden upon. But the Gorman
Kats is u tolerable representativn of vie name given
Doseell by tue animal; and getting rid of eibilunta ja
‘one ul tho processes alwaya going on iu the forma
ee I ee ee
a nth aK or
‘ pigey-wiggy," a ho Duoish is
Digghersrieah obviously onotigh the name given
itealt'by the animal softened to Adapt iteelf to hu-
man speach. a
Weko! weko! co crles a pig prepared for tbe spit,
says Aaron, in Titna Andronicns, and the aon
tho animal whea undergoing this proc
from its name, which fs still leen re: fro!
alnary aqusake, Tho antssole. that eupply a
food, whon alive rotain their
when they aro dead and prepared
hear Narinan appollationa: ox becoming bea:
mutton, and pig pork, except in the for
Hog, like pig, ia a nemo derived from tho
patural to tho ) tt ngh,"” which fu
hioe and in Poy
in Branch, bos in La
in Greolr, a _imitat
the fomafo iv diferent.
“cow! reeembles i
in many lan
rawy, bons
boo.” The ory of
of the male, and
hence the name of the suimal
ages is wn hwitation of the sound #he
and thos, while in Snocorit a cow is oalled
“ gaua,"" in Grek the land ts called ge, and in Ger-
mun gnu, ond hence country, frown’ the avinal
wwhiob tills it and feeds upon it ttle in Saneerit
aro paren, end hetice pasture, pastor, and peasant.
‘The coco-palm, na shown eoms yoara'ago iu Hones.
hold Words, is named from the resemblance bo-
pveon ita nut, and the heed of a monkey which orlos
Tu every langnoge there ara asveral, and in eomo
great many, names for well-kaown animals, ‘The
Arabians have one bundred and vixty names for an
old woman, one hundred and twenty for » hyrena,
and a very great number of names for tho lion, the
camel, and tho hore, (When animals were (amed
and trained or domecticated, they were pnwed after
the eos made of them. For instwnes, we don't
know why tho hominal instrument of ‘prehension
should bo called the haud, from the Gotllic biathan
and Latin prehondoro? to ecizo; but, it being eo
culled, it is esay to understfind bow a bunting-horse
came to be called a-bunter, and a buolingelog 8
hound. A baudog may havo meant a bound-dog, or
one Kept tiod up on nccount of ite fereencss, Pappy
was probably applied Lo the httle young dogs, whieh
wero made poupela in French, or puppge in Bu-
glish, or, in other words, children's pluy Wings. A
cnr, from the Latin enrtus, short, is. a ourtailed dog,
whose tail has been out off for straying in the for-
este. A groyhound jaa grey dog used In bunting.
A png iv a moukey-like dog, the wonkey being culled
Pack; a terrier is from thy Latin torrarius, un ourth-
dog; a spaniel ia a Spanish dog; a mongrel is a dog
of mingled breed; your lurcher larke for ganic; and
your mastiif guards your taigon, in Freuch (whence
insonrs), or house. Similarly, a borea is called
pony whea puny, a cob when cobby or stout, n dray-
oree from drawing, a hack from ‘hackney; and tho
Jndy's horse waa called a palfrey becsuso it was led
by the rein, or par le frein.
‘The Hebrew name of the partridge is quera, from
its call-note: of tho spurrow, tuppor, trom ita chirp
ing. ‘The ehrew, or scber-ow, the monge, which bas
given ua the word shrowd,
eharp shrill’ ery, of whi
by country folk’ is an imita
barab yoice, and the Ls
and the French rquque.
turtle-dove ia its Webi
name for a Gilly is bing
for neighing; and all,
tations of tiie cries of
ical performnuce it i
the name of the anima
and esinus by the Romans
eave, and, prasby the Hebrews
bray, bat which retaios in. Englis
gives himself{—" donkey.” Nature has
and will elwayo bave, @ large part
of lengnage. 3
‘Tho history of the word cotton, very often on oar
ips just now, shows how u word comes tobe ap-
plied (o differect eubstances in the courgs of centu-
Ticain the Wetorical period and not at ull reuiol
the hairs of the Gossipiuin shrub. Wool was cot
five hunéred years ago,. In the fobrieouth ceutury,
a colony of Germuns Were brought over irom tie
Continent by Edward the Third, cud were bot up at
the urooll town of Manchester, in thie midst of a wild
‘und barren country, to spin and weave woolcn stufia.
Shirts wero iu thous daya woven of bair, and owas
were woolen. And for two buodred years the
woolen fabrics‘of Mancestor were Known to our
apezstors us colton. The words cot, cottage, cot
house, tho English coast, and the Brenoh cote, aud
the term cotton, all mean things luid alongside of
each other, like tho atraw in theteb, the bres in
thread, and the eea aud london the shore. Many
other things bexide cotton have obtained their
names from the way of working them. ‘The Romans
called rushes “ juuens,” from jus), T joiu, because
they were joined to; lcci ligetu. ‘uod cordage,
Two hundred and f. , yeurs after che arrival of the
German celovy of culion spiuners of woolen atutfs,
the heirs of the Gussiplum found their way fro
‘Turkoy into England, and were wrought into Man.
cheeter goods. Although a vegetal hed repluced
on cnimal material, the old name of the manuiuctur-
ing proceas atuck to the new fubric. Tho Arabic
word 'kutn” having tho came signification, the
namo may be as old aa the process,
[All the Year Round.
On Wedneaday last I received Tho Notional In-
teliigencor, containing Gen. Scott's addrorsto the
public, This {9 throughont on undisgaiced cousner
of my conduct during the last monthe of the adminis-
tration in regard to the seven Cotton Btates now io
rebellion. From our past rolatious I was grautly
surpriged at the appearanco of such e paper. In ono
aspect, howeyer, H was highly gratifsiog. It hus
Justified me, voy, it haa rendered it absolutely noces«
eary that I should no longer remuin silent in respect
tocharges which bave been lovg yagaely circulat-
ing, but ere now indoracd by the repunsible nemo of
Gen. Scott. i
1. Phe first nnd most prominent among theses
chargos ia my refusal immediatoly to garrieon nino
enumerated fortifications, rcattered ovor six of tho
Southern States, according to the recommendation
of Gen. Boot, in bis * viswa” addreaced to the War
Depsrtment on tho 29th and 30th of October, 1860.
And it hos even boen alleged that if thin bad beon
dono it might have prevented tho civil war.
‘This refusal ia attributed, without the least cause,
to the influence of Gov. Floyd. All my Cabinet
must bear me witnees that I was the Presiden
eolf respousiblo for all the acte of the Administra.
tion; and certain it i that durieg the last six months
Previous to the 20th December, 1860, the day on
which Le resigned, after my request, he exercised
lees influence on the Administration then ‘ny other
member of tho Cabinet. Mr. Holt was immediately,
thereafter transferred from the Post-Ollice Dopart-
ment to that of Wary co that, from this time util
(he 4th of Muroh, 1861, whieh was by far tha most
important perlod of tho Administration, ho per-
formed the duties of Secretary of War to my entire
‘at why did L not immediately garrison thesa nina
fortifications in such o Sheet to use the Tangange
of Gen. Scott, 4a to make any attompt to take emny
one of them by eurprisé or coup de main ridiculous,’
‘There is one auewer bot easy and conclusive, oven
if other valid reneons did not exist. There were no
available troops within reach which could be cout to
theae fortifications. To have attemptsd a military
operution on & scale so extensive by uny meaun with-
in the President's power would have beeu simply
absurd, Of this Gen, Scott himself ceeme to have
Lecn convinced, for on the day aftor the dato of bis
firat “ viowa'’ he addressed (on the J0th October)
sapplomental views to the War Department, io
which ho alates: “'fhere is one (ceogwiar) company
in Boeton, one horo (at tho Narrovwa), ono at bitte.
burgh, one at Angusta (Ga.), one at Baton Ronge'—
in all five companies only within reach to garrison
or reGnforce the forta mentioned in the ‘ yiowa,
Bive compantes—four hundred men—to occap
gad re-onforcs nine fortifications in eix highly-exctisd
Southern State! The force “ within reach" waa
to entirely inudequate that notbing moro could be
said on the subject, o havo attewptod such a mili-
tory operation with 60 feeble a (orce, and the Presi-
bon ond wodicstiop o lapgavge, ‘Lag Sopocsib
dential Mlection impending, would bavo been un in-
vitetion £9 collivion aud wegceeion, Ipdoed, i thy
‘The word cotton was in Great Britsin long |
rmerica" 67,
il buve been
terrupted by
bronght from West Point.
But why wus there no great
‘Thiswant of (roo)
xova in distant settlement
add that, as often ex wo havo
with (ormidablo ish
Theas * viewe'
the correlat
of territory,
je dificult to sgcertuin bis
passage, bo rendera what
cloar iy ie mupp!
aaya: It will
the Atlantic Stutea, from the
very caso which has occur
scope of Gen. 8,'3
as follow:
by — whatovor
nundneea may
line or
Mexicun neighbora would,
sink into mero ebild’
probably four.
of the three firet on t
laing, to wit:
ow in my i
ver pul
theso views,
the Cotton Stat
of five compu
son and St,
Bort Monroo, in Virginia.
yere publiched by Ger
aud might do much burn,
as much in violation of {he ent
of the army sud the
oat the South.
tion, elate that both in pui
speschea allusions lad
ident on the 15th December.
men to redeforce Af
reason for this refusal is
Najor Ande
Tndeed, he and bi
marked Kinduces b
sud disippoint the couutry.
gurd Lo which tho Goneral’
Very purpose. “1 refer to
day, presenting to mo Gen,
plo, requires no spe
Were not ontirely
wy unnual meseage,
collsut the customs at
port, if need bo, ina
his oflica nuont the ©
successor a auiteb|
visk to do bis duty.
out its entire acesion,
tion. ‘Thus, without a
impossible to collect the
tho war vessels off
commanding Bort Pi
tility; and not to In
tho fort honld bo
within brackets,
sapporo the armistice
ig of tho Peaco Conve:
waa understood to terain
Theo ctatementa betra:
ory ou the part of Gov. Scott,
blé that this very joiut note,
oua colors, was sudmitte
it was prepared (29th
vertion if T did
prove it,
‘ note, from which the 10
Beye tho eatieta
cuieoly sullfout for, thie parpors.
Such was onr want of troops that, althongh
Scott, belicving, in opposition to the opinion of tho
Committes raised in the Honse of Representatives,
thet theinaguarution of Mr. Lincola might be in
uilitary force, was only able to aseem-
bls at Washington, go late’ as the 4th March, 659
men, raul and file, of the army; and, to rake up
vamber, oven the sappera and miners were
‘The question could be better answered by General
Scott himcolf than by any other person, Ouc emall
regular army, with the exception of a few hundred
men, Wers ont of roach on our remote frontiers,
here it had beon continuously etntioned for yeurs,
protect the inhabitants und the emigravts on their
ay thither auuinst tho attacks of hostile Indians.
Were insulficient, aod both Gon. Scott and my-
‘hud endeavored in vain to provuil upon Congrose
@ soveral additional regiments for this pur-
Tu recommending this augmentation of the
‘Army, the General etates,jn his’ report to the War
| Department, of November, 1857, that ‘it would not
more than fornish the re-enforeemonis Dow greatly
needed in Florida, Vexas, New Mexic
Oregon, Washington Yerrivory, Kansas, Nebruska,
Minnegota, leaving not a company for Utah.” Aud
ngeia, in bio report of Novomber,
to clyo reatoneb)
pleina, can ecarcely be too strongly etoted; but 1 will only
een 0)
troops from ono frontior in onder to teeuloros another, th
{ints have bean Insiantly attacked or Uneateue
of Gon, Scott exhibit tho orade
notions then prevailivug even among intelligent and
paktiatie men, on tho subject of Secession.
ret santence, the General, while
eave time tho right of gecousion muy be conceded,”
yet immediately says, “ this is insta
‘ right on the part of t
ernment against an interior State
ostublich by forco, if uecensary, ita fo
(Bor kis be cites
and Politicul Philosophy, Inst chup!
thera, but I have been unable to Li i
recieo weaning in this
e did not preno quite
lomentary “ viowe,!”
seen thut the ‘ views’ only apply
0 a caso of sococsion that makea
ut Union." The falling off, au
), Was not within the
provisional rem
toeay, to establish by force, if nove
(inwity of our territory, In bis ' vie
“Bat “breele this glorious Union
be no hope of recrniting the fraymonts ex-
capt by the lacoration and deepotiara of eho sword.
To effect ouch reanlt the intestine wir:
in comperison with oura,
opinion o smaller evil (thn these intettine wars)
would be to allow the fragments of the great Re-
public to form thomeclyes iuto, new Covtederacies,
He then points out what cought
to be the bontdories between
dat the end of exch gos
to indicate the cities which ouyht to he the capi
ia side af the Rosky Sloun-
Alton, or Qainey, Illinois,” aud Albany, New-
York," ' excluding’ Washington
‘This lodiention of capitale coutsived ia the original,
oxeessiou, is curioubly omitted. iu tha
lished in The National Intelligencer.
¢ desgnntes uo capitol for the fourth Union om the
Pacific, The reader will judgo what encouragement
procecding trom so dietiogmehed a
source, must hays afforded to the Socesaioniats of
I trust I have eaid enouch, and more thir ecough
to convince every mind why'I did not, with n force
3, eliompt (o re-onforea Forts duck-
lip, on tho Alissiveippiy Kort Mor-
| gan, below Mosile; Forte Pickeos an4
Pensucoly harbor; Fort Pulaski, below Ssvouuab;
Forta Moulirie and Sumter, Chutlesto
‘Lheso viewe,” both origivel and eapplementary,
» Seatt im The, Natiunal Ln-
er of Jan. 18, 1961, ‘at the most: important
ical peste of ie Ee ainieeay 2 age
ion.at thut time could do no Wprstyle good,
‘Yo have eahita the
‘without tho Presidont'’s knowledge and Pollsent, wus
coght Lopravail Deevveen the commauding geacral
jommonder-t-Chief 63 it would)
huve been ior the Secretary of Wart
same docrments witbout his wuthority.
more importance, their publication was calculated
injoriourly to afleet the compromies measnres then.
pending before Congress and tho country, and to
encourage tho Seccesiunists in their mad ond wit
uttetapt to ebatter the Union into fragmenta, From
the great reopoct’ which I then eptertained for the
General, I paseed it over in silenca,
Tt i8 worthy of remark (hut soon after the Presi.
dontial election, representations of what theso
viows” contained, of more or less correctness,
were unfortunutely circulated, e8
‘Tho editors of ;
lelligencer, in usciguing 4 reason for theis pablic
lic priuts and ia publi
n made to thew, aud
como wisapprebauaious of their character bad got
II. und IL. Gen. Scott etatea that he arrived in
Woshiogton ‘oa the 12th, and, accompanied
Sacrotary of yur, held a coaveroation with th
collection whatever of this convereatios, he dowbt-
lusa ctates correotly that I did refa:
ajor Anderson at Kort Moultrie,
Who Lud not then removed to Fert Sumter, The
anifest to ull who recol-
lect the history ot the time, But tweivs daya be-
fore, iu the annool receuge of the 3d December, I
had urged upon Congress the adoption of amend.
mento to the Constitution of the eame chniacter with
thase enbeoquently: proposed by Mr Crittenden,
called tae “Crittenden Compromise.’ At that time
high hopes wore entertained throughout the coun-
try that these would be adopted, esides, I be-
lisved—and thi correctly, ns tho event proved—that
owas then in no danger of attack,
command were then treated with
by the authorities and people of
Charleston, Under theso circamstances, to have
cent such a force there would hays been oply to itn-
puir tho hopo of compromiso, to provoke collision,
‘There are gome details of this convereation fn re-
ive. At present I eball specify only one. [could
not have stated that on afutire contingent oceasion
I would telograph ‘ Major Aaderson of Fort Afoul-
trio to hold the forts (Moultrie and Sumter) against
because, with pradeut precention, this had
already been douo several days before through a
Mostenger sent to Major Auderson for thia
Major Buctl of tho army.
‘ho General's eupplementar
1883, during the period of Nullification, na au oxira-
ial notica,
¢ dilorent, I had previously deter-
mined upon a policy of my own, 2a syill appear {rors
This woe, ut overy buzerd, to
Charleston, and oatside of the
if need | veeeol of war.
tho existing Collector, as 1 had anticipated, resigned
ud of December, and ima
ately thereafter T nominated to tho Senate es his
le pergon, prepared ot any
‘That body, however, through-
declined to act on this nomina-
Collector, it wus rendored
u8 cousequen
ution ut Washington, and
jate with it.’
a cingular want of mem-
d to Gen, Scott on the day deal
January), aod met hia ontire | force Port Sumter.
I wonld not vénlaro to make thia ua-
Not possess conclusive evidenes to] of the Star of the West from New York, na General
Ou that day Secretary Hel: addressed mo
owing is un extract:
a Fort Tuylor, q :
on of saying taj op subwitting ! togua Leland, wifoh recehed thes poinss iu tise for
or otherwise.” ‘This requires no comment, Thut
the General had every reason to be entisfied wih
the nrrangowant will appear. from the following
statement: veg
A revolutionary ontbreak bed oecurred in Floridag
the troops of the United States had b at oxpellee
from Pensacola and tho adjacent Navy-Yard, aud
Lieut. Slemmer of tho artillory, with hig bravo little
command, bud been forced to tuke refnge in Fors
Pickens, where he was in imminent danger every
moment of being captured by a vastly superior force,
Owing to the intermption of regular commanice-
tions, Secretary Holt aid not receive information of
thees ovents uotil cover] days after their occar-
rence, 2nd then throngh n lotter addressed to a third
person. He instantly informed the President of the
fact, and sednforcoments, provisions, aud military
stores wore diepatchod hy the Brooklya to Fort
Pickona without raomont’s unnecersary delay.
Blo left Fortress Monroe ou the 24th of Junuury.
Well-founded apprehousions wero, hownver, en-
tortained ut ths tiwe of ber departure that the re-
cnforcemente, with tho veseels of war Bt no great
distunce from Fort Pickens, could not arrive in timo
to defend it against the impendiog attack. In this
atals of suepenso, and while Lieut. Slommer was in
extreme peril, Senators Slidell, Hunter, and Bixler
received n telegraphic dispatch from Sontor Mallory
of Florida, dated at Pensacola, on the 28th of Janu
ary, with the urgent request that they ehoold lay it
belore tho Presidont, ‘This dispnteh expreesed ‘an
enruest desire to wuintain tho peace, os well aa the
most positive nesurauce that no attuck would be
made on Fort Pickens if the present etutus ehoald be
reserved. . i
Petits proposal was éarefally ‘coneidered, loth with
a view to tho safety of tho fort and to the uohappy
effect which un ectual collision vither at that or soy
other point might produce on the Peace Convention
then about to astemble at Washingtoo, The resolt
wos that a joint dispatch yaa carefully preprred by
the Secretaries of War und Navy accepting the pro-
poral, with important modifications, which vas
transmitted by telegraph ou the 29th of Jannary to
Lieut, Slenuaer, and to the naval commanders neer
tho etation, It is tog long for transcription. Suiflice
it to say it was carofally guarded ut every point for
force within reach 7
, California,
1859, he enys:—
16 ecourity to our cltl-
cowigrants oo the
bliged to withdraw
In the
ting that to
ly balanced by
‘Federal Gov-
States, to re-
er continuity
Paley's Moral
it may be
Waile it
In theo ho} sith Washington.
ho vectlt Sus highly fortunate. ‘The Brooklyn
had a tong passage. Althongh sho left Fortrees
Monroe on Jun. 24, eho did not arrive at Peueacola
until Feb. 6, In tho mean time Fort Pickens, with
Liont, Slemmer (whose coudact dererves bigh com-
mendetion) and hie brave little band, were placed,
by virtue of this arrangement, in perfect séenrit
antil an adequate force lad arrived to defend it
against any attack. The fort is atill io our posree-
sion. Well might Geu, Scott have expreeged bia
satisfnotion with this orrangement, The Geueral
‘was correct in the supposition thet this arranyement
waa to expire on the termination of the Poace Con-
V. Bat wo now como'to an important period,
when dates will be essentially nocestary to disen-
tangle the statement of General Scott. ‘The South
Carolina Commismoners wero appointed on tbo 224,
uud arrived in Washington on the 27th December.
‘Who day after their arniyel it) was aonoonexd thir
Major Anderson had removed from Fort. Moultrio to
Fort Sumter. This rendered thom furi Ou the
came day they addecesed nu angry letter to the Pres-
ident, demanding the anrrender of Fort Sumter. Tho
President answered this letter on the 30th Decem-
ber by a peremptory refusal. This brought forth a
roply from tho Comnissiouers én the 2 Jonuary,
186], of sack on insulting character that the Presi-
dont instantly returned it to them with the follow-
ing endorsenfent: “This paper, jnst presented to
the President, is of such a cbaracter that be declines
to receive it” From that time forward all friondly,
political sud personul interconrzo Hoully eased Le:
tween the revolutionury Senators and the President,
aud ho was severely attacked by them 10 the Sensto,
aud especially by “My. Jefferson Davis. Indoed’
their iatercoures bad previously been of tho col
cbarecter ever eince’ the President's anli-Secession
messige ut the commencement of the session of Con-
Under these changed circumstances, Gen. Scott,
by tiole on Sanday, to 30th of Saptomber, uddeeseed
the following iuquiry to the Prosilent;
Will tho President parmlt Gea. Scott, wittout reference to
tho Wor Department, sud oblorwivo, aa pecrotly cs possibly,
( cond 250 reeruilca from Navy-Yors basaor to resnforco Fock
Suuilor, together with some oztea ma:kets or rides, amtauris
tion end subsisiesee? “It Ie Boped thut © eloop-o(-war aid
Spiter may bo ordered for the same puryices to-morrow.
The Geveralreems notto haye then known that
Mr. Ployil was out or ofiter,
Neyer did s request mect a more prompt com-|
phiaace. It was recoived ou Sonday eyeniog, De-
camber 30, On Moudoy worniog, L give instrae
to thy War and Navy Depurtmente, uud on Monday
evening Gen. Scott “came ta congra'ulnta ma that
tho Secreturies hud issued the necessary ordera to
the army and navy officars, und that they were in
his posseasion. Tlie Brooklyn, with troopa, military
stores, and provisions, way to eail forthwith from
Fortress Monroe for Fort Somter, Iam therefore
utterly at o loss to imugine why the Generel, in bis
elatement, should huye asserted that ‘tho South
Carolina Commisaionors lad already Deen many
days in Washington, and no movenont of defense
on the part of tho United States) was permitted.”
Phose Commissioners arrived in Washington on tho
27th December. Gen. Scott's request was mude to
the Presidont on the 30th, It wus complied with on
the Sict, and a single duy is all that represents tho
“(many daye’’ of the General,
Again, Gen, Scott eeeerts, in the face of th
facts, (hit the President refused to allow any at-
tompt to be made to reduforea Fort Sutter, becanss
he was holding negotiations with the Sonth Carolina
Commissioners. And gtill again, that “afterward
Secrotary Holt and mysolf-endeavored, in vain, to
ob(ain a ehip-of-war for tho purpose, and were final
ly obliged, to omply tho passenger ateamer Siany of
the West."” Wall it bo believed that the substitution
of the Star of the West for the powerfal war-steam-
er Brooklyn, of which be now complains, waa by
the advice of Gen. Scott himeeli? I bave nover
Reard this doubted until I read the statement.
At tho interviow already reforred to between tho
General sad myself, on the evening of Monday, the
lst of December, T suggested to bin that, altboogh
Thad uot received the South Caroliva Commission-
era in their offciul capacity, but morely eo private
goutlewen, yet it might be considered an improper
actto rend the Brooklyn with re&nforcements to
Fort Sumter until I bod received en answer from
thom to my letter of the preceding day; that the de-
luy could not continue moro thon 48 hours. Ho
promptly concurred in this suggestion as \entlo-
meuly and proper, and the order was not transwit-
tod to the Brooklyn on thatevening, My anticipa-
pations were correct, for on the morning of tho 2d
of January I recsived their insolent note, aod sent
it back to them. In the mean time, however, the
Goneral had become convinced, by the ropres:nta-
tions of a gentleman whom I forbear to name, that
tho better plan, as the Secretaries of Wur and the
Navy informed’ mo, to ssoure eecreoy end suvosss
aud teach tho fort, wonld be to seid o fast side
wheel mercantilo etsamor from Now-York with the
retnforcoment, Accordingly, the Star of the West
‘wos solected for this duty, ‘The subatitution of this
mercantile steamer for the Brooklyn, which would
have boon able to defend hereelf in cass of nttae
was reluctantly yielded by mu to tho high mi
judgment of Gen. Scott. i ‘
Tae chavga of programme required a brief apace
of time; but the Star of the West loft Now-York for
Charleston on the oveniog of Jun. 5. On (he very
day, howover, when this ill-fated stesmer leit, New-
York, a telegram was dispatched by Gon. Scott to
CeL Soott to countermand her depariuro; but it did
not reach it destination until after sha Usd goae to
eca. ‘Tho raason of this counterautnd ehull be etated
in tho language of Secratary Holt, to be found in e
letter addroseed by him to Mr. Thempeon, the late
Sccrotary of the Interior, on Mareh 5, 1861, and pub-
lished in Zhe National Intelligencer. ‘Mr. Holt
y ante di spoken of (by Mr. Thorupson) wes not
snes bacbialy rroclionad by.tee Eeesidgce thes eras by
Geueral Scowt apd mysols; “Bot becaues of opy dlaseut fron
(ho order on the part of the Presidant, bat becanse of a letior
Tocolvad (lat day rom Mejor Andarron stating In ottect
thet bo reyarded bimeolf secure io bis position; andy
tore feont inteliganco whieh Tato on Saray erento (6
of January, 1841), rescbed the Department, that 8 heavy bat-
tery bad been ereoted among the cond Lilis at the entrance to
Gbarleston harbor which weuld probably destzoy any uu-
armed yensel (and rock was the Buar of tha Weel)
talglit attempt to make its oy to Prt Sumter! This tm
portant loformatlon sathted the Govemmoat that thete xe
Zo present necoesity for veDd oisats ood. the
wlieusoaethey should co, uct toe i commoics, but
ofwar. Hosen the countert
graph to Kiew-Yorky but the voreo) bad
Bofore it reached the olliser (Colonel Scat
A ctatement of thezo facts, eatablichod by dates,
proves conclusively that the Presidous was not only
willing, but anxious, in the briefest period to re-e!
0 go
in tho pree-
ay, or of all
couth (the
ie8,"” that ia
ary, the con=
"he states
a of our
in the General’s
tho ney Unions;
fo far ga even
South “Corvliua,”
City altogether.
Belae, in
hurbor, and
cd eypmdence winieh
ublish the
bat is of|
aciully tbroaya-| |
"be National
by the
e Pres:
While I have vo ro-
to eend 300
mory must be defect-
noto of the same
fackaon’s conduct in
Bvouiift tho cares
Mr. Coleack,
ong, left
Jan, 2, ond
pon the mest
Tc ir ecarcely ered
sonted in auch od
On the 4th January, the day before the departore
Scoit in bia etutement admits, encoor
Koy West, and to Fort Jeffereon, Tor
ag ceut to
tho eecarity of the fort and its free communication
sig tati - to Gev. Scott he expressed bimeelf entio-|Lhia securily. He nevorthelsea epscnintes on ths
aati Ee oO tel a CARE Je. aaying. What there could be no objee:| opisequsnces sGbich, migut. nave. Toliowed bad. the
aoe Fn Kin Aiaacemmentané finilitany pointol view | recanlorcementatn ob sreaenedemerientenioaiatdoe
time, and even expresses tho extraordinary opinion
that, with tho poscecsion of these forts, tie Rebelo
might hove purcbaeed an early recogoition.””
Toball nest advert to tha statement thatthe oxpe-
dition under Captain Ward, “of thece or four small
ateaners belonging to the Coast Survey," was kept
beck by sometbing like atrnce or sriiatice (mady
here), embracing Charleston and Peveicols harbors,
agreed upon by tha ale President cud cortrda priag|
cipal eecodore of South Caroline, Plorida, Loulsinnn,
&o, And this truce lusted to the end of tho eduainl
tration.” ‘Things altogether dintmct in their nstnro
ro often so blended in’ thiu atatement thut it js dilli-
cnlt to separate them. Such is eminently the cuso
in connecting tho facta relative to Charleston with
Peneacola, :
Having already treated of the chargo of havinz
kept back re-enforesments, from Pevssvola, I ebnll
now nay something of tho churga of having also
kept them back from Charleston, Neither a trace,
nor quasi traco, nor anything liko it, was over con:
cluded between tho Presidout aud eny bauan be-
ing concerniog Clinrleatou, On the contrary, tho
Sonth Carolina Comminionere, Gret aud lust, and
all the time, wera informed that the President. conli
nover surrender Fort Snwter, nor depriva biossclf
of the most entire liberty to cend re-coforcemonts to
it, whenovar it wes bolisved to bs in dunyer, or re~
quested by Major Anderion. It ia etrunge thnt
ea, Scott was not apprised of this woll-known
foct. It was, thon, wita soma astonishment, that I
learned, from the statement of the General, that be
bad, on'the 12th Marvh, 1861, odvised that Mojor
Andsreon should be iustructed’ to wvucnate the tort
fs soon as suitable traueportation could bo procnred
to carry bimsel? und tis command to New-Yorls, A
military necessity for a capitalation may huve ex:
isted, in case there should ‘bs an uttack upon the
fort, or 6 dumand for its surrander; but sarely nono
such could have existed for its voluntary surreader
and abandonment,
Probably that to which the Generel means to re-
fer wus uot tho quasi, but the aoturl truce of arms
concluded at Charleston on the Mth of January,
1861, between Gov. Pickens end Mojur Andere
withoat the knowledge of the President. Tt yas on
the 9th of Jannary that the Star of the West, under
the American flag, Was fired pon in the hatbor of
Charleaton by order of Gov. Pickens. Immediately
uftor this outrage Major Andervou sent a flag to the
Governor etatiug that be presumed the not hed been
gnautborized, aud for that reason bo had not opened
firo from Fort Sumter on tho adjacant batteries; bay
demanding its disavowal, and, if this were not veut
in e reaconable time, be would cousider it war, oud
firo on any vessel that attempted to leave the har
bor. Two duys after this occurrence, ou the Lith
Jonnary, Gov. Pickens had te audacity to demaud
vf Major Andercon the surrender of the fort. In lis
auswer of the came date the Major mudo the follow-
ing proposition:
K drould your Excellency deem 6
arms, to refer this matter to Washington, it srould offord mo
the dincereat pleasure (o depute ova of iny officers to cecom~
peoy soy mewanger yon my deeia proper (9 be the Besrur of
your desasn:
**This proposition was promptly accepted by the
Governor, aud, in pursuance tborzof, he eept on bis
part the Hon. J. W. Hayny, the Attorney-General
of South Carolina, to Weshiugtou, while Mujor Aa
derson deputed Licutenant Hall, of the United
States army, to accompany bin. ‘Theso gontlemen
urrived together in Washington on the evening of
the 13th of January, wheu the President obtaiued
the first knowledge of the transaction, Bat it will
be recollocted that no time intervened between the
return of the Star of the Weat to New-York and the
arrival of the messenger bearing a copy of tho trace
at Washingtoa within which it weuld havo beoo
jossitla to sond rednforcements to Port Suu
oth events occurred about the same time,
‘Thus a trace, or suspension of arwe, way concluded
betsreen tho pérttes, £0, eontinne, aati the questiva
of tho gurreuder of the fort should bo decided by t
Precident, Until thia decision, Major Anderson had
placed it.ont of bis own power to sak for reénfore
ments, and equally out of the power of the Govern~
ment to’ gend ‘therm, without @ yiolution of pablic
juith, 'Tbia was what writers on pnblic law denom-
jwato a partial truce, under which hostilities are
snsponded in certain places, as Letwreen @ town and
tho army besieging it.” It js posible that the Prea-
ident, under the Inwa of war, might have aunulled
this truce upon doo noties to the opporite party; but
neither Gen, Scott nor any,other person evor sug
gested this expedient.’ Thje would Lave been to
cast, @ rellection on Majoy Andeizon, who, beyoud
question, qeted from the pa\ert aid highoat motives.
id Geo. Scott ever propces to violato this trace
during ita existencs | It beaid, Yum aot now, ond
over WOE, wwaro of the fast! Indeed, I think he
would baye been one of the lus’ men in the world w
ropoes adch i mesure. i
"Col, Hayne did not doliver the lettor which he
bore from Gov, Pickens, demanding thy snrrendar
of the fort, to the Preadont until the dist of Janaa-
ry. ‘Che documenta containing the reasons for this
Worrying delay ware communicated to Congress in
6 apevial meseage of tha Sth of Febraary, to which I
refer the rouder. On the Sth of Febraury the Sec-
retary of War, under the instroctioos of the Presi-
dent, gave a peremptory rofvesl to thiedemaud, in
an able and comprehensive Lette: ing the
whole subject, explaining aud justifying the conduct
of the President throughont, Its couclading cou-
tence ia both eloquent and empbatio:
“Lf (eoya Mr. Holt), with all tho maltipfied proofs which
exist of tha Preeldeut's ausdety for Peace, and of the aru:
pose with which pursued it, the authorities of (bh
State shell aszeult Fort Sumter aod imperil (he lives of tho
handful of brave end-loyal men shut up withio {ts walle, 20d
thos plauge our country into tha horrors of civil war,
previcus to a resort to
‘Lbo trace was then ended, and Goa. Scott is in-
correct iu otating * that it luted to the eud of that
Anexpedition was quietly fitted out at New-York
under tho supervision of Gen. Scott, to b ready tor
any coutingeucy. Lo arranged ita dotuile, and so-
arded the ra-cuforcewsnts thaa provided for as sut-
Hoient. This was rosdy to sail for Fort Sumter on
five hours! notice.
Scott thns apeaka:
(At that time, when thlg (the (ruce)hed parsed away Socce-
tatterHolt snd Toueus, Capt Ward of tho wavy, and ws.
elf. with tho koowledge of tho President, acttied open tho
employmeut, ander the Captain of threo’ or (oor stesmers
belonging (o tho Coast Survoy, but hu was kept bock by tho
Avatrango inconsistoncy, The truco bad expired
with Mr. Holt’s lettor to Col. Hayne, on the Sih of
February, and Gon. Scott, in lis stutement cays:
“Tt would have been easy to re-suforca this fort
down to abont the 12th of Fobraonry.” Way, tuea,
did pot the re-enforeements proceed? Tals w
simply because of-communications from Major Au-
derson. [t wos most fortongte that they did not
proveed; becanss tho threa or four small Hleamers
Which were to bear them would never have reached
the fort, and in the attempt mst bave been captured
ordcstroyed. ‘The vast inadeqnacy of the furce
provided to accomplish the object was demovstrated
by information received from Alnj. Auderson, ut the
Wor Departmont on the List day of the Adminiasra-
I purposely forbear at present to say more on (hie
subject, lest { might, however nuinteutionully, do
injustice to ono or more of the parties concerned, ia
cougequenes of the brevity required by the nature
of this communication. Tho fdeta relating to it,
with We appropriite uccompanimenta, baye beca
fully presented to a historical roview, prepared a
year azo, which will ere loug bo publiaved. ‘This
Teviow containe e aketch of the four laat months of
wy Administration. It is impartial; at leust auch
is my honest conviction, That it bas not yet beeo
published bus arisen eolely from on upprebension,
no longer entertained, that souiething (herein mbt
be unjustly perverted iuto an intoriurence will the
Government in o vigorons prozécntion of the wur
for tho muintenance of tha Constitution and the
restoration of the Union, which wus fur, very ter,
from my inteation.
After a carotul retrospect, Icaa_ solemnly declare
Vetore God aud my country’ that I cannot reproach
myself with auy act of commission or omission since
{the oxisting troubles commenced. I havo nover
doabted that my countrymon would yet do me jus-
tice. Sn my-apecial messuge of the Sth of January,
1561, I presented a fall und fair exposition of Lhe
alarming condition of tho country, aud urged Con-
greas either to adept meaauree of comproiiss, or,
uiling in this, to prepare for the last alternative,
In bota aspecta my recommendation was disregarded,
Teall close this document with a quotation of the
last sentences of th go, aa followe:
ed rao to remotk thet Lbs:
irymen of the dangers \
9 the test tiene I eLall re
It je of this expodition that Gen,
Whicttenc, near Lancaster, Oot. £8, 162
Cotton in Kaneas hay ripened perfectly thie
year, producing a heavy crop of good etaplo upland
cotton; and it way pol grown by the aid of slave
4 For The Tribune
The Wiekerman of Beaurort,
BY Mitts. FRANCES p, ‘GaGE,
Toe tide comes up, and tho tido goo downy
And atill tho fisherman's boat,
At curly down, and at.evening shade,
Is ever and over aflont,
His net goeu down, and: bis neb comes up,
And we henr bis sony. of glee, 4
““Dolfishes dey hates do ole slavo nets,
But cotnee to tho nots of de free,”
Tho tido comes up, aud tho tid
And the oyster man below
Ie picking avray, in the slimy sands,
In tho snnda “ob de long ago,"
But now if wu empty hand ho bears,
Ho shudders no moro with fear,
‘Thoro's no stretching bontd fur t!
And no lash of the overceur. "eee
Tho tide comos up, and tho tide gocs down,
Aad ever I hear a eong,
As tho moaning winds, thro! tha moa-hung oakay,
Sweep surging ever along,
‘Oh! masza, whito man holp da alsro,
And de wife avd chillen too,
Lber dey'tl work, wid de hard worn bend,
Ef ell gib em do work to do.”
083 down, |
The tide comes up, and the tide goes down.
But it bides no tyrunt’s word,
As it chants unceasing the authom grasd
Of its Freedom, to tho Lord,
‘Tha fisherman floating on its react,
Has caught up te key bots trae,
“Da sea works, massa, for't sof and Goa,
And so must do brack rau too.
“Don gib him* de work, and gib him ay pap
For de chillon and wifo him love,
And do yam shall grow, aud de cotton ahall blows
And him nebbor, nebbor rove,
Bor him lose do ole Curlin State,
Aud de olo magnolia tree
Ob! usbber him trouble do ioy norf,
Bf de brack folks am go free.
Deavfart, 8, C., Oct. 21, 1662,
* Phe’ colored prople naa the word hira for aa" wl 979%
to saine pronuun ta salioate aud lusutmate objects wacked
of mascullue, fensiviae ur usuter
ay, Ochs £0. by the Mex. Chorles Mallard, ER.
Ttamedins, ¢ Macy, dangiiter of
FURDIS = In if
to Miss Graco B., dalighuer ef tie late Rabert Toxnae
In Porltaad, Me., on Monday, Octs
Uytho Tey. Dr. Cifekerings Mr.
T., to i Graco, danger ed
ou Wodnorday, Oct,
., Willian D. Voey of
Ughiter of thu Inte Rev,
i i
0 RA. TL. Codnisn
i Sued
wulaa Scud
dor, da
—On Soturdoy, Oct. 25, nt Genevs, N.Y
Thos. G. Wetun of Cato Dr. SEL Floct a
jelpsiay to Carrlo £., dovghiter of thy lake W. YW. Wats
of Gocora,
SWIET—FITZ BUGH—At Goutieo, on Welueidsy, Octs
23, 1062, by the Rov. Walter Ayranit, arsisted by tha liar.
J.'G. Di Bots, Roster Swit, BY. D., of New-York, to Alta
Carroll, deughter of D.H. FG Rosh ern of G
BOWE—Ia thiaclly, on Thoridsy, Oct. 20) ou hie way foma
fom Port Royal, 8 C., Daniel Bows of Axawaia, thsas,
gcd 29 youre,
Wat Andover Theos
eight months hy hed
Heslagory Isveliee aman’ the ooutrae
at Port Noyal. ‘Typhue feces has ondsd tha verthly
fully Isbered aa a
Jorvis, Orangn County, on Sunday, Oct. 24,
eabeil Dodus, weifa af the Into: Beujamda Poder
ood 72 searv ond § ciouthe
BIL. Fort Jotierim, 1
das oyentng Oct. 2 Fitst L
Cranpiasy Etats Gegt
nena of byhold fovens om Tees
‘pane Willers ft. Til), oo
1, Wow. Vetuuta io tha
Mth yoor of hia
JOUNSTON—AL Nowbargh, ea Thornday morting, Oo! 39,
Hanoab SL, dsughtet of th0 Isto Ray, De, debnated of tbat
nifehigond (Ve.) papeze pleats copy.
RAVANAOHAU dieaaudria, by Teesday, Ook. $8) from
wound reesived at ‘oa of Whe Inte. battlon, Capt. Artie »
sdapranashla the Bourse? ae
fatksans (eland) papers please cops.
LYNCH At Wothicgion, D, Gen Mondsy, ck. 27,
Wounds frocivicl nt’ tho batts of Vall Rad, om Gatley
ept.2, Edvestl I, Lyuch, fieet Sergeant, Coupany Dy Tob
vy aged 20 years, Lt monthesnd Leta
wih of Youters’ on Thursday et 3,
‘Sth year of
Ann Frances, wife of Uearge I. Mauidn, in the
herage, of cousunplion, fu fallis and peace.
MOORE On Wedadsdsp, Oce. 1,08 Kay. West of | yellows
fever, Sergeant Frank Aoore, of the Sith Reglinart: Nowe
York Stita Voluntes
‘tnd BMnrgarn: Moure,
PURDY—At bast Morrlesula, on Wednoaday, Oct. 2!
tUort and painful illues, Julls Ann Devoe, wile a}
At South Norwalk, Conn., on Wedaesday, Och,
Be aU gto. in ber Sith yest, Sarah de. tis loving
wile of Sox crdee, lil D., aod eldest danghter o:
Band Maria Clarke, reetgonnts
42 yeers, eldeat son of ‘raccla
Sharpebarg. 34
athe and 5 days, late
at neue eae
on Wednesday, Oct.
aged 99 yesrt,
wife of Philip Mem
sed slip Iloporter, Wrecked otf Gs
1%, ot ber psuags to San
belovudsou of obert und Blizat
On Weduerday, Oct. 22, by t
the restdenco of the orldee Tannen Le
Albany Coonty, N.Y, Mr. Williaa L. Bavorae
tnd t)fta Sarak danguter of J. ivevia tay.
SPENONR— At We Coun, "ou, Uaosday, Oct. 28)
Thaddeus Spencer, exq, of Now-Vork City, ated 84 rare
Bie renielnw werw taken bo Suttell, Camus or eee
TEFET—At Syrscuse, oo Fel
Tem forer'y of tn os
» Rove
‘of bis eso. +
Provideuco (It 1.) papers please eapy.
z ;
DRAMHALL On Friday, Ock.25,efcera beet tines, cfcomsi) }
restion of tho lunge, Koses B. f-. aged 19 yu
flde,t eau of A, Dead Lrally Besuiyal oliahwers Mode 0
BADCOCK—Oa ‘Sundey, Oct. 13, on board the Aivledioph. |
seers Gladiator (from wounds recolved at tha hundsae
MKUSS—On Exiday, Sept. 19, at Elleray, Woodvil
IMlvs., Louies Laudun,' wile of Jobo W. Bucrass, coq. aude
dau sitter of tho Hey. Seymour Lantloa of Watertown, Coun :
BILADLEY — At Genova, on Friday morping, ai,
sii Joapgeat eagttar at Be Obiea ah
LN. Bredloy, aged
Brosk, Le dey, Cake 39. of tye > ;
Tear orbisece | |
pbiingeiiey) Williaa il Babcock, aged 43 years,
S years, montis and 2h
Eliea OG
of Nowe
5 ope 1
wife of Arnold Segle, end daaghter of Ai G. Wells
CIRVANSAt PooleayMlle, Ma. on Sond
tran, Bergeant Company By tuth
pike 2 zeae, Swontha und 13 days
lesre copy.
Lie¥—At tho resldenco
AAM(LTON=Lost, olf Cape }
ay Harri»
Rte Jon
Gallfornls papere p vase copy.
HMGHE TIE Dancy Viioy, Datches Couty, N.Y. om
Saturday, Oct-18, 10a, of allection of be ailoed
Gazer, wis of John L. Halght Beet t
LASALA~AL Now-Urighton, on Eaturdsy mémtog, Nov. ly
subaatind. Lava, aged Sh gotta,
NORTH—At Chazy, N. Yr on Thareday, Aug. 14,
Catbariue HL Novib, daugiter of ile lus Joke tse
Now-York City.
OKIE—Oa Mouday. Oct. £1, Murtin Okie, aged 61 years. |
PALTEUSON—Ual Buaiay, Geto, af le teddoucoy tp
North Oreage) Nid, Mebixt Livisgaion Fallerton, ia! hp
at doar of af ae,
daiplila paper please oapy.
NEWAL dculttield, Staten Talend, on Monday,
ruelics Wicthiop, son of Carusllus and Eli Perues
car, Loni aad 25 days,
At Washlogion, D. U., Eleanor HL, daughter
elate A. We 2nd Lalita BL. Samson, in the 1A year |
SAFIELD—ilod at the baltle of Ball
on Bator:
day 4
Avg 0, George W. SaBeld of Co, C, dup
Joc Zouaven, agod 20 yoare pene
Bianway papere please copy.
lilo of one who frvely ofored Lins; tf on the altar of Ghrivilay a
philanthropy. t
rigt 1» Philsdelphis, sed Chicago papera pleas a
Dunst Rede eed Pleas rir pla gang “
tua of the lives, liza t', wilp pi Teena ©. Brio
wears oud 16 weathe. 2 nay &. a : &
BURUETLeAt ¥ort Leo, W,3., of dlplitheds, én "Thurday, pvr
Oat. 4a, Mary Wloanor wife uf Potor Bare, and vliess oo
daughter of Geo, G. Saiith of this city, aged 29 years, ¥ cs
A ain Id, Staten teland, Or te Ot
At Southfield, ren Tal on-Thardayr, Or! :
eset Hilttos, widow of We late Juba Bavein, bp ls
trot betas. e
~ RR 2 ee Se ea ee ee ee
& pays e
i blows:
zsDAY, Oct. 28.—We give a syno}
talked about at tho Club tordny, na folloeres
Grafting Grape Vines.—Information was called
forstthe loxt meeting upon this subject, and par-
tially usTered. Dr. 8. J. Pannen, of Ithuca,
pris of thinga
Jog tii the
. ond theo oaltive thn vino aff twace
w the groand, and grafiing lt ws If It wereon
isappolnt every ono, exzapt Ie oeee
Hood of sap Dravenia any uiion
rafting ax. ently ar tho [roe footer
Sto diy thle depth, and sheltering
vo tat that ‘of fea be,
and scion shell not kill the cells ofan
ra (9 bomiore wuovess(ol. But ‘ens acy cae oat
f,08 80mm an with epplot—tr grant grape via
Grape-Vine Insccts.—Dr. Pay
ying account of insect injurie:
ER gives the fol-
sto vines in bis
Thera are at this place, 1, A greon, trlangolar hug, abont a
puter of an Inch fong light Wingate eal Mie ee
Breberd languinr sud! allie be Rou ta larger Soa
Mod the largor head.
Nehen you don't want i
tender growing aod of
ines by a row of holes
rowth of tho vine. TL
, with the Ceres
Hie ite rarcal loves to “ealop!
Hopped ea thovviue, by eatliyfont
‘ie vives, be alee girdion the 30
gustvell upd arity. na
fs alailar 19, but believe ‘uo
Baubalpnecd se ee eranes t
2A scaly cover, J to 4 of an doch {a dlametor, with «
# of downy estion under tty aud’ eoxered bey ea
MU endcotton is a gelatinous mars, pdose by
atop Sa
Tho ip,
corer, net over na aehth of an tach
Broad. and abeubi ue sine gen ence
black powder.
aod loaves are
‘Tho vines o infested grow
ont na large cs the
ho leat Ou opening
ty one to
gi open, alow red |
iden, tho erge 0
growth ia fal
of lively xcarlet or blood-red 1
nt wants
one of the
saocts. Should this lost tasect rapidly increase, iteoete
atroy our Vinoyards. Gah theso bo vamed has thon ose
pont Are thoy natty ‘or imported? i
Balsam of Pir Tree—A correspon
faformation bout this trea, which
Smoot benatifnl Jawn trees, and mny bo m
useful, oa it affords a valuable product
Canada baleom, which is obtained from li
gles on the bark. The
Wohon to transplant from t
yeras should be set o5 to @:
Dest? - fo it naturally
RG. Panpez.
planted in the lost
‘Sarth thut could be
the rote, and plant
mold or
S71 “What soil is
a dry-Jond trea?»
of May or in Jane, Ww!
b all the
din g
nt d boat the r
difficulty in making it geo:
J.P. Vuzepen—I is a goo
spnde in all around go a8 to ako
mars of earth, incl
G cloth and keop the
We 8. Carrrsrs
planting tho ii
plan to drive tho
ont a cone-sh qa
g the roots, and wrap it with |
only eecret about trang:
orany othor evergrean, ia to keop
formation wanted jaz
Ne im Ty. How the] burning rage, loather,
« thio trea should bo trans- | veut
6 ‘will bo no| War upon birds, for nome fancied injary they do tol
around the vino and filles
night, end 60 degrees daring t
or three timen a year he
alt, or menl, or grain, fed to abeop,
tor, gad a great enviog of labor.
fruit keops wh
the above
et the noxt meeting.
Fruit thi
fruit trecs tit are most affecte:
dicinaily |in a lot where ho
nown fs} avail mach for one man to pursuo His couree
i-| ull bis neighbora will do the seme.
information aboat inseot-deetroyers. Wo |
tops, without considering that they aro patural| 1861, brou
heeo toads have destroyed—wo have a d
ng vine, some time in November. A trench ta dug
d with horse manure to pro-
duce artificial heat, nt about 53 dogrees daring the
the day, which is ufter
it in etited that a vioe
widdlo of November and
dle of March, will produoaa fine crop of
>—A. sheop-
oapor in Tadiane rays be promotes the health of be
lock by u freo nse of sult, and an occasionsl use of
bur mixed with tho alt or with feed, and two
given tho cheop some old
common in Europe and tho AUanio States are known
here, always oxceptiog that vexatious, but not dan-
gorous pest, the “ocab," The rascally acarus, like the
rat, has followed in the footeteps of civilization, and
gives tho eheop much uncasinass, and the aheep-ines-
tera much trouble by barrowing ia and under the
skins of tho poor animale, The mode of curs adopted
here is vory speedy, very effective and very chosp.
It ia simply to make a rather etiff whitewash, to
which salt, in the proportion of one pound to two of
noredeed (0 80 degra
hus trosted, between the
Salt, Sulphur, and Bacon, for Shee
bacon, which 19 eat np and mixed with the salt. — | the lime, is added—into a bath of which the eb
(woller alivcp-keeper thinks tar better thua the| may bo dipped, or else it may bo thoronghly upp
ral Pacongthorgh ay maperork ko nd uinialor it, | (0 tho allicted aurfuces by tho aid of a brush. The
neep has to bo caoght, and its at! i iT
opencd, and tar put in withle Medal month! whitowagb adheres and dries, aud after a tine
fulla o
Mr. Hollister commenced his shoep businova in
1853, when, in company with his brother, Col. W.
Avothor oue thioks rosiu, in powder, mixed with
ff, effectually carrying away tho ecab and ity
jnst ns good os _
uit-Preserving Jara—
in a jur, to ee
What is the «i
up and preserve froit?
is put by “eng who reads tho proceadiign| W. Hollister, now an extentive sheep grazor of San
of tho Puraiers’ Club in Tux Trinvne. Juan, Movterey County, he started with 6,000 sheep
Ho anya: {It is not to absolutely exclude alt the| trom Ohio, and brought thom into Bout
1 Culifor- |
10 were loat
ir, becineo some
relf-ecaling glace jare alow Wnb-
lea of wir, y
Preeerye tho contente, Sometimes
h was not ly pat np, and
itspoila when tho utmost caro was ured. Is
ero any certhin rule for preparing aud sealing up
nit to bave it uniformly good? Will the Furmers'
Jub make thia a n for discussion 7"
On the motion of Mr. Pauper, it was agreed that
ggzetion nnd tho question be-discassod
nin, by way of Salt Lake, Of there, 2
onthe trip. Of the romuining 3,200, all, excepting
900 owes, were wold for matton, realizing u lnnd-
como profit over all exponzoa and ‘Tho 900
ewes, all of them of good blood, were retained by
the Colonel at San Juan, ond out of them haa grown
his present etock of 21,500 ehoop, from which, eiuc
1854, ho bas eo d mutton and wool tothe amount of
over $150,000. Tn 1857, Mr, Hollister, in company
with Mersrs, N.C. Petera and Joseph Cooper,
started with 4,000 cheep from Ohio, bound for South-
eru California,
The Winter of 1857 was poreed in Missouri, and
han addition of 6,000 ebcep, bought in that
The Curculio—\hy they did not Ravage the
Yea frnit grower in Maseachosatts
cz it on bis opinion that 4 cold May will stop the
avages of tho curculio, It did in 1860 and 1863,
ded by frost in tho fore part of June. Next
tho Spring is favorable for the production of these
@ he thinks wo shall lave them os thick us over.
oly way to get rid of them 18 to have nll tha
cd by carenlio plunted | Stato, and of io
sn bi pe. But it NOt] ah ofiee
man to pursue this eouren alice | Was headed for Caliornia, on the roato through Now.
Tn some caece | Mexico, in the Spring of 1858, ‘Tho selection of this
peate Kuve beon kept from trees by amok of | route was every way unfortunate, Difilcalties, de-
cathera, or strong-emelling didi naatere 4 fi 0
roa, or with tur aud oulpbar fomes, Dried cow | YS Aud dieasters, of all sorts, attonded the aM
ug 1s algo useful. ‘Tho ourraut insect 1s nleo pro- ite long and tollsome march, and ft flonlly
1 by making a smudgo undor tho bushes ut tbo | reached Los Angoles County in February, 181
duced to 3,800, all told,
en tine in the Sprig.
Insect Late Sou6x Rovtnson: We necd moro] afegera, Hollister and Coopor pastared the P
n Loa Angeles Valley daring 1860, and in February,
ve monde
emies of inuccte—wo bate the eight of toxds, and
ck them ont of our path, without etopping to
ueider how many insocts bartful to tie jardon
@ und dogs
nsider that
00 hnva now reached (he hanzome Sgure of 8,000,
which will bo 12,000 next Summer, Tho bu
of growing
thus, in etriet
mity ogsinst skunks, and teach the b
ch and kill, without stoppiog to c
ea, dato the era of its commencement | j
and foot
2 dure for ¢}
ght them to their present location, the} fered tbr:
16 wool in Bonthern California, may |,
und thor
seemed ea
to conn TD
Triomyh de Gand, bu
comiug etrawbey
‘onetont attempts t
tho murket, it was ¢
not risk any of ite re
froit n
half, Linig
average, C
bushels of at:
part of this, if ho
jog ho can yether
euongh te eve foo
firet one to say ho tiga
of Chicago raised [thi
fruits of ho
n will bo
und edacate his cbildr
the pricea eo th
at the same time perm
largely and thas iner
a’ —and Jer
of a glare of whisky.
aud a pear tree for oy
AL was walking o
blood, the drove, 10,000 strong} | with auother friend, who has a nor
Nera, | buadred acres, bo turned from refleot
Jong labora, aud suid:
could not
pouce. How
calm while
murdered 0)
alcken and di
lorrora, ¢f
ods it bo flMscure ay
now, W
jominyy y
Bitho last."
fen havo by
Lhe, but,
ber one,
i onlilce Fr war yet
the Willson excels ull o
8 werwes
all wished to try them;
ever grown in the Weat,
of the ecason came thros days rain, and he lost two-
dw of them, buthe did well on
pon it there is always ome
un industry iu this wor
will be permitted to do enon)
who can raise good fruit—nono
at We muy
etrive to sell a good taste of
down ona atomich fall of rare
Al tho lenet, let do plant a peach tre
Washington for bia lettors| ts introduced which eau be
ofanow spinning and| ments, und eo)d tdthom in
ial, and tho utility of ita waste," the] So far so good:gbat Mn
fuctare of papor boing contemplated in tho latter} r
aye been making paper from re
rushes, andthe stalk of wild apa, 10
eo, for more thun fourteen centuries, Ipvgact
<o many sabstances aro employed=in thatgefhpire
Mut exch province b arlehy <or p@Mliar to
16, “Yn Po-Kien, fof faytencs, tata Ro
jasbd is tho stale of thy ering Latubos, wv y
Tuucorstiony blouching, thi yoa-of alkalies, boiling,
unl enting, i mado into alsmdu, No paper.
Thé «Ay velvety rice-papar
intinge CW Aowors, birds, inseels,
feuunle beauties ara rade, is produc
etems of e hardy legnminons plant
‘applying st
the form of rage.
” Auer will never be al
-t waa that
sous’s forth.
ax Cat tl
j the
Tor Bafa om
the paper—srou'
f Heeommend)
orcotton, The palp of the finest eps
eo ip
collection kindly
sent to 0s by D. P, Hollow
5 ve come
lnchain of Ono papors,
‘isandibuenvwood for the ©
CAB thst the invertors wy
sogrosseil og blue ruled po,
and aside seecutalogay. of
i ae rs Worl, ¥
Dat winy take procedenc
oarser vuriet
of anytbing, form an
nts frov tix to eight thousand
uo man can ruicoan eighth
an, be cun ell it, provid-
Ifeny man or child lives long
fenit raigod be will be the
ved long enough,
Shak &
‘orkae 4 is printe
i pargecotieamiale fiber, and half «
Mr. Davis loh grows | which contains a certain? proporticn of Fiiga, bat ti
is year the largest orop of |ubandsvtly on tho maraby plains of Bengal and| would hardly warrant our giving it unqualif
In the midst | about tho lake ul u
of Calcutta. Tis Japanczo uss the
inner burk of four or Sve species of trees, and n
paper of all q , from ths thinnest and finest to
(ve heavier sorts which are uesd<for clothing, and
Tho inventor bus ono tt
in the simplic r
na that “ the
M enongh. Dopend
thing the matter with
d. No oue
eaparating the
rer con learn tho process, whan he
ete ae one Ae, lls but overy man lean hardly be told from silken or woston stulls instructed verbally or iu weitin wad cnn an 2
erat bere en Qe. Munsoll of Albany, whoss " Chrone of products on the com: It ex
: Kor ebile | Paper aud Papor-Making” is perhaps our best Owners of Jarge farms or man ane
itive by £0 doing to bring down om authority, enumerates 103 substances which | hundreds of ovrts. daily in stoam-bs lore" "Aes
srfortably rich, and fhave been experimented, upon in various countries | will first endeavor," eaya De meade
eA the demmet eens te bY /by papor-makers. In tho Bithcouian Teatiution| eooogh for hone couceene ne
d fruit for the there ia a copy of a work on tho maunfictaro of | largo forei export.” Wo b 0
i never find whi peper from other materials then raga, which is] se bave to nas ro thin s half million
inted on more than sixty yarielies of papor made
from os many different materiale. The worka of the
Marquis de Villette, pablished in London in 1786, in
Yino., are printed on paper made from 1
mallow; and atthe ond are single leaves of
mrnnfactured at Brogea from twenty different spo-
cies of planta, including ths nettle, hops, moos, reed
ond several kinda of treesand herbs. (Apploton’
New Amorican Cyclopedia.)
Tt would indeed bo strango if with all this
ment, and all this searching in syainps and joogl
for paper material, a plant co widely disseminated na
of paper a ¥
duction of a sub
ory dog we
p to ron after
or na chenply se thia
mong the fruits an
o midat of these
lo’ bueiuess, un.
{hntion both on friond
d is region for
| this eenson been pi
this city, by Mr, E
fpan and yroven into ar
wo judge, to préduco from the silkiest cora-busk @
fiber as emooth, strong, and tonder as those of flax
United States Commissioner of Petents, iscoarner
tbat of papor made frou tho uenal pinot. IF
into general use for the pro-
muizo ebould havo been over! To trath, we} is : the f
ith thia Goueral vw | s + We} is the owner of ono of tho fincet farms in the towne
ar all the sl W pings we buf. {must believe that two milla for- making coru-stalk sbip, and hee spnred no onthiy uecessary to bring St
* “But you forget," I said, | paper really existed in Italy a contury ago, £ into ho most perfest condition. Ho is Inrgoly ene
no sucrifive offered up to/aro montioned in Dr. Schacffer's Sammlliche P. \aagedin bu P nit
Convervative Demooracy.”” burg, 1772), but 'the.aoaret of the|\the head orehe crag e ee ee there _shinding ag
© Heavens! isn't it hard to Bae) Alcians oe pea byeps bang
processea employed eooms to have died with th
his war
listening, eal
known, for the Lord is carry-|
enterprising mill-owners, ‘Travelers tell ua al:
in tho Bpring of 1860. Since then, many other jing t on. Mele is going to conquer us fret, in otfor | thus tbe Chinese nee Ie de paper from tho| swan oo ee
6 roa Hoa dry. At will grow in. elmost [every elank upon 6 man's farm is worth, anaually, | woslthy nad cnterprisigg erevomn Tiree (tl fitted to recsivy General that pang [cones cuines® have long made paper from the| whorever it will promote national
say div'May, June, or Jaly. the foterest of a hundred dollars. It ia trie, a skuok| Vooltby and enterprisiag gentlemen, among whom |)! idea, afd whom wo have trrics rejeated, By Wd | WO°dy Aber of eorghum and corn stalks, and come Lo beneticial in privato « In. eu
Sill other overgreene, with proper care, and it ig| Will eat an epg or a chichons “A mink oa yronel | i8 EX-Governor Downey, buvo gone into tho business, by we wif accept him; then our part iu tho wor will 4M Years ogo a Frenchman camo to this country to| Governmont and the war, aapncharn
pot iinportant to (ake up bulls of oarth, Tadeed, that Wall do the eume. What olee will they do? Lt us| with much epirit, making thoir bogiuning Dy croas-| ) needed, Twill go tuen, thong Tam over | patent asimilar process. Tho introduction of the outadloun money <marebhiheeie Nes ———
Bmino: mola herelthe isp mare bo transported a aa i Te peeriaaly de) Fo aye tant ic nd ing the fine Hollieter bucka on the common Moxican | &) reap find q hundred thonsand who will go] Chinese and African sugar-canes into France by'| mors zeulously in thecostly onl. Sof ratdar kid
Tey ines ent he pnd’ we a, of senor fod nr acy takai bt t,o bs ben he in dco tho nrival of end wl ent eo extn LE |Cou gang asd Me eed Wray eft ashen ae ang
whieh lived d deca furnish bogs, worms, rate, mice, ad moles | the Hollister and Cooper drove—or rathor tbe rem-|"Tulk uipill Lzhog—the wae bea iol? cask: | 1851-2, created mush ¢ their eup-| anestion naturally attr watei art ota
R. G. Fanpre—Yet hardly one §u a hundred from | which the slcanks industriously pareao.' T'he weiiral | nant of it—the progress of the busines bas beon | m Tkuow Ehave lost wson—”” Ho said | posed abilitr to rival the tr r cane, and | fo capactessay bleh al tbanger thats
Parked or bedhy Vey ag Less mesure thes: are badly |e most eflcient rattor, I aot not eure. abo mort remarkable, though not more go than it ia evi- | f i fe! lig. colleerntomne i maz paidl fabs i provacicnteeth Le Tne May
Packed or badly planted, or pat into anguituble eoil. | a8 un incoct-destroyor, ns T am of the mia ‘ ; mused to notice bow much the oxbibi ? : t
q Mis. Canpesten—They should always bo moyed| aro his natural food. I huye hoard of one wan ia | evtly destined to bo in the foture, ir fenit; with many, thia is tho first |StbJ¢et of making paper from the fiber of th Dee | eed oar ae aise een
fy wot doy and Kopt ot of tn ground’ es eho | Ceuta New-York, who haa a pen of ee {fcea bare oro, and this cure wre gur-|Dr-Sieard of Maraville, MAL Darel, Hudelist,| way ‘carduliyo se deep “colvivetia. and
ime n5 possible, minks, which he undertook to breed for their fur, the case with those who have liv e othora experimented to come oxtent in| heavy mauurivg! + of May
SO poe Lake pepe teen mn a beead So thol fy oe oe ag aa oe ce ee toy 6 cane with those who have, lived in| Voopette, and others experimented to eome oxtent in| heavy manunog the
A eva
those four,
ly pieco of
© Waal
Goap—beitor than eau: ved in water,
ono pound to a gall soup forme sp
evor tho bark, and more oda edheres than in the
boda wesh. Besides, thera is daoyer in wei
too stroug, and if used tuo waak it dose no g.
Doct, TRMBLE—The yo!
‘swhale-cil, soap, tobacco, and otber stufl, a8 recom.
fnended by Mr. Cummings of Phe i.
server, I bave proved to bo utterly wo
Bevo proved enother thiag—that is, that
ty waeb tude of |
lish | Let us learn, as we ca
ds al ni Y
ela, mivks, tosds, crows, robins, sparrows, awallowa, | Fala, and now
nd Cultivation, |
An no Agricultural Stato Fair is to be held this
ter uamber assombled at the meeting of | “
no Iilfuoia Horticaltaral Society, et Chicsgo, Supt.
iv addition to those from Iinois, one soas many
ut minds sro shocked by evidences of o shameful |t
vant of ability on the part of our rulers and gene-
, settling down in hoge masses upon a
ew conviction, fruita and flowers are less rogarded, | f
It was plenzant again to feel the breezes of the | v
Nortbera lakes, and no longer to suffer the beat of
somi-tropical Southern Illinois. There, our fine
als considared noxic
are reully go, Let us loarn that skunks, wees-
ting, ef genns omnes, uro not the farmers’ worst | n
mied—they aro all insect eatera aud vermin de-
yer, A Writerin Phe New-England Farmer
ton epectos, takon without selection, bat by chance,
ly fn the weod
gricultural editors who talk yery knowii Tee ee ete ud aaa pastlole of vese’ | peaches are mostly goue, and a good time we huvo
ole iio careatioy het ad —and nostrawe to] nowerous beotles end caterpillars, bad a fo reads in had both in esting and eolling them, On reaching
weop thom off the trees, that don't know tho animal | itestomach. ‘Tho Viteos, eeveral of whicli I diseectod, which ae : zs SRIUTY of ‘bat
ae they feo it, and they know not about ita | sr¢ commonly belloved to sabslat almost wholly upon whor- | Chicago, Twas surprised with the sight of sach
Dubite. fd | Moberries at this soasop, contalned no other food than the re. | peaches oa with us wero ripe a month ago. ‘The |!
ite, cine of sererol apecies of light green eaterplUare. ‘The | fy Mlarwasloniexi((eiiloutien
Killing Bugs @. Beroex—t| 6 sted upon caterpillars and small beetles, while | Curoliue June apple was on exhibition; ours « |
euco read scorinin gure remedy for vioe bore. It | & { Bobolinks wera dlstouded with what eppeated | peared abont Independenco day, The straw
res enuf, Being lo: intorested in growing ou- |‘ h-browa Aphis. Warbler wore filird with the | eeason of Chicayo lusts a yuarter of a year, aud
Ete ALVA eke of tidsaak Ffmaioe of maioale boeties and small caterpillars; Pewees and | firyt of thie froit is bought by mon yrho wear init
‘Sunbers, T bought a berrol of and dosed’ my | tyoeze1 ih vorlons spoclea o diptorous cad kemipterous d overcoats... Tho pi Fipeiched esis thor
Finos to Kill tg boge. It was offensive enough to| tavecisand efor beetiens arpeado areca sa dpe nesce Sty penebey yank Zeon
bul Efound tht one GppYestion did not offeud| An Linprovament of Thrash Machines.— | © to $4 4 bashel—from 3 to 10 cents euch. A Indy
buge; cold
termi :
Sine patch. In this I fally succeeded, for I
pond AREA b SRO oar eal
Vory elfectuul ove, if austiody
‘ad it is jnee liken good muny ober
them 1
ain, day after day, de-
killed glt | tb
cod ap
Sppla, was pronounced very eX
ef propugation.
The Vandy
iy-Jeréoy, antl g
Foran Mr. Paves procented specimens from
Fall pipPrck, N.J., which wero tested aud much
aiineds Hi Learer, and the
les, from tbe farm 6
r 16 of which, o
ent, aud worlby
Apple—Toia i
by adore mar
in this machine consist
2 ommings te
td to kill or drive the pects away from’ wy | mm
ill buy three peaches for 8 dimo, out one in two,
ove part. Ho will eat bis at
Ned, oxbibited a| W
e power ppplicd to| sud give her bo
not. Ordinurily the porver ts eppli
até sothlorn awiwlar pnd tha
ty in applying the pewer to|!
+ craok-motion, directly from }ond the
ing wheel of tho horee-power, tempta'
ducos the aniount of forces requi
iulo operation, a8 they have proved
an be easily driven by thia mode
cighing only 60 pounds, inetead of a
‘09 pounds by the old method.
Jel of mc!
g ma
joat- of Vionna,
ie to reducs th y
once; the hera ut her leisure, ‘Thd rest nrevtalex'}y
y tires more,
amin tn tha fama!
eum ont tbo Bh
nd then look around
n to dovest oy:
Ottea fio will buy
bo were hungry.
in ig great, but b
Bt his
caw a gentleman and Indy
hes for adime, I thongbt the
hey bud thom nicely done up iu paper to
. Apeach way bave been pared in Chi- |;
zo, but I have vot seen it-dous. I aaw the penck-
vee lying around, Unr way of eating peaches is] ,,
}to go out to the tree aad pull down a limb whiol
lias stood high in the Summer up, and geloct thore |g
which bave tamed from red to purple. ‘These are
ehaker by
contor of th
{| down the treet, suocke
kre ho
yo aro | B—13, thuu otherwiee would bave been the cuse; and | I
| Bus people do not ui
mA eU
connection us in pny ot
Hl Who only a f
ention to frait_grovwi
od ly their tables, th
0 platy, and often they
peur Yl bunel of grr
tcoufl. Humsn uifect
was mminded of a yo
ome piay call ‘this a
yell, Down'to being # |
them the y
t-yrower doce,
‘They Know n
OF all
the de
io fruif-grower.
Ajuong the exbibite
Jags of men who
at the Bible and Taz
us them, they hay,
nfWiedge. " Many of
re Tuipuxe for ten
eo folks know b
{reset it
a lie under a 6
bese thers are mauy
Ht for their own um
carcely & dolla:
8 then turned
$10, 00 ete psc
jo coutral part of th
scawo. bither that ch
elt by thees
ad they not belio
so, und in
ibune Aégocistt
ith w wisfortaue, nob
ud rsquire fund
aying 4
ines ia written, thio fi
e things, und it 1
ratend it,
ura of pereovering industry, 8
ing waleep, or on a journoy, nud or how be has
allel wong them with bis wi
rly sucoceded in g
have boon said to
this becuuse, wh
years ago turned their at-
Hour efter hour thay
esranning froin plate
nged them en that exch
Id show the best that
jon is ecarcely lees doyoted.
i Vory
They do not have
thie direotion, and many pampblote were written to|
herald what was supposad to be ® great diseovory,
Olcott in. hia Sorgho and Impheo” (New-
1857), notices these experiment, and gives most
tho processes; bub neither bas einco p
sufficient practical yaluo to secure adoption either
hore or in France,
ite nee
ea dr
le in n tho cul
nd they bave no long hopes
ot how he has wat ed bia
bave become "fa-
hna thought of thera when
perial Printing Establishment in
intendent of tho Iniperial P
Wife on Sunday after.
ants of Adam, none have
etting buok into Parudise us
2 Bargp Bruck, Minister of Financs, to superi
eerie# of exporimente with a now
paper from corn-atalka, invented by o
named Moritz Diamant, According
ofthe Imperial paper mill were placed at Diamant's
disposal; but ho was unublo by bia process to pr
duco paper cithor as cheaply or of as good quality
aa that made in tho usaal way from raga, aud the
oxpariments wore stopyed. In 1859, ho E
other appegl to Baron Bruck—this tic Uby |
such recommondations from Trivste thot the Minister |
agreed to give bim another trial at tho Imperiul
mill; but this, like i , failed.
Brack did even m unt argued
that the cost of transporting the raw niateriol 1
a factory for mak asadues hi
|Tedian corm was grown on the |
{| bappil
Jno bel
ave visit
d this tr
I came across several of
ad nothing
N.Y. Trisuse. If this is
‘© acqdired a vast com of
them bave completo Blea of
and fifteen ro. ‘Their
ter than to oat a dress pat
The list number nsuully
the “family etand." Bat
who do not raise frnit ex-
Years ogo thoy camo Weat
they raised grain for a fow
heir jou to stock, and
o10 promising
‘on Lina been
What the wi
jo paper wes
¢ men woald
ub2- Orhera.sverg
bl eaffer if Lo ia
maybe tho
ee but hy ha
or returns than ite predecessore; co, uftor| goneral introduction of Whiley’ w (i),
ding about 90,000 | furmor produced his family
r hood, previons to that »
ging; bub as Whitne
clen f th
avering that they,c
1 produco it, grudual
pepar west
plied the So
# inyeotiou caeape
nct will be needed to explnin
ght a3 well be euid in thia|
r. At least, I choose to pat lee
L re ‘ But, in cach of the trials, gy printing | oduction, at
said the tree is a gre rt vor is Tight they ure eaten; if| it here. g paper bud been mi c forgotte
pamired, Ho om arger than the Fall pippia. Dr. Jalifornia Shepherds. Ltr es OR Pa oto eee at pa : Fest, and tho weeds |254 wrapping paper bud been mado, and Ci eet
uit is fairer ond lore 7 id be c j.| not, they are thrown away. I ate no p | Luboris very ecarco in tho West, and tho | Adtbasciiedeo mucheinterceted dnt ob, it m
pits thinks it su reek a itis nn | ‘Chore are como very large sbeop owners in Cali- Chicayo, Lecnuse I bud ovly about $15 with me, I] be ‘aid strawberry grounds. |Auer bad become eck bat axpenis
Shonght the apple eaigort in Jorooy., Wo find itl foraiq, In The California Farmer of Aug. 15 wo | Chel) Vertue Sr ta:oe, a truitdealer, gave Ie ath number of contrabanda ‘re findiog |ject that he d ofeanb 3 ;
od ang ey ein“ Downiog’s Fruits.” dan acconst of the flocka of Joseph Hubbard twa, witch were tog eott 0 sell. carco, and that |:belr way to thee parts, TS OT ay, ond iamant! So asda TR ousHGne Rg eeate AoE
truly derendo Apple Dr. TRIMBLE called alten- native of Licking County, Ohio, who| It will bo sven that peaobe Tie the de, |tey Gre employed at ouce at good wages. We Lava been eo helplesaly: depondon!
Aparato: Apple br Jersey applet Rou | E er, a native of Licking County, sich | tbe supply at a decent prive is not equul to the de- Riko wholev my ¥ e fair aud to Chicago hb of his trouble bad com We buys bosn 154 ly di
fiom to enother Wy auluable, either for the able -or| now reaides in the Valley of Ban Feroondo, which | (be suPyIY Ot 8 te PT tote oaly Suga Ou tae hele) ousagae f separating and blearbiog such| ®2t0 havo entirely overlvoked our ow
. It is highly valuable, either for , herbie esa onan eeal weat, by ten| ii cited repio chigeu, 38 tho luke, nud | lesds b here |peneive process of separuting end blescbing eusb | oy noe cnpubil Tumen'ss p
Oe ihe and the tree thrives well upon light t tyrenty miles Jong eart aud v y limited region iu Mi Rete TU a eer whore he tea tealerial! “Whe coating of’ thoialk waada| SUpTasnt cape ete thi
fond, cia medium cizo, flat; skin emoott nud yol-| i. yeide, His ranch is sixtcen miles from Los iy boar Chicago. Some nro raised | fruit fa eusily Mee eats: ‘ sa of, eilex, sa@liioh ind cf
te in the woade, strouked end soarbled | ™e lore he corrals nightly about eight thon- | some actually grow wear Chicago, | Sox hern | Fruit is gr ali | BTeae Part composed of cilex, whi
lowiih Witte oy gud redin the enn, and speckled | Angeles, w he corrals nightly wir Sande, each in| about Alton, but the great peach region ia Southern | Ves u fram ly ten é 0, it still) ade soluble silicates by means of al Fae a
svith pale yeoow Wleah groevish white, with|eand eheep, which are fed in fo A Alinoia. fp. will be need , a man, with como fore tho fiber could be 2
yrilh largo rough ¢ caro of ashepherd, and boy, and dogs. Tbe aver-| ‘the display of fruit at the fain‘was verona en eee orchard taaimiony Wo ito = d, bofore tho fibe bee Madion War Over—Tho Wasaer t
@ rich eprightly ea own specimen of thia fralt| yas 64 pounds, all fine wool, the . From Southern Iliinoia were excellent apples, | way ect ont 5 L lor Auer envy ef on al phe auins Shedd
Persimmonte at the stateaent made thay it enst| 860 oF the Tast clip was Gf pounds, ell’ Aine w felis rips, while, those from the worth part of the | fiber of which w |) - ee
0 statement mud
as oxbibited, and the &
% successfully grown iu this vicinit
oid to possess como excellent qual
She membora who tested of this pai
nnd it was
tirey “couldn't
Fancuen of Lansing-
en to exbibit wt tho ne
of tho Club 2 new grape, which ho thinks (of course
Qiittle superior to by oilers
Dr. TriaDLe thought none eonld be sos
dhe Delawares growa in Burlington Co.,
26 of which are‘us large as Di
Pop rarae—Joun G. Braces of Lovg Tela
hat peunizess need ave Lo produce perfect
fs Bu Easter SSnerva tree, on quince, roven ye
Ho bay ethursery, Which never lina produced good
Groit unta} the present year, nod but very fowr i
umber, but for the nt’ crop ubout sixty full-
pized pears. As to th Innit, asa govoral
sule that ya corsocts y of Duchesse,wvuere
all the trees have eq ty, eons (hav have
tho leust number Lave tbe poorest p Ow coms
frees that bore very fall, ho hud muuy cingle peurs
8 ounocs weight. ‘
et tho Chairman, the Rov, Mr, Weaven of Ford-
hom, eaid ho had a Bartlett pear treo, cight years
ld, that produced for the trat tie tuiv year, Those
huye set trees Deed not be discouraged abuo
FS Mioeeea, if tbo yromth is good, if tuey do not
diately. ‘
ve RRUnpLE thinks in euch a year asthis that th
tendonoy of all peur trees, wil particuluily | the
Bartlett, is to overbear, avd should Vave the u it
thinned, and his prectice to wuke it doubly
(pervicedble by: se.ecting those tbat contuin worm,
rhich produce theodling moth; wod net huving avy
pigs, ho fed these peara to his borse, which ute them
ood relish. :
cB. CANPENTER—L had some Glovt Mor:
pear tree,
barren, but
ht years old, whiol I bud given up
ave reand that all sh wauted Was
‘ago, for this year they prodaced u
Vicar of Winkfield never produc
p, ‘The
good frait upon
8, but some of| regaluted to come in Jauusr;
stock haying been taken from Ohio, Lembs are|f
hundred equare miles, barring the squatter inter-| 6)
mer gee]
‘Phe floral
ded ouly in
od green. Prom c
sof almonds and fi
ve, and could bee
eo were emiill
a Were epcciD:
part was extensi
and March,
‘d increaee at tho rato of Aifty per cent of the fi
r. Hollister is a tenant of Don Andress Pico, the} [ustera sitios. The, oversree f= and Fauded all
ena i sturage of a| vory fine, The specimens of 3 included wl
oprictor of the Valley, and has the pusturage of a| very five S Tho pears subject to blight in wo
good vurieties
arta of the Stato, aud root pr
be Fall
uniug iv A
‘Tho complaints of
jopers. early in Winter is 4 At
pase principal native grata are called afere| grapes rottug wer goueral; the Conard eud Deli
andérebol by the old eottlers, thenew oues, how-| Ware, however, were eaPHNt A rg dia
over, call the trebol bur slover, and prouounes it the couraged with the Delaware, becunge it wi ea puch
most nutritions grass, wild or tame, that ean be found | iy nificant growth. ‘Tbvs ie ps ly oyving-to
on thio continent: f
over the country, bearing a email bur contsiving the
the roote and stalls takea place, so that nothing more
fi pota, 1n order to |
the fuct that it hus been rived in pols, ;
busten the production of roots for sale, and thus this
ty bas greully eulfered in repntuus
It grows in rank profusion all
seeds, which oro oily in their character and very pants the exbibitora und youtlemen do ated t
ugreenblo in taste. One epaciul merit of thia clover] yorticaltare, 1 noticed Phosnix of Bloculington,
ie the facility with which it converts iteeif into good, | Dunlap of Carpal ay Overaay on may, Me S12
and nutritious hay, yielding from: twvo to four| the Sesare, Barry, Sherwan, Hublnrd Jie, Sully
tuns to tho acre, without requiring the agenoy of tho | rin, Beal, Drs Keyicott, De aN A.
veythe, Daring the mouth of July it becomes per! 2) Whitey, W. Hi, "Hausos, Young Guluab, the
feetly sun-cured, and a partial goverauco between] President; Chase, S-eretury; Emery
of ¢ Prairie Farmer ; Teer, ludiana; Shep
gee edward, Charles Wilber, Stat |
gist, who box a fruit farm iu Union County; and)
from Southern Illinois Buker, Bvans, Earl, Colby,
Newhall, Dyeo, Gow, und Wright.
Bomo of these have had wavy y¢
and they baye labored under difioulti
the West with herolo porssyoriuca.
Moines Towa hud liye specimens o
and I beliove ia in market with 60,
Niety. Tt hus been ayppored that grapes woull uc
grow on the bigh table lands of this State, Duala
Biqwed tho qiostest variety of apples, Pani
trae, Tt looked bard to vee severst hundre f
nest treca dug up nud ruined ut this censon o:
sht be exhibited. ‘The ciffloalties
cr, that they might be exbibited. ‘Tbs eilleullies
un nuserlying it preventivg
Vbe tree makes abuu-
required than to bring # stroog orse-reke to bear
pon it and collect it ino winrowe, ready for hoal-
vg to the stock
Thave geen large tracta of ground, thus raked,
nd, to an unpracticed eye, thoy exhibit the appear-
nico of having been mowed, ond protty well mowed,
Uthat, Ae a boy, the érelol ia greedily eaten by
‘orses, cows, und sheep, and ie cvideutly cateomed,
yy them,,n greater luxury, in that state, than whon
veen and tender. In thia it differa widely from the
iterio, of which the eheop aro voraciously-fond, in
young ond verdant season, but evince a marked
ndifforouco for it when it becomes sun-cared, ‘Thero
ra’ experience,
lie to
mith of Des
rl Grapes,
of this ve.
ew would not
ubove referred to ure bigh ¥
, tho bard
pruirio vo!
ng ; ro otbor rich aud wholesome grasses, pleutifully | {op roote from goeconding. 4 cave
young trees. Bp ey prof, Rex-| ste other rich on Fools from gocconrings, con, of coures aro the
French Method of Growing Pigs Prot erty scattered over this region, but the two I have dance’ of Abrons: roots, Which of top. root, the
Siok gaye Oo Peper od of growing fice in latitudes | mentioned ure the important ones in the’ estimation Se red ;
ora, upon tho method of gr i The fact yotespeciall | o° i sare by mo means raze o
Pikore! iho theca will not endure the Winter. ‘he ebeop grazere, Tie fast, worthy of especial | Gogo and die, fustnaces ur by no) means raze of
migr practico wae to tim do bye I to be} note, that these two grasses rapidly improve, in| heuring of;or idy to
ver them in Winter, Pur wi hglo eloma not | quuntity and quality, under tho p kurage of sheep, | With eure they, can be liko getting
ptter to grow tho tree cry Autuinn, the | Phere ia ulzo a villuinous plant, upriakled about the | Tehould eapporo that with
6 or 7 fect biyh, und. every oe | ne 1 ira | POOnSe Cr deratand why t
anoltaken up wilh considerable tire udbleriogs | pg.cyrea, known lero 68 malea—but call nd’ | oue need uot be puzzled to an ern Oy
anid packed close y ina ceilar, wud ot a aE mallovs iu the old Stutes—which tho sheep come-| rica wre doaitato ot tsee,
during pee kaoping the roows we" Venti” | times eat and thereby contructa mortal disease called [ouling jor drainage, (or .
arm days. ini mbar belts,» It ie eeon fro Nore areca diy, when
BL Re Mods of Grove Growine.—Anothor paptr| iho.*!rembl 2 sca fa} 800d Fearou wiry «9 many wore trees diy, when
granslated by Prof. Rewwiok gives «vow method of] aye «4 ¢remblen’" ia tho-only fatal cheap diseaeo lu | Sought from Easora nurseries wht
rows grapos in Holluad. | A ori of locomel vel ais region, Iudecd none of the oyino maladioa 09 | from Western ono,
ad ia copatrnoted, und mado to gurround a ZroWw~
ivo. With a plenty
and butter, und eggs &
yass agreeably at fous.
(int 1 abuudoned a ci
vooda nnd swiogs aud
for the girls, and a pli
universal production
to tho discover
that would towor ab
Girards ever li
| vo farvish 2 subatitat
jo up at half the cost of roge, what would it bo
by neing the huoks o
of good lougth, and easy to work, and thot if paper
4 it must bo
his beaters |
mp Re
whick time oll was
farther dificult
about all re
sto be made at all from tho plan
Ho worked et his
from the bul.
y for a rar
effective w
am of paper, of almost all the va-
acommerco. W! a| Tr
re in ahe bethought bim
corn-hnsks might be twisted into’ yarn, and ap
on into textile fabrics, a9 well os that of flax,
scoeded ies and on th
Re R SS el aro:
mado ream after F
ea kn
i Ta the pr
Wempt. In tho p é
There bus been no ( : t >
See rhe dis ania Guat ela ea jhantity of furirnceous mutter ws preciy
brie ey an n which on trisl wes foand to make alto be b
rage thon the prorent; bor any ti TE Lar EAR ETOYS | made deils
@iscoverer would bo wore patiently Li palatable bread. Pa LARS ear
The consumption of psper in this country 4 in Europe, hae u yt ‘Abc he ae
Fi on for similar protection. o) al i
and writerg, is and has been for yeare in ox sng ee | a ae
supply; at ove time (1854) go much that the price | Accompanying bis application aro histori : wena fae
advan d ' Ja | of hia invention, and an ¢ 5s Rhea
2} cems per pound, and weakly journala | of hia invention, prsiien
t i ‘ te the nee increvse their rat roaconablences of bis claime. therueslves up for th
into liquidation. ‘Phat your we imported mos Bed with epesinena of the varios aN
‘a willion dollars worth-of rage, and the curioue| the plan elded in tho S
in tho tetera of all nstions Ons incre ments, 2 Bre of per of erin) antes wane aod cule we Bi
tics, 10 he fi repare vas wabiog & most prec :
> yer avtil we aro now importing at | uation, somo of the Biber prepared forthe sit-| eas wakigg tte figst bu th din
of two millon dollars por auaum. Say that th ner, aout yara, and bit of course begging cloth. | the Re 0 ie
manufucture of the United States ia b LN | Here Aner loys most etrezs upon his epplication of] heft A ri
cor, aud that some fibrous material, of | the husk-fiber tothe manufsctare of textile fabriea; | Oy, pear tobe
sHaeAtess were found which could bo| but, badly as we are off for agubstitets for cotton, | heir ouly hope now, erems
torest f
| oelves off aa ‘*frieuda to the
| ticipants in the outhreat y
xT tion in the several fights, bat claim to
it io plain thot bia invention Wes little in ru
uchag the cost
tune, | except as a means of
eve those of all tho Astora and|t will do that, it wll bo w public Benet; f not, 5] (Nroagh compalinn.
d; avd the hopo of realizing | tor | tw ear piston th
‘ uted inventors to r paper ia vegotek | iowa thera isan Todinn wh
C The straw ora which Wave | band axa
advanced settlemente.
ry small prvse. If those fibers bed
the Punt and not
en much better, b
FB mere so0f
et ond be
arer capn:
a (rom-tpytbing bot flax, | mou:
“Fits of paper from anything t
until a nowy material
vention is no
. The bez
(or rags is Vat of an Austrian, | he)
7 bia liye
Lion rags, oF W.
gS. 00!
— . WCTOR HUGO.—LES MISERABLES, Medien. Beat ree oso aed
ST — = vr BO EnN
Serena aeyt EACH IN ONE VOLUME: Hy — * = A
© Faw rao Winx P Bigg te wi U oe - nh ® i. Pt : crificed some a
pean on CATA tA Wier, 1 i i I, FANTINE, r ‘ MIOBLY CONCENTRATED GNALL-POX hos already, soccer
nan a itialt of Stud Il. OOSETTE, ne [EXTRACT RUCHU. apily yeureiees hy Hono ys PILLS
EE yutlnto cof Geos : ‘ TT MA OS, KsoupOUND FLUID EXMYE ~~ K cus pil poify tbe, blvad ond aneng00 4
gaia onaieng s YY. ST. DENIS, [A Poallive and Speciie Remedy Howie, wi te, Olatuant Te il Piss OT)
< 5 Lime 7, SEAN VALSTAN om Pi merry. Only 26 cents per =
é Pr iy Aarne rere aa h By a Foi Dinuae ee GWARD ASSOCIATION, Philadolphin, Pa,
Shirnenie, vverege t} owe, 9th 10GO. ‘KIDNEYS, AMINAL WEARHESS. ‘D
Sir Illa or GB Pars aie 2 * Tranalsied frou the, pyjginal Frouch by Erie, MINAL WEARN
BAU To Vashon N slow at bead! 10. 1 i er OBAS. “, WILBOUR. aod . Pn cant fo eeglgQleY-F oarelo]
aS A : ScU White meds (0 Uo /607 82, CAMLETOr 9 Goprnioitr EDITION. pROPsICAL SWELLSWo8, |" by, BTLLIN HOUGHTON, Hemayd Aen
fetal. te 7 10 e a ’ Q fF White, common, 40d = =. .sthe power of Digestioy, end ox- si
eaten oO Mikinnn, wptoyg Pf if Sven SY common, CONTF:ypg OF JEAN VALIBAN. | This Medfsla trereuss be Po TAPPED TIANDS, FACE,
CS TER aay a ask seosT0. my Nyon FIRST. i oOo AUraN Pilon the ABSORBENTS DUR, Ko—Cenaia and Immediate Cute, Gace n,
. How ke C cate 5 cS eae arkey L 7 aCharzbats of tho Fan;| The tera Con Lethe Dead into healthy ection, TeEGEMAS & Soe CAMPHOL IC iil rey the Bando
curt a g : ° rs | Sieshed, 47 Boa alot Autelor und) 9, Marioe sour an : = INE Ge ened according to the dlrestlons, wil 280
he iol iti 4 t 2 ; J Turkey, unwarled, 2°00, — Yeo Sepia ate Fau- tyne hg Is a Go Md wilah the On CALCAREOUS DEPOSITIONS + io tho cokdeut weatliet eed! 1d by abe:
arg du Poonple. Fi . vt hg call on Teceipt of 20 ons. ay
ort HD ectimate! st awey wa = 2 - Pa. wint'tan to: douo ka thoy \ pMatAnURAL EXLARSEAE NTS ARe REDUCED, | SHENG ERIS? LGC emins wad Drogeite, Now Yoo
CO Reatngly Durham, "te utet Baller, 0 steamship Marion, ffm Havano egth alt.) Abyss but to Take As well a So
dat eh owh and tery good. cae wit rot averse’ | arrived at thio port onthe Sst The gaye from Hue | 2 Wisiten’ Naren ute PAIN AND INFLAMMATION. =e aa" Ohers
wel Dy eMrother stocx received by ral-| YOU C.F tous opel e ‘and Mexico is of DO Beg Frportinte, Tho] & What Horizon im vietble)I2 The Granal = Gs Farmers and © +:
pop ee rpot Hesves eed other Hx recived by nest cllzes ceiset nee Govcenen | wun ee fitmibe top of Weer] , | HOOK FOUL. ;
ends, "ke, Be followat - 2 Hoo Lt $200 Lean to-day | o more “etal a riead J. Invert off tho Trzck. ae PE VINES— 5
8, hoy Beover. Cows, Veale. Lambs, Sreine, + nea pe Hae or fletormi eae eniale herman ook Fire HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Gree VINES: a
Sap ene en ioydipench Sv users: Reslsupelabe. seein f Er Fe ee cee Fer Weaknese Bo cheap that eayoan who wah soy bara o dovoa VINO
fogeca iver a exaposation Sgeinst tho Fyafich residents fo, of | 7. The Sitaailon grome Berk vrith "tho Plate o Artaing from Exeosses; Hable of Dissipetlon, Ealy In ie 2 Bea a and mort bardy carly ripening ,
fad iSndsan River Boats, 80 tourro, very front, und in the'ity of Mexico sey: | 9 nB8 Guonere produce W 2. Natiua,crcap from Chef ATTENDED WITH THE, FOLLOWING qriich, Ir the simple dlcectlone that excompany theas are fole
mie eee aes ria] Tienes Lined" cee aiechttese extra ood Ob j, [eral Prouechmen—emong thelr. Jockor, whose} | Seta toni tay, : z DED MSYAMETOA Monel cove ave ati So pve.
NewJersoy Central AR. 129 a3 sess | 1.657] qverage 82 OW 7 eed. yt. “ \ 01 nthe protexta of the) ® 93.5) hat lnfellible| 2. Marios Attecks. Lndlspoattion to Ezertion, - farnlabed to clubs at lowest wholes! 7
Re eer ent abd Erle Ralleoad makes the folisarog ro: "Beach & Ta eae YO ero Mowtiacld |frandolent demands wore amo pe P ee Bull, and that lnrlibla] 2 Marin Alterkt. Ga, Lower Mesias, Tho Vinva are ali Pee ec
perenne ears el Bech Ge ok enn] nee Car ate ht Todana Sher, BAMA | srhr—huve hoon imprisoned. Dh e the conviction of 1796, fad stat thinxait oat Wail Nerves, oy, and the cone uamparation drial names he oe
ey:—-Decves, 1,0; Horees, 223; Sheop bs AGW) lathe eeractun Tt ONE» aol ab Tove) BAD. Wrours Te) Ty ya demand thd expigigon from the coun- | 10, pewn. Tinpsoper that Sionsleus ferret of Dinette 66 visto, | a club is often lees than four cents for @ Fi ant
ee crag PERE CATTLE, ser ree he FHL Mola mery, DusdsyiVeEY OE TE Lor alLike Freadhisen,_ Thetgaicane are greatly |2!- The Shot whieh, Minea] Femetel et yoxulhg Usirernl Laueltado of the Mavesiar Syste, time eave, wince ths members naa an to"
Nomber eported for Ghia market et Feriy-fousla ntreeh | ienss) oyteere, S1-of James McCollum Indiana Bteere, | 4Y ‘f i of the wantfhg aympathy on the part of body, ndae bis Aran. Hot Hands, a sxto names, the oost of pecking {2 eee at mca:
4,353. ayer und sal at 740. a rf i pet = Wa-Disorder a Pertiaaa of] 8. Dapoelt your Money rather |” Dryness of the Skin, cents, and overy Vino hes reache P
Hbe plices to-cav are anotad ea follow 5)06) ora and Ozeo, evorars Ht ert, | che Gavernmont of the (Zared Statos. . Order Throne Forcat than wil Eomer Pewee Ree Cea rarer th :
jemi eacee gat| ae | SEE | eeeerereesin Fees Nhe oa thal, Tastee OltAlom de every Se eres Tae ee are rarantedtoresch the parchserO:
SE road Heteatmay yo ousted a 186 7 be, 28 Michigan Blecrs Yor Dosey, ett 1 Tova of ejelraw'e hile)” Wig ach fa Bowe a fatner, Sak ts perfect cotton, and tuto ani. Aod every vinalealcy ee
‘he paveral averegn ol ths merket at Tic. vse 3 borg, Md., of woande tres. axay ion Fiuibing of the Bod; § avrording to the directivaa glvon ° x
Thomt of tho saloe range from Ga, to Bo. loose Steers end Oxen, fairto good | SAND=On Thnreday, Oct. 30, at org, Md. of woand Span rel paratial iusbing of the Body, Gcstedaneaidie? i
pe nnaapallot tha ales yanee Conia Hacraon wahie, wt! genital t athe i nud be ‘extturatos 69 7 Bead | retpaargegunele of Aung pp, eoy Ase 1s. flee iti cereal ne he Pate panum coustttateent he Te areata ei pivea good resul that will sarpris ans doch
foondie uccounte of tales of cutdry droves. Fes Ui ie csart quality lat oe on play it, Nast ina ‘Dineled with Happluen, , NIENANOE, fie] emcees
Pigeon of Hens eel SS tr aww |G eee aera era ek. Sc tien ea Selina’ ote pao) a, geo turtle Bo] me gn ace ot wh We men nay ty Darr i bd nt ny
BO. nf for Gundy et fc. ; 40/bea ry etock (or Gat ie of Christhan TE, | Steer ts Fae invariably remove, eon (ollot o Now Grapes, with at tet
ets 207 heed more thea Jest week. 1.292 head more Un] jrotty inge Tot, at uot over Oo.5 15 fairih Stato Steere for | TALMAGE—At. Bound Bradley 18, TheValturebecbmnes roy. BOOK SIXTH, INPOTENCY, rent tue beatand most refrewblng of frolts, aud cu bere
the everaze of last yosr. ‘Tbe nvurago smuaber oF. veh) Sih atte, gcGiny 22 ax EHO Of David Le Dalmenas 19, Jean Valjean takes his Re-| 1. The 16:h of February, 1033. pprnppTi¢ TITS. | \inter es sppler, bat thoy are alzo produced w!
QWednccdny orarkot jart pour wae9,600 bonds SESS Miso Nom | 8: C- MbliokE told onus own sccount 4) Beto Stecra: ~ weugo. 3: SeanV slips et LUE hag be WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIR dove not belong to aay other fruit excopt the straw be1ryy
Rar (ouday being (253, toma 167 head more the artz-| Bergen at S40 Sto., and 21 bere at Ojo. < 20, Te Doad areRight end the ‘Aim 10 a Sliox. IN ONE OF WINCH THE PATIENT MAY TS" tnovs | that doee up 1 aee Ae uotedllng,, ‘Tha jerigioe’
269 bead more thea Ute day week. eH Bi Pectiain, 100 up-cocntry nf | ‘ Living ore wot Wrong. | 3 ‘Tio Inseparable. Who cam aay that they rn eg aud may be Bropamaged absolute haath felted
“Tthe following drover nre in markot this wecky faiclas Cuiverco oxtea fine Vullecks; ealibgt haac. LITTLI 01, mio liccoes, DIR SES; Delaware Vine, now rtaading Ia New-Jcrsay, baxo
Bar. Shacator, N.Ys..... 17 J. H. Willams, 7. & D. 8. Doty, 47 wp-cou Bim 1 aeic, Y Th; 10 of i F i" . jdrois on Foot to'Foot, kK “INSANITY inp el terep daring tho Inst forbs-fivegyears. For
Eats. Shucster, 1B. i {eee for luau Simi, Bute 1 G00 Fat seat, Hi 5 b 28. Orestes Fantlogand Pyledes] 1, The Seventh Circlasndthe coxsumprion.” — | tor: duce efor Ea SE eRe ueeiak which
Galke & Cay ME emice 42 owt, €6) owes 3 rua jguith Heaven. eee cuperiorlty of
Bote & cone ce Bn Betas Sa Burcy, 6 dian 4 — WA Prior conap, |e Tye ergasllica which 8] Many ero antts o o a N CONEESS” sre from wge Ture Wuxi Tiana forthe pact da
off. Ro... 1133, Dooley & Fuawlee ° could bava taken at Aibanye Rr itso ot! |e : Pre Bool... | 1. cho Berth impovertabed| BOOK ELGHTH. THE RECORDS on gaa eracka? ei cp vseeeteacttar, aad saat
: ; Py. rfovnpomlty calle mised lt wemooe | Waneacens and MUSTACIIES i (4 he: a isdanee ASTLURIS/| Toe Gist partaind ts coco tat VIET i
Bomucls, i... 73 Goo. Sar o. Th ar, sold FSB boad.to a contractor | Ay by uo iug GRAuAM's QNOUXST, 2. The Ancient Llstery of the| ‘And the eee eencetiiuatrated Catalogue, which ita Masah of tbo
nL Kiley, Oblo Hee well i tre the chlo. Prion #1. Sent pont Sow (ELANCHOLY DEATHS BY CONSUMPTION, — | Ssements 2
pe ta 23 Daal Heroee, Me 3 Chiiias, Nod Nasinety Now ae aan eM cineras xo Tie TRUTH oP Tum asgeurton | Vine Se of: Videauts ba le BEL Oae'
S. MoMesos, 20 Danie 1 Hernes,N. Ye 3 = & Detaile Ignored. a EE ULION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH OR-| bo best me for the porches Es
. & Dav al Allerton, N. ¥. Ng 5. Protent Program, BAEC G’ WEAKNESS, Catalogue.
10! Fe pry Westkelmer, iit eoFutare Prope L Pig ee . this sabject, 100
SIL TUED chortng. ke Go. N. Yewee 0 BOOK Tduigonce for’ the] Requires tho ald of tndicine te oy, For Planting, see Cosslogse.
Ni Y.-.:.-117 ¥ tokertug & Co. Inds... OF Happy. ‘ead For Preperation of the Ground, toe Catalesue.
eae 8 War ie ape en &, Bhalla Ristarings ore INVIGORATE TRE SYSTEM, rot reaping over Wintez, eco Catslogus.
elated bag sai For Keeplog over W iste
3% A Ten is beavy to Him " For Traiving, ceo Catalogee.
4 who. lifted Faucbelo- LD'S. ai fate Study of
a 8. For Sendiae wellos Womsp who, Ated Fouabelo-) HELMBOR BACT BUCH __ oe Per the mort fll aud complete Study of the Vise ever pebs
al eee ree "tste lye Fiaowe which! 4. A "Bottle of Tok, whieh INVARIABLY og | tated, a0 Tiina 2 157. i sea Ree
45 8. Sherman, N. ue Hh tayerhdy: serves only to Whileo, ATRIAL No. 3, whfelt eboald have been rex Octm
eB traan, Vga RINE GOLD BAND BRACELY, & Tho Footy ae Agronna| & Nigu read wale MH] yar CONVINCE THE MOST SKEPTICAL. bet ibe replat day of publication) sa been deere
i for alo by GEGH * “when we expect to get) 6. Grass hides and Bain blots Gays by patlonal causee. It ls nearly ready. In conseql
Dexicl Mo¥lwes, ‘N. ¥ $ aaa es ib tlis | No, 418 Brocdwey, one door below @\palnt, Suhaere o B ‘onb aris of quality of the paper, ‘considacable time ts roqaired
S3)dxry Thoroo, N. Yeeu-. 2 ales of re a — hel
A Sle Bey My Vasc ar Ulead thls eels 7 1° Betas Galvas Wroune "WATCH CH. : ay > |FEMALES, scares, ceeites dry and be ready for the bydraulle prow, The article
IL Harris, WU ©, Oresa, W. Wess atop tori arqat asks.” Ques Calves Tortus by O80. 0. ALLEN, No. ais xy,000] NOTICES OF JEAN VALJEAN FEMALES, scaLes, vor Wina I thiok ts worthy of attenton.
rata Bertil’ Loughe eens dooblow Conskal y formers Nid “There ixno danger that such e work will fall to be read. é “OLD OR YOUNG, |" jlartrated Cotclogue sent for (wo Donut alampe |
Bw Benet tet! 3 Gordon % 4 HAVER FRUIT-KNIVES, for n ‘There are wory fow who a ules ea nyt SINGLE, MARRIED, Descriptive Cetalogue, with directive for planting, ene
apa ae ke vw Ds. o gic o low understen ry 8 ‘ot stamp.
Se brs 2Dos + 4/)r Aten, Naas: 415 Brosdwoy, one door below Casal ee ein: pares Whales CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE! Hewat oe OF ss by seer cali ec
Rufus Lo: ¥ 2 73|Joba Veer == —— a= them, * ¢ * And they can hardly fall to risa from Ste pe- ON MANY APYECTIONS, PECULIAR TO Tasone. o.W. OnANT, a ‘
GSyliogs Ne waeccs LS, Basar, be ‘ ; Sela al sats wiear and eller Gon Wayaal dowas” Sigwers |] 2 REA Siucery jon, pear Poekski
pi ak +E Moptgen been vel , -Emplopment. a pity thateny aboald Goieh sucha work content that they | 14 oreqnaled by eee ee cciody, as In Cbloron{s or Raten- Woatchestor Co., New-York.
Pai. Whilo TIE aS. Montgomery, 1
W. Sbagy 9/ N.Y...0+-.. 16|Atkine & Doromas,
Mend ay, Now. 3.—The merket oponed this
aby nATEne: APN s had been tateresfod,'and act thankfol moreover tbat they bed | (ion, Inezals
GENTS who sell iny goods orojbll raking ee cucoed aad psided”—[Horace Oreley ta The) Breceeut,
Goad Aeratalehs love via brains. and sped ate tnvited | N, ¥. Tribune.
cat to the vex, wl
PEERY In con- thaw it bes. ink some lote ef gt
ceterato bullock | 222.558 In cgi sell ples es
So lato today, the price Is bot ee-bigh en it wan a week ago | seileed ove lot of poor oues sold at Forty
J) pesrisiatedding tho weather le 10
Tata beget being dy), cleat, aed wild, ead tue mark
{lace in eewfortable conditlen,, Proms what ye bear, w
pine labsouse 1000 head ef oilocko intended for this mar
eg uence of the laryo nomber 0
a tod would lavest an equal axaoat poll
JeAEE expOrIO DO Od re ee BIgUOO esear. Only | than Fentine, or Cosolle, of Metlus, cr St. Denia. ‘The won- ?
erful deecription of the battle of the barricades fs e0 graphic | FOR: UNPLEASAN’
foiroll at proven. 8. QUINSY, Herald (tice, N. |
and vivid, that it would not be surprising were it to fire tho
VAN ANDEN™ ONEDOLEAE & | cteorotthe veversesping Repotlleaian of Parl to gloves RELMBOUD'S
Togand Brokers oneiners i Wall-at: the dre Tvtenqresier book thon any of the, four preceding, grealer
a - 3
s New Publications. |
Ho. a bead, ‘Tho character of this mevement may bo tu:
<i Tae it eppeare to bove been ireagurated
eatimated his power.
fered trem taf Pi
The details of thls battle, ths eublime herolsm of Enjolras
‘Dhe promloant feature of the Domestic Wool Trade {n Oc-
Oo About 200 weromdded ty | Batkots changed ov ‘ascina)l part only boing taken by
being asl! the bellocks oa
eictingoeee cournmais, ‘The rapid advance In gold and
Kforole Wools have beon token freely on urrival at fall war- 10 Copies for 4, poatpsid—S3 00 if by exoress. lsccempe:
rel, ani ogatiane to gel favor with eoneouirs 21 Goples for 0; postpatl—vsG 00 Lt by oxoreng, arly asa translatfou."—[Philadelphis Item. Gunners
d the ame (alsg will heposa yest week, and 4 ike Kecoign Wools kava advanced s7usidorably, aad moet TOT EESTTTSTI = x. "Tho tranelator work well, retalalng i x
seerss trot, ta cum of fog eereten wich contin to flo Wah Ategiom aad lve erign Ctoaie burs | WYP INTER PASHIONS!—WINTER PASH | goo ce semater hs doe ba work wel rlataing ina lsge ABH
Uiton i ia the ncnapiteties otbatecs and mse or Goveces| Peru somewhat eeploctad, bat hold Gra at previous quote: | WY, JO4S.—A splendid Fashion Magusloe—Atme, Deaco_| dé the epic ead vigor of the original"—|Springeld
a : 8 | thor RESTS ON OF FASHIONS AN ‘epubileas,
Bae Unig enGDe ee Vs tererpaued nce stmeltheCaeriogn: | JOUNMAL DUGRAND MONDL The pod Whe to
Mie repPROEDAS SALES OR EUELOCKS. | Mececr ai fase Fasc iy, Soaelery Leow Ts | ln develed cxalundyae face saree Reoehn SMa tan nies WaaTeaELeR aeaetee tas
Terry es yt tow on grusce! depron of irveguiity | sieditcraneen Wo £72.00 lb heyleas| 40,00 Ty: Back aad | for Lasing Sn Ita treoeloted by @ gentleman of varied lingoal attala-
“eof all carta Grey Donekot
A washed Morocoai 0,000, Bb unwaslied Blanket Wool,
Pos) havo bose ln last rock, they ould bave got forward,
23d tho vage taiag will heppen Deze week, aud We feacerili |
tu Dress
{1drea, ond {x acknowledged to by tha largest
Aug of Jos, F.fvillains, estlennced at lk ony Poners | Piste cabtatar nine | ¢
b, at Alvany, 269 Indtaon] Couutry Lowbe’ Ful A a
h 7h owl., erarage, ead that Gancde belied, SUG Te aponotony af tho roldlurelifwand lighten thy bours of the loog | Pries por Volume: Cloth Binding, printed on Sopottor | pONpD py
id weary aaroh. “The ‘old heroes” eliow
Ca Hi be wold be ould each have 8! Paper, GL Paper Covary, 69 cents Coples saat by mail,
“ - —~
%, SATURDAY, NOVENIBER 8 “sez, = “, :
Zetuatnoss, of Sapprescioh. of Castomary
Ueated or bles stata of che Ulerah
seu oot, Whites, Sleciity, and for_ell cocaplatote tact
sane tie sex wiieiver sriing Gom Andlscretion, Biabite of
2 For Have feated'to arrive ard, Se botng kuown thal thoy wore | underetood the market, eadi DAS EEE Keatfres by mat Sond for clccolar. HANNA Co., |emalation, Louls Napoleon bay paver before given vo grect ‘And IMPIOVED
2 SFeee voce groduced by a Secesh moveuirnt of ths whelo- on nes See Bole Proptletore, No. 29 Cigiet., New-York: 1 tan evidence of hile reliance on his own strength as in permit- aEcRED DISEASES
Jus butcbors 42 ealst. the paymeat of the Government 19x of : eter Se age pblsalon of Lea Mtrblew. Ho may hove over-| altel Siegen
Little er no change in Diet,
oncsatie this week, oulys potion of whIcn axe colt :
Bea Eaeied preairen oC clacowmentas iunlanetr eel erie. Contalntonen oxtraordioary bot truthful plctare of ths en- | teraporary Ufo, owas the reading world to righteous anger
fs Core ad thy cusch rons’ lowér for this clave tba i ae > erengeyete items of the Souths devertbiag the, domestio We | aoa to frultul toarn!”—[N. ¥. Daily Time USE HELMEOLD'S KaTRACT BUCH
for a onal Dan in amen Water Brown's Monthly Weol Circular. 2 oa | ‘We havo a reproduction in masterly uterstore ef the | FOR ALL AFERCTIONS.
original force of style ia'lost. To (hose who do not read HOW LONG STANDING.
tion deterves mach prats."—[Dafalo Exp. B
1b 'Gannda Fleeess, b4c.; 10,000 Ib un- | and beat Fashion Megeziae la the world, Geumalna tore cond | ments, Who hes before axcrotsed bls ablittice inthe samo di'| WE Main NO CaCRE OF “INCREMENTS” |}
Practical end Analytical Chemist, and Sole Mavufectarer of
(HE NEW-YORK TRISURE huviog parohasad of Ma
rawherrien, Vie
; ‘SBD ‘i vho wknaily buy abeop at Albany fer} 4. y003 foe w DESCRIPTIVE CATA JE AND] ws nd crown: work, #1 n Vadjeen, the last | Dissipation, or in th oe = Andcaw S. (ullor bla beat throo Soedlijg 1 Bros:
mornis g) with aboot. 5,800, bead) of sbullocks:in Talay thence Eh ee ELT SVHOLESALE PRICE LIST, sebten wil bo itt ceo teeny | 7BO od crows Toe a aoe eetboothisrea git DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. thers Got “Elementi the” Sen ae, reel
Deas . y cr nec ine Waow C volume of o, {aa uoblo confirmation of bs ric Sek ayxeroMs AD ome eer ‘ Wh
Maki alay pane)jou thai auasbens waaiinerobael tp jeer bt Bisth street was: lis rece on sPPleatS LAWLEY, No. 16th tne, to rocikty and bis mazulSceut contribution to ite literary NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT! theuto it enbecrtoera Ry
over’ 4,200 by exrivals during the forenoon, and a] totty in ie hands of one ma GOhednned, 0. | Vaschn[ Hartford Post a SI sro Ine very Pree ra soceee ST oer
Jasgt, proportion of the stock was ouch as would | thos who ware suxlous to BPHE SD F EDA vith 5,00) cash can| “Jzax Vatseas, the GMb voluno in the cartes of Lew ai eee add Esch hind fs bl-agxaal, 20. that i require 10
ai first-clacs butchers, who will have tho best | week ago, but It was be ure Hoot WY ANTED.—Any ‘ono with 35, 2 We ee aierige Ga, Tila taaryel ci = iy BALSA! carly let aatiog near it to aiska Te plodcctivo, and tho
Biollap from tha qrennd. “Lo passest cuo of chess new planta
UNPLEASANT BEEDICINE| Wenha"ve @.greas ecguluition for any faslly tthe goauly. |
jo inconvenience,
oo To possess (hp thre
of all fratie.
exclusively, and whi
tei gchar who Ja culled by tose who kaow bint Seat "a
eae be, butchers of the “same brocd | Be Neots 355, Steveun zi SF WO WORKS, | and lls leatenants, the reckless bravery of Gavrache, and the now eabaones forme yeara, for tb
Bs, and: resolved fat they weal Drown, 17; BH Crandall. 88, [ wy ft Chrirtike revenge of Jean Valjean, aro toimitable, We en] ry gaysps A FREQUEST DESIRE, ay te Biante
gre Thi Seeech ce ee ee et ed VALUABLE 70 THE sick on WELL Sap Mabet tte inratigation, at ouos thal of w.post aad a |7= 3 eee Same | aetna
the /"SBatiemate” “Gudertook to. carry oat to-| Jim Onloms : Sent by Mail. philosopher, of the great waste of the earth, by which the life- GIVES STREN E,
Soe tee ee eared 2 8 Ge hats | teanpaeeng roy expe rl eae a SE ee ye | azanre oo mena, foeaealion
Socufauud thet they lid mado s grand taleieke. Borso af the Fars Dr, 8.8; FITCH'S SIX LECTURES 5 tote of aliving desth in the quicksand, a fdghtfol counterpart | PREVENTING AND CURING | 2. sir urmemeina, | Jormbecriptions aro reese
Brokers toit thom pitoly thal they weold uct mete the de] gay ‘ds i, aloud Wen, iruvention mad. Cora of Gon te that af the mau overboardin Fantine tho tll more hideout Feat ia PEC RE to ese poroarhn
seotee Ss worsilals csougbta ah fy and oto mioy Weve NY sede ea Se, WS PPB Preserving Healy 3a tae oon watch Jean Vallon asoapes with bia ary ba:de0 | gg ganar thm feed expo {83 cesedé Spbasebloe Gat thoy 8
eabopelicdts walk ou: uf tho yarduand fore cattle thet they Tenia! usua oy CUSKP AND LASS. See Eaten, aE ReMi ae 226; | nateful toima but prestous ta Corctte, tho now parils, The |” ALL POISONO Se ee oor MATTER H wil be
Bed reed to bay. “Oikersore told, ator eompletiogs but] p¢-oryw te Osten sold O17 sbeop wudiinnd [seshust oR EP ee betes.” ANE cic | narclor end Javer’, the dassiiag glimpse of the Whito Night, | crodganns miogleaubeabers
bare, andreqniring Jo off, that: Were welcome to | ren of 84 10. ‘S7S. FITCH, No. roadway, Nev thst Gret celes: Sof wadded love with It salle Reggae UPON ingle aubacril
their reacolily, for ‘they bed paid two or three ot A ttog’s, Robert H. Home, 1,319 sheep an — : fast Gret ce 5 ee se ____ J Aa olen silk, or otha
ead wore thap weuld. havo been aked if they bed | ALY FPS BEST WAR MAP IS ‘ Trough tho fatalllee of natare bad ot Geany aa at eg OMSANDS cere-vrcrr——g [with tha aaioer of
‘thy “tex 36" BHIl, the oliect waa sojarious to HW. H. LLOYD & COvs ae wah o eee ¥ OF QuAcKS, | ber will warrant is,
x without working auy benefit to the conspire x = MAP OF THE BORDER AND SOUTHERN STATES, | t0chingyplcture, which will rovivo tho fecalty of tears ineyea | And who have pald E one
oe eee re okiber of the * Avssclatlee,” which Wt honey 468, es5 PYdick own all tho Bustle Figtds; Polote of Luterest, and | whore t hos lata dormant elnce childhood. Bat lot no ove be See ee Tabe eared tak short hn
fers ay ound eet milk noo nana. Bl eave, Sone Oe area | ave, om clog th bok fr wala eon Go] HAVE FOUND | re beeen
Brobobly tho most reseallygeWhotect the Stato eloction. If] Receipts this week, 31,67 list of thlo and other Afaps and Charts enited to the thoes, | t2PY Merncom bes aclear sunset.” — [Providence Post. YHEY WERE DECEIVED, «| ,gHH, SEMIN
Sue ccseacemitr er mich na i will tho credit of thoes who Port. lve wolght for cern-fod | waich soll rapidly everywhere, sud allord tho coat protiuble| "Aa a farcineting romance this book has probably no| S74 thet the it - ESDAY aud FRE
Feat payne ws tar, will aceamipilsh all that ths fleads of Haws for distillery-fed are the quotstious | ewploymont in which Acents aod Peddlers oan eoxage. superior.”—[Cleveland Horald. EOE ON pet ete eS
Roveledecire. Fortunately this acvof rebellion reacts opoa y Ly Ll. D. Grant, Saperinteudent of the warket. H. H. LLOYD & Co., No. 25 Howard-st, Now-York. iP Seen m
The bade of the wovers, and tho feeling iu the acket ore light to-day, eud weather fevorablo, and tra A book that thrilla end etire all palseo of bumanity."— 0 FEO UL ST HINGE NTS RAT ee
Boe, athe dey deldsly ater than i | mag aug a equine, fhe agen eal wieaae| A MONG THLE PINES; (Brockiya Standard. iach ores Fira coples, 85 4Ten toplon iL
pero af bet Stee ee sndpery Go rl CO ee rh aa ranch os It dove the Boot Caith ie Xe vrould be diicut fo dnd enywhere fa @otiona plot wo] DRIED UF a sano ee eetibrep afte club; Meat
sxuetvs, The mise ell at 7@tc. a poand. Une of the curl. tl complicated or co woll worked out."’"—[Chriatlan Times (Dap- B SYSTEM. - y
diltiss of.trade this week, Ly the parchasy of about £0 bollocks SECESSION-TINE, . TO BREAK OUT IN AN copy will borent. For excl
fer cece Gonerazene Huey wor “ten Og SOUTH IN SECESSION-TINE, Oe pie rr a are ey, ABORAVATED Bona, | tie, ye wll end
atta, one of our clu; butchara, gewerully of tho clos known BY EDMUND KIRKE. le erm of ‘ela observations and emotions ef By
ener vat exon, aad 2k each as ero coneidoted Uratrale Cras tare into a romances drama {o fiye volumes. Ho painta {x thls ee ae Veen
= ERCP SATE CISTERN fd .o- SENN stopendous work oll that {9 darkest end ssddest tn oar oo 7 THE
haifa caililon will be required. wedo not ox
coumence the vlatribation before Sepieubei
urea; the reciplacta vill ba auly those who pay to as ene
fo woold giro zie posaouor all fost he
ich_po.one bi
Will bo distributed Iu no other way,
‘ourown from. toe vary amall stock 0?
ad whoa wo wade the plirehasa,
tg bo nble to
‘Aun mattar
uid the plunts wUl be tent out Im tho ore
‘Pho tires planta will pp cen
aero a pecrtarchsariglea OPEL
Weekly, or Week|s. tacit, icine ‘
he strawberries. 0
ibs ‘Giscdootion willbe inedo’ inthe ordrr the eubsciibers |
i a recclvod.
neds plante bg arall, dene 9)
fallable olleg aabitence. R
Waues tn tue Club; asd whers Woe wase
thoy rill be sent ‘by express, packed Lo
‘will receive
THD DAILY TRIBUNE bs published morning-nd evening,
$6 peruonam,
WEEKLY TRIBUNE 1s published every
DAY, st £3; ‘Two coples lot 5; Flv
eabecribors, S11 25; ‘Lon coples, to ose
870. Auextracopy will bo vent to cacti Club for
4 Three copies, $5 q
und one extra copy We
‘eu copica or over To ONE ADDKESS,
ch, Mor every ten coples paid for et ono ticne, aa extre
td for et ea
SLIBUNE will be
Whore foll elnbs cannot be formed for althe % SEMI
= svt baze follolnbe can formed for either THY. SEMI.
WEEKLY "RIBUNE, the anbieribera
to the two edittous exn-anille, thins oatitliog then to tbe pa;
at club pries. Speciaiem nuiubors s=a4 wir ca
f Toxtnar, Nov. 4,—t'rou the qu Woess ef the markst- f pee eee artiste dovice, a wroath of passion-fowers about , UNINARY ORG. YING SI
etre roshesla {atte mat all the taciepudie-| Percy ausaeboee ep alediaar the eee tate eae ~[Sprinedela Repubtienn. PEE erspresettens eee seis RTC. SPURLEMESE 9 REL AND, RIGS
Satrsupentiersti barra taerurcts there dy De chee oy] ebort ps «of all tho a0 Wools In tLe o: “Tho American translation {a oxcellout; vory Little of the from whatever oauro erlelontieg nd co matter of fo Bo SEEN. | Only 20 vnlles from Filadalphia bantarie
FUL CLIMATE —20 eore tracti at froin 315 tw 20 par acre,
bo Lumber, ilu uioralegy laeving probe forelgn exchange Ankara cer of tees Orgens requiza of s DIURET! avabls within four years Good. cboula aud ancl
foe ples gvineraoy Treva esha teed fo niucs he mvueat tt edeand Wb seneet Erouch,Careto's etl of Leo Mlsrabos ean bo eoarcton-| BESUOLDS ENUAACE DUCHIE eS DUREMO. | Beds seating’ Analy to CHAS. LANGIS, EM
Ue deproms the market Bext week. ‘Lhe clos this week | 2clixe io the former also had the effect to modify Wompo- | paper covers, tfously recommended.""—[St. Loula Republican. S THE r Vineland, Cum’ We 1
lc depron the metket post week: Bo clorag uals tha wees | seettei ih formar alt hed Abe ofa a madly and Lope, eh tenes carer joualyrecornmended."—(Sl. Loals Repabli an igcenmaty 2 THE OREAT DIURETIC! pepors of Sota Ra Comes aed Canty, New
Se ad cede Tee ean any of the leat | Tow, Nowever, stuods rm, avithran advance alves tno opeaing = Tho two parta thst baro tbus far been publisled hare heen LEAN VE THE com Report of Soloa Roblnion. Ag. kd }
Tun sexy late eapply, tanlog Sroc 8,0 | ofthe sueuh oo choles coudidoaed dae Wools cf trem ta S| Address THE TRIBUNE. carefully and apiritedly translated, und rellect much DESIRED EFFECT pelt Mone of the want atentice fertile
the an ; Now-York. fee Pgligciand sla pablisker O=iNow Ac ORS evel position Und rustable omition for ple
Nene Iie probable that tho morket will sactinae firm, and that| (D> Ia order to place this Losk im the ends of Toerycompa- | Teuit ores both Ite aeluor and ste publisher."—[N. ¥. Sat. ron waicn ‘YALE DISEABES) «ristow af thi nide af the Wettern Prisir
Pree heaceeee Wight es tobe nase tol Welw may.enthe cexson advances, command higher raten | my af soldiers in actits screive and of esery, scader in tas | COOTIOT If I RECOMMENDED. k
get tecard all tho, culse cecoes This ke pemecleaa rate | Mao Baro hitherto provated, tosalter couniry foeng, Pe Twat il yrct “Widahandsome editfon bas no competitor, ft fx not oly EVIDE! =
@ss0 onthe Eztaosd. There are-eattlo in marketto-day that | caved, Wook sre.in good demand ct about previous prices. SCoples for 82, poatpaid—B1 64 Eby xpress. the best typographically, bot it 1s the most fallbful and schol- Aliscellancons,
sos Bs oe ou) 0 1 Constantive. 330.3 200 bales East India, 37240. ; | Embroidery, threo fall-sized Pottorny 3 amouny r . mpored of Buchu, Cubebs, and Jani; i
«abla ceusnsly way ere Caen FOzen end Steers, | 8y"'bslee wased and unwac hed Bforerso; 600 bales Callfer able lalsvanttion oa eshione; sary everything new | (2 Dut what te iterally true.” —[N. ¥, Iilustrated News Sik petiousoty competeat drugpian ess Tt tleeted | aseene
about S00. plas E6s alee unwashed Cope, SO@Sz}a, 20 balea washiod | cod desirable from tho most trustivorthy souroce. ‘Too Winter | _" Osr legal friends will recognise in tho trauslator of Lea PREPARED IN VACUO, str duceawed Stal
had tox bond of he Jot tht Daotel Drew bought | Cifionsis! eo tales cashed Capdoses 3 bale Maztornings | oe ae eece a any owned Closk Plate, coroprisag | ataéreblea ono of te beet known short-hand writers Ia the at Aneltileal‘Cuemiit and ote flee procarog Fest
No. 111 Brosdway (Tri
For all business doue poe gs
Bor procariog Festio
ENSIONS, $100 Bounty, and Pay Procured
apr ate Sallor, ond A Roledves e?2
‘At thelr Gollection Office,
nity Building), New-York.
dale, chargos will bo as fete
For collecting Soldiors’ end Suaflora' Pay, leas than &:
astownt, iy when over $60 in aavaute ip parte ee,
For collecting Arretrs af Pay acd 109 Bounty for rolativea
24 por cent.
—Tho Goverment Fea, $3.
top of Jo, tl £0 bales Adaiaigoy 80 bales Wi fulte. Spantah, dary 454 baled | Rgaree Whe three Maelo eae Tints 3 Hoe scems to be aa much at home fn the trial of r eal Chemie and Sole Mennfer Bend, {oclosing «1 cent atamp, for our Hook of Lis
Shlobs tho whole ef bead hava gaicod 2 et. # bosd uot, apoa | Sfesilze 160 bales Alestizona, -\S0 bales Rosario. SlaC Cloak Garibaldi Waist andanrteceeeatsona: EE" | Champaathion, at Arrao-es fa tho lel of JoTerdaat the Coor ee ee caterer a oe en 5 oy ere kann eet duateelene
“Belle C Hess, 20 oc Wilson's Lodteca Stearn and Helfer, | ute eae es, eee Maat Ase ee ate | me meiner milizet, aad dtcrameker'ia Aware should | of Seuton.”—{N. X. Dally Traoecig i) Pe eet QUSSERY OR NIGHT AMP,
Peo resaen hoc W itcon'e Zodlaca Stzers and Helfore, | Uslox Kediterrapean, Caps, eid South Atior i inter number, which will bo twady o 8 a fs —One of the most useftl {nveutions of the
anid bt culsited crt, gserage toilat fe 9 B Sei St ales waleh and Bootes. At woisen, | Rov. Ya Sunited at Ne 4d Broadway, aed Md VGAX! | 1 1¢ta duo to the tranelator of this edltlon to sey that ho ful- AFFIDAVIT. bolted, ten drawn, colfes mado want igh eer wee
B. Willi ived Tossday and cold hurd wt 6270 Ib. | Te pind ana OGo fee ei F Where, of sout by mail ou receipt of prics,25 conte. Yearly, | lla bir task with conrglentlous fidelity aod marked ability. | | Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of tha City of | 8d sfuel cooked, berbs ateopad, and all'dooe by tbo ean
Destin & Vakotinn ot Lower & Briptv'e droed oF fat, | oe peliedolplar 860.000 Io. Bloccen, S6OHa.1 15,¢00'tbe. | with a'valuable presalom, G1. Do not fail to cea the Wistet | He seizes ihe aplst of Ue novel, and revere the cbarecterieto puiedelphis TEE BELATEOLD, whe elog duly wrdra, | Sane Uist lights in com. Augpied'to either Keroteue ore
i rather court lodizaa Stecrs, part Durham, eatinated| In Providonce~215,072 De. Fhreces, 800550; 69,350 De = terse ally. Now-York translation coome eather lajinlons drugs: but ers purty so een WY, Le FISH eee He
ogo 8 put will help net Go eae eee Ee a EANK BOOKS, PAPER Ee parse lila. ‘The Now erk transltloa scene te bo | or ets lejudo dgs, but aro pura V. L. FISH & Co., No. $33 Broadway, New-York.
112) Kentucky Dasheme, nono to fat, and!” ‘Lie importa of the past woath, «4 published, ara: BOWNE & Co caught up wilh « dogreo of evldify ax remarkablo as that with} Gore ged subscribed boforo me, this 234 day of N MPORTANT to those whe liubl
of the bert ortimated ot ¥ avt.averugs,| Frou Ben Francco, 3,604 baleey Algoa Bey. 2,042; Mar- BRA ORs which the Berlstans sclzed the original, et the moment of Jte| yes,” Wate P. HIDLERD, Alderman "| M Draed.—On pears abla yte be
Se eth ck em, Suddothts Bf crt | celles, 8.2105 Liverpodh, 1, 6:85 Ha vr, L010; London, 478) Sahel appearanes.”—[N,Y. Bra. Port. Pikes mee ees ee ta | Its te eo ee re ge Ove Dine ts Tet ee
er 04, HELO. 45 of Owens, 74 | Antwory, 090; Gibralter, Ped le. alpasateel BENS 2AM 4 P 20." N i , Sbove flaca, Philade aiation to avy eno who writes for It, that will PRES
Gate Gnidera’’320; ‘Buenos Ayres, 239; Bremen, 120; Bontay, MAUFAGTURERS OF ACCOUNT BOOKS, “ Anyet, though the werk les had tho greatest success fn a MAN ftom being DRASTED ‘without leaving tie country
lea fa AV, Baziet ottlated | 159 lo Grande, 9; Curveos,'d bales’ Nok, 009 Dales. "7" | wyoutd call tho attentiou af pursuacars to Mids leon erg of | EMBs, B0 tranlation bes eppeared in Englazd. Hero we SE Rg Ias ves OF pls! aisbilty, "Nu Rumibuy above
(eS. HE Mp cteby Cac | chile tected gf Weak a Nee te F BURREH, NOTE sod FOOLSCAE PATE ate, LED Barrer err sid plete tesalation, oxprontyaieated PHYSICIANS IN ATTENDANCE FROM @ A M. 70 Box No. 162 Post-Ollice, Philsdelpbla, Pa.
ie Zi el! at 7@ehe. 2 Dy, Eaxony Fleece, 63d03e. SE SO be NDUAI-1 of| for this editton. * * Tho Translation by Mr. Lascalles ne : Gee ee, TERT STS
wig weeeatue, £¢ Shuey Valea Stoea, Mat of | breegauriers pd Full Mond Mertae:Bleece, Be. | seo UsiegCupying PacieaT ood Dee Hath wee REE | Weexall promled by the Loodon bocktrado ome mouths | Delvared fo any elaren seeutely packed fou, sbveerauoa. | INOW See GARTNER WANTED. —Tho
Widto, pred cers, uyeraze ulroug Tcwt,, and hard to| Native eud quacter-blood Fleece, 65@672. gf avery description, Incladiog Arnold's eclebrated Writlug | ago, bas not yet appeared, and, indeed, itis probable that (bial Adldreteletory for inforautlon in contdaues to establiebod aad well-pastag Taper, weut © TURD PAI
ssiaka them acecuge Bo. Ib fi Damien Pass 620i. jo, sud Capyiog Tok of tholr ova Impertatin, 5 |Amértcan treaslation will be pirated’ in Eoglend"—[Phlls BEE Ee aD Cite NEIL, to take an active Intarest in lie bucive
Beryl Hace) Git lite Goneace Vell een fom tho] Gann Fleece Soa ING OFFICE, and will exogdtoaltoninee ee CORDS NT | Press. BELOW CHESTNUTS. | QDEEICHRS aud SOLDIERS, or their Wid
pd elie: bois @ U0 5 af thei eco vary atte bad cedi:| New-York Clty Exit Pulled fe. QOL ANS, BILICHE ADS, CATALOUUES, PAMPALUTS. "The preven traalon ts bth vigorous od fh, and —— — Patiapenrmra, | O) soa tie Ate forenrd that CUA ag PE
lo (0 our vex aier, Als, 1 bead of work City soper Pulled, 87060. apeiby mall roar hoes thus Car challenged the edmlration of all readora.”—[Dan+ f ES, RAY, RECRUITS
raul gttamated a1 owt, whlch were fed vate cy Hi i Pied, soasde _ Orders by mell promptly ettended ta ea th Gt estes t we COU Ls is prowptige ad CRUITING
steh, on tio Alles Agroult (aru, aud nro oredlt. to ea Country Pick?ock Pulled, Gud > NGS.— WE — —— | ner of . ; eeeeit Sise lve termition aod advice eed ee
iis manager: oad’ weu worthy of Gin Serene | ease amet aes ack Pal is CAMP, SONGS. — NEW EDITION, EN- al edition in Eaghib; fravilated, by a ceatleman BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS Ceathintog lawe aad lavtrustlonse teal he
Dich wa boro Nill etimniate como of Mr. Uatch’s| Counlry super Palted, = tloual, Petriotlo, Bentimental eva Social gougetioa._of Ne: | of accomplahments aud abilities wull known to the Amoricen UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, s DBE:
> cf bourke of Thos Goutsy betbar Pola, O72. While tho niusio de atteahed, designed to relieve the dun | Prews/’—[N. Y. Dally Times who endeavor to diposo “OF THEIR OWN* and] Séllcttors of Ciatmn
ES for 5. 10, 25 and 8 Cants, E
d oll supplied. Tha prica HELMBOLD" 7 ‘! best bank-nolu style. Samp
Y 4a ouly Ton Ceate, on roclipt of which e copy will be meliod | Postpaid, on recelpt of price. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION 7 STP ee ane ree
eo LA REET Oe eT to auy addrese DIFSON & Co, Publishers: Bonet ‘TO CLUBS, HEEMBCED SS DORE Bee aU SN a. PORN AR, NowsVork.
rot, nv, Of ewe. ond cold ated the IGHT EDUCATION OF THE When Sent by Expres RILLA, ‘ ne
Mg toa Fin Uawasies 3 y > THE SEXES; iad ona sz_| EE 5 TET aos
CN ad ope ene thenesiat, S@oThe. Start Rigi fu Llfo; Tha Rey. Mr. ae Cou.| 5 Copter of any ono volume, cloth, S4—paper, 62 HELMBOLDS eg ETROYED: (ROSE 500 Hones WANTED FORTHE UNE
Capsol (oad Hoke Washed Fullea, soucoas science; New Views on Phrenology; Sento of Juatice;| 10 Volames, cloth..- et, 8350 ound Ho: ant, which we will pay cash (oy.
eed toes aE HORACE OREELEY— Mts Likeness and Oharacters ined | 2 $16— SOLD_BY New-¥. ‘y ete Ba
a aa350. $f S22 sea, Address, FOWLER & WELLS, No, a0 | Orders most bo accompanied with the Money. ASK FOR LiELMUOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER.
i WRF rican NY. ‘Aidion s Cut gab the advertisewont end send for Us 250 RARE RECEIP1S—Including
et be ater \ aking off the 30 conta 1? Buenos Ayres Unyrushed Saxony Fleece, W220. OW TO GET A PATENT.—A 3 cent PE TRIBUNE. PAD A Ea oe ey Gano meds by tos" Hoje Mbeteby, voveral dalla aw
“No. You have bought (em #t 642: cot oe cock wi be] Hurnoe Ayres Unwashed Netrmaagliocce, WAS6. eed fecures a copy of tho ! INVENTOR’S GUIDE.” Noy 156 Namsan-at., IW ALL CONMUNIGATIONS. free by swail ou recelpt.of 12 conten” soy cr Ett, Book sends
Bisace Ayres Unpnies, Aicayzo, pleases Am j Addie FOWLER l WELLS, No, 3 Broodwoy HX New-Yerk | CURES QUARANTEED! ADVICE GRATIS |" BIAFFORD WCs,, Pablabers Na DreaseeR. Ye